Gingrich opens door for illegal immigrants (Washington Times)


Democrat all the way!
Mar 16, 2010
The Good insane United states of America
Gingrich opens door for illegal immigrants (Washington Times)
The Washington Times ^ | 25 January 2012 | Seth McLaughlin
MIAMI — Fighting to curry favor with Florida’s large pool of Hispanic voters, Newt Gingrich on Wednesday called for a guest-worker program for most illegal immigrants, but his campaign could not say whether those people would be on a path to citizenship - the key question in the immigration debate.

Under close questioning by Univision’s political host, Jorge Ramos, Mr. Gingrich said he would grant quick citizenship rights to illegal immigrants...

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Gingrich opens door for illegal immigrants - Washington Times

FUCK YOU NEWT GINGRICH!!! This is treason!:evil:
Release of criminal illegals costs 8 American lives...
Congressman: Bill to Stop Release of Dangerous Criminal Immigrants Could Have Prevented at Least Eight Deaths So Far
March 28, 2012 - Signing the Keep Our Communities Safe Act into law, which would prevent the release of criminal aliens into U.S. communities, could have prevented eight deaths so far, according to House Judiciary Committee Chairman Lamar Smith (R-Texas).
The bill was approved by the judiciary panel and reported to the House on July 14, 2011. However, the bill has failed to become law. The act grants the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) with the ability detain specified dangerous criminal immigrants under orders of removal who cannot be removed for as long as it is necessary. Binh Thai Luc, a criminal alien from Vietnam, who was ordered removed by an immigration judge six years ago after he was convicted of two felonies, is suspected of having murdered five people in San Francisco last week after he being released by Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) in December 2006, a component of DHS, reported the Los Angeles Times on March 27. ICE released the individual, because Vietnam refused to provide the appropriate travel documents required for his repatriation.

At the heart of why the committee passed the bill is the Supreme Court 2001 ruling that immigrants who had been admitted into the country and then ordered deported could not be held in custody for more than six months if the removal would not take place in the “reasonably foreseeable future.” In 2005, the Supreme Court expanded its decision to apply to illegal aliens. The high court failed to take into count that some countries are unwilling to accept nationals, including criminals, who have been ordered deported by the U.S. “It is a tragedy that five Americans lost their lives because a dangerous criminal immigrant could not be deported to his home country. This makes at least eight preventable deaths because we have not signed a legislative remedy [Keep Our Communities Safe Act] into law,” said Chairman Smith in a statement released Tuesday. “Binh Thai Lac, an immigrant from Vietnam, was convicted of two felonies and ordered removed by an immigration judge in 2006,” Smith said.

“But since Vietnam refused to issue the travel documents necessary to send this criminal immigrant home, federal authorities were forced to release Luc back onto the street because of two Supreme Court rulings that have inadvertently created a safe haven for dangerous illegal and criminal immigrants,” he continued. “Just because a criminal immigrant cannot be returned to their home country does not mean they should be freed into our communities. Dangerous criminal immigrants need to be detained,” Smith added. “Last year the House Judiciary Committee approved a bill to fix this problem, the Keep Our Communities Safe Act. This bill is desperately needed,” he further added. “We cannot continue to let dangerous criminal immigrants slip through the cracks of our legal justice system,” he said. “We have a responsibility to make sure the laws of this land protect Americans rather than endanger them. While we are too late to undo past tragedies, we should act now to prevent many more,” Smith said.

According to the House Judiciary Committee, about 8,000 immigrants with deportation orders have been released in the last two years because their home countries refuse to take them back. The Department of Justice has stated that those immigrants include rapist, murderers, and child molesters, among other dangerous aliens, the committee added. So far since the bill was approved by the committee, at least eight people have died, including the five who were recently murdered by the Vietnamese criminal alien – Hua Shun Lei, Vincent Lei, Ying Xue Lei, Wan Yi Xu, Chia Huei Chu, revealed the committee. The other three people are – Ashley Chow, Qian Wu, and Florida Police Officer Andrew Widman.

Republicans love illegals since Reagan, but like Reagan, they are only concerned about the debt and illegals when they are out of power.
IRS comes up with its own backdoor 'path to citizenship'...
IRS Commissioner: Paying Taxes Is Pathway to Citizenship for Illegal Aliens
April 5, 2012 – Internal Revenue Service Commissioner Douglas Shulman said Thursday that paying taxes is a pathway to citizenship for illegal aliens.
At the National Press Club in Washington, D.C., 12 days before this year's tax-filing deadline (Apr. 17), Shulman was asked about what his agency is doing to collect taxes from illegal aliens. “You know, it’s a great question,” he said. “One of the pathways to citizenship that people believe is a good one is--even if you’re not in this country legally--to pay taxes.” “And so our job is to make sure, if you work in this country and you have a tax obligation, that you file a tax return,” said Shulman. “That’s what we try to do. And so our job is around exactly what whoever wrote the question asked, which is to make sure taxes are paid. We’re not responsible for the other pieces of immigration law, immigration policy.”

Illegal aliens do not have legitimate Social Security Numbers that entitle them to work in the United States--or to file federal tax returns. IRS and Social Security Administration records show that every year many millions of people file taxes using Social Security Numbers that either were never issued by the government or do not match the name of the person using it. In 2006 testimony in the House Ways and Means Subcommittee on Social Security, Deputy Social Security Commissioner James Lockhart said that in 2003 alone 8.8 million W-2 forms had been filed on which the Social Security Number and name did not match and after investigation the government could not attribute the W-2 to a known taxpayer. The Social Security Administration, he said, believed the principal cause of these no-match W-2s was "unauthorized work" being done by illegal aliens.

"For the latest year we have information, which is taxpayer year 2003," Lockhart testified, "we had about 8.8 million or 3.7 percent of the total W-2s remained in the suspense file." "Our inspector general, Pat O'Carroll ... and many others believe that this growth is due to unauthorized work by non-citizens, and that stronger worksite enforcement is needed," said Lockhart. The IRS has interpreted the Internal Revenue Code to mean that the Social Security Administration cannot inform the Department of Homeland Security even about employers who are filing large numbers of W-2s on which the Social Security Number and name do not match.

Current IRS Commission Shulman, however, views it is an act of good citizenship when a foreign national working in the United States illegally files a tax return. “I think you actually have a lot of people in this country who pay taxes who aren’t here legally," Shulman said at the press club. "[They] file returns so they can show a track record of being good citizens.” “The people who are being good members of society, the people who do that, obviously, are contributing to the national defense, they’re contributing to our roads, they’re contributing to our schools, and that’s just what we want,” he said. “And so we try to run the system in a really fair way that allows everybody to pay taxes who needs to pay taxes.”

The topic of Shulman’s discussion at the National Press Club was the “sustained arc of progress” at the IRS. According to the Pew Research Center, there were 11.2 million illegal immigrants living in the United States as of March 2010. A report released by the Immigration Policy Center analyzing data for that same year found that households headed by illegal immigrants paid a combined total of $11.2 billion in taxes, including $1.2 billion in personal income taxes, $1.6 billion in property taxes, and $8.4 billion in sales taxes.


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