Glen Beck is a piece of shit

Why do you say that? Just because he tells the truth?? I watch Glenn ever day i can, because i know i hear the truth, and other "news" that won't be shown on other stations. I think the libs hate him because he's telling everyone truth and they're scared! Why does Fox have the highest ratings of all MSM??? Because people TRUST THEM MORE to let us know what's going on!

I've never watched Glen Beck, but I still think most 9/11 truth theorists are a sandwich short of a lunch. Does that mean they're destroying America? No. And if you seriously think everything a political pundit says is the truth you've got some growing up to do.

No, i don't believe EVERYTHING he says (or anyone in the media for that matter). But I know the majority of what he talks about and tries to warn us about is true. Libs hate him because he (and Reilly, Hannity,...etc) tell us the truth about their king Obama. But, if they'd pay attention, they will also diss ANY politician if they do something stupid, not just dems...

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