Glen Beck.. Liberals don't laugh

Lumpy 1

Diamond Member
Jun 19, 2009
I find Glen Beck's humorous approach to politics to be just great, the guy makes me laugh.
He's not all fun and games but the guy's presentation is unique and entertaining.

Why is it that Democrats can't laugh at there own bone headed leaders?
What does he mean? This made me laugh! :lol:

Who's Glen Beck? All I know is Glenn Beck. :eusa_whistle:

Glenn's logic is flawed so much of the time.

Here's a fun example:

Lee Harvey Oswald killed John F. Kennedy on November 22, 1963. Lee Harvey himself was killed shortly after.

Glenn Beck was born on February 10, 1964. His middle name is Lee. Obviously, his parents were admirers of Oswald and named their son's middle name after him. So therefore, Glenn Lee Beck is a Communist.

All seriousness though: :eusa_eh:
I find Glen Beck's humorous approach to politics to be just great, the guy makes me laugh.
He's not all fun and games but the guy's presentation is unique and entertaining.

Why is it that Democrats can't laugh at there own bone headed leaders?

No one from the Westside of Washington is funny, they are too depressed all the time!:razz:
And I laughed at Glenn when he was on Leno, so your assumptions are a little false!:razz:
Who's Glen Beck? All I know is Glenn Beck. :eusa_whistle:

Glenn's logic is flawed so much of the time.

Here's a fun example:

Lee Harvey Oswald killed John F. Kennedy on November 22, 1963. Lee Harvey himself was killed shortly after.

Glenn Beck was born on February 10, 1964. His middle name is Lee. Obviously, his parents were admirers of Oswald and named their son's middle name after him. So therefore, Glenn Lee Beck is a Communist.

All seriousness though: :eusa_eh:

Would you trust someone's parents who named their child Adolf?
Who's Glen Beck? All I know is Glenn Beck. :eusa_whistle:

Glenn's logic is flawed so much of the time.

Here's a fun example:

Lee Harvey Oswald killed John F. Kennedy on November 22, 1963. Lee Harvey himself was killed shortly after.

Glenn Beck was born on February 10, 1964. His middle name is Lee. Obviously, his parents were admirers of Oswald and named their son's middle name after him. So therefore, Glenn Lee Beck is a Communist.

All seriousness though: :eusa_eh:
:lol: :lol:

I laugh at Glenn I think he's hilarious.

Scary bat shit crazy at times, but hilarious.

Do cons laugh with John Stewart?
:lol: :lol:

I laugh at Glenn I think he's hilarious.

Scary bat shit crazy at times, but hilarious.

Do cons laugh with John Stewart?

I'd laugh while watching Glenn Beck if I didn't realize that people at home are listening to him and believing every word he says.
:lol: :lol:

I laugh at Glenn I think he's hilarious.

Scary bat shit crazy at times, but hilarious.

Do cons laugh with John Stewart?

I'd laugh while watching Glenn Beck if I didn't realize that people at home are listening to him and believing every word he says.

Same was true of Al Franken and Michael Moore.

But this thread isn't about them, is it? It's about Glenn! Glenn! Glenn!

I'd laugh while watching Glenn Beck if I didn't realize that people at home are listening to him and believing every word he says.

Same was true of Al Franken and Michael Moore.

But this thread isn't about them, is it? It's about Glenn! Glenn! Glenn!


It's about them when someone asserts that those at home are believing every word he says, as if he is the only host that has that kind of following.
Who's Glen Beck? All I know is Glenn Beck. :eusa_whistle:

Glenn's logic is flawed so much of the time.

Here's a fun example:

Lee Harvey Oswald killed John F. Kennedy on November 22, 1963. Lee Harvey himself was killed shortly after.

Glenn Beck was born on February 10, 1964. His middle name is Lee. Obviously, his parents were admirers of Oswald and named their son's middle name after him. So therefore, Glenn Lee Beck is a Communist.

All seriousness though: :eusa_eh:
:lol: :lol:

I laugh at Glenn I think he's hilarious.

Scary bat shit crazy at times, but hilarious.

Do cons laugh with John Stewart?

I laugh at Stewart but when you consider that young Democrats consider it their main news source,..:eusa_doh: ....well.. that makes me laugh also.. (nothing personal Dogbert)
I find Glen Beck's humorous approach to politics to be just great, the guy makes me laugh.
He's not all fun and games but the guy's presentation is unique and entertaining.

Why is it that Democrats can't laugh at there own bone headed leaders?

No one from the Westside of Washington is funny, they are too depressed all the time!:razz:
And I laughed at Glenn when he was on Leno, so your assumptions are a little false!:razz:

Well Hell... you can hardly blame them..

I try to keep my posts short and a minimum of big words. guess why?
Who's Glen Beck? All I know is Glenn Beck. :eusa_whistle:

Glenn's logic is flawed so much of the time.

Here's a fun example:

Lee Harvey Oswald killed John F. Kennedy on November 22, 1963. Lee Harvey himself was killed shortly after.

Glenn Beck was born on February 10, 1964. His middle name is Lee. Obviously, his parents were admirers of Oswald and named their son's middle name after him. So therefore, Glenn Lee Beck is a Communist.

All seriousness though: :eusa_eh:

Would you trust someone's parents who named their child Adolf?

I wouldn't trust someone's parents who named their child "barack hussein obama."
Everyone seems to have a good laugh because of what Glenn Beck has to say and the way he says it. All of that aside, what if he's right? What if the things he is telling us is exactly the truth? Just for the sake of the conversation, how would you react if he was telling us the absolute truth?
Everyone seems to have a good laugh because of what Glenn Beck has to say and the way he says it. All of that aside, what if he's right? What if the things he is telling us is exactly the truth? Just for the sake of the conversation, how would you react if he was telling us the absolute truth?

Ergo the liberal reaction.. hate and ridicule to diminish the value of the information delivered.

I find Beck highly believable with a unique and entertaining approach.

This brings up another point in my mind. When you consider the Health Care debate or the pre-election promises made by politicians including Obama, many members on this board from the Democrat side, considered me a fool to expect that politicians be held to truth. Politicians lie that's just the way it is, you're naive if you believe otherwise.

And yet, when they review the opposing point of view... politicians, political commentators, etc. suddenly truth matters and ridicule prevails.
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