Giving The Devil His Due


Diamond Member
Feb 26, 2012
Two interesting and positive recent developments. It seems rational thought is making its way into the Mideast.

1) after much love from the Muslim World for al qaeda terror-rats, al qaeda has come under severe pressure from Muslims and gov'ts in the Muslim World. Perhaps there is hope.

2) after falsely blaming Israel for Syria's woes, Arabs have cut the crap and are focused on what is actually happening there. It ain't pretty but truth is the first step to freedom.
Two interesting and positive recent developments. It seems rational thought is making its way into the Mideast.

1) after much love from the Muslim World for al qaeda terror-rats, al qaeda has come under severe pressure from Muslims and gov'ts in the Muslim World. Perhaps there is hope.

2) after falsely blaming Israel for Syria's woes, Arabs have cut the crap and are focused on what is actually happening there. It ain't pretty but truth is the first step to freedom.


[ame=]Syrian Revolution is not Syrian[/ame]
You made a dumb thread.

And PF I disagree.

On what point(s)?

Syria. I disagree strongly.

I don't see it as an American plot.

Everyone is sick of Assad. He never won the elections, they cheated it.

I do agree on some points but I hope you're not gonna tell me it's not Bashars fault. It is.

I am not taking sides with Assad. She is just saying that the ousting of Assad is a US fueled uprising. This will probably not come out the way the people wanted.
give it some time tinnie-------soon the whole thing will become a PLOT OF THE ZIONIST CONTROLLED CIA then you will be convinced
On what point(s)?

Syria. I disagree strongly.

I don't see it as an American plot.

Everyone is sick of Assad. He never won the elections, they cheated it.

I do agree on some points but I hope you're not gonna tell me it's not Bashars fault. It is.

I am not taking sides with Assad. She is just saying that the ousting of Assad is a US fueled uprising. This will probably not come out the way the people wanted.

It won't come out the way people wanted.

The US and KSA are waiting till it is completely destroyed so they rely on their Aid. It's a sick thing. The way countries exploit it.

The old days are long gone. No one is true anymore in leadership.
Syria. I disagree strongly.

I don't see it as an American plot.

Everyone is sick of Assad. He never won the elections, they cheated it.

I do agree on some points but I hope you're not gonna tell me it's not Bashars fault. It is.

I am not taking sides with Assad. She is just saying that the ousting of Assad is a US fueled uprising. This will probably not come out the way the people wanted.

It won't come out the way people wanted.

The US and KSA are waiting till it is completely destroyed so they rely on their Aid. It's a sick thing. The way countries exploit it.

The old days are long gone. No one is true anymore in leadership.

The only course I see, is to support whoever supports Democracy...sure Islamists might come to power but as long as it stays democratic they will have to deliver more freedom and prosperity or they too will get booted out.

Rebellions and Civil wars are the only way to shake off the imposed Feudalism of the Sheiks and Kings etc.

They need freedom and dignity.
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I am not taking sides with Assad. She is just saying that the ousting of Assad is a US fueled uprising. This will probably not come out the way the people wanted.

It won't come out the way people wanted.

The US and KSA are waiting till it is completely destroyed so they rely on their Aid. It's a sick thing. The way countries exploit it.

The old days are long gone. No one is true anymore in leadership.

The only course I see, is to support whoever supports Democracy...sure Islamists might come to power but as long as it stays democratic they will have to deliver more freedom and prosperity or they too will get booted out.

Rebellions and Civil wars are no only way to shake off the imposed Feudalism of the Sheiks and Kings etc.

They need to freedom and dignity.

Agreed. If they make it better it has to happen or people will be upset
islamicism is not democracy----it is shariah. Maldives had a "democratic" vote----and voted to require ALL CITIZENS to be muslim----if a non muslim does not wish to convert to islam ----he loses his citizenship In 1860 If the people of the south USA were asked to vote on the issue of slavery---blacks in the US would still be picking cotton ----enslaved. Anyone out there believe that if Israel had a "democratic vote" asking "should muslims be allowed to SET FOOT in Jerusalem" -----and muslims lost that one-----YOU WOULD CALL ISRAEL A DEMOCRACY?

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