Gingrich Pledges To Establish Permanent Base On The Moon ‘By The End Of My 2nd Term'


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2011
Native America
In a speech pandering to Florida’s aerospace community ahead of the state’s primary, GOP contender Newt Gingrich made a bold pledge to establish a permanent U.S. base on the moon “by the end of my second term.” He further promised that if he becomes president, America will get a man to Mars “in a remarkably short time.” A budget-conscious President Obama ended the program for a lunar colony and moon trip after NASA reported it didn’t have the money for any part of the plan, “and even if it were to get a budget infusion, the schedule was unworkable.” Gingrich rebutted the charge that he is “grandiose” by comparing himself to Abraham Lincoln, the Wright Brothers and John F. Kennedy. ThinkProgress has previously reported on Gingrich’s curious space fetish, which has included an idea for a “mirror system in space could provide the light equivalent of many full moons” for nighttime driving.

Gingrich Pledges To Establish Permanent Base On The Moon 'By The End Of My Second Term' | ThinkProgress

[ame=]Gingrich Promises Moon Base By End Of Second Term - YouTube[/ame]
ThinkProgress has previously reported on Gingrich’s curious space fetish, which has included an idea for a “mirror system in space could provide the light equivalent of many full moons” for nighttime driving.

Wow, that sounds cool...
ThinkProgress has previously reported on Gingrich’s curious space fetish, which has included an idea for a “mirror system in space could provide the light equivalent of many full moons” for nighttime driving.

Wow, that sounds cool...

maybe they base you and thinkprogress from it.

Wait, how is that possible? We've been repeatedly assured that Republicans hate science.

And it takes a lot of science to get stuff to and build stuff on the moon.


That should give you a hint about who/what Newt really is...
Wait, how is that possible? We've been repeatedly assured that Republicans hate science.

And it takes a lot of science to get stuff to and build stuff on the moon.


THey do hate science and the proof is that Newt thinks a base will on the moon in 8 years.
Wait, how is that possible? We've been repeatedly assured that Republicans hate science.

And it takes a lot of science to get stuff to and build stuff on the moon.


newt will use the test results of the basic research done by bill clinton (personally), claim it as his own, then will outsource construction to the chinese to build that base on the moon.

he will shut the base down, when he needs to ride in the back of the chinese/euro shuttle.
Wait, how is that possible? We've been repeatedly assured that Republicans hate science.

And it takes a lot of science to get stuff to and build stuff on the moon.


Yeah, it takes a lot of science to get stuff.


" get stuff to...the moon."

Yes, it takes a lot of science to get stuff to the moon.

Is that a surprise to you?
Wait, how is that possible? We've been repeatedly assured that Republicans hate science.

And it takes a lot of science to get stuff to and build stuff on the moon.


Dave have been assured by Dean Republicans hate Science.....nuff said.....and im sure he will be along with his Quote from some Right Wing Religious nut backing him up....
There are valuable minerals on the moon. Not to mention launching space programs from the moon would be virtually free as compared to the cost of defeating the earths gravity and atmosphere.

I like the idea.

I've often told my kids if I'm alive when we actually start deep space exploration I would love to be one of the explorers. Who wouldn't want to be the Columbus of our times? We have an exciting future ahead of us in space. When we can afford it, that is.

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