Gingrich: Blacks Should Demand Paychecks Not Food Stamps


Democrat all the way!
Mar 16, 2010
The Good insane United states of America

"So I'm prepared, if the NAACP invites me, I'll go to their convention and talk about why the African-American community should demand paychecks and not be satisfied with food stamps," Newt Gingrich said at a townhall event in Plymouth, N.H. today.

Gingrich: Blacks Should Demand Paychecks Not Food Stamps | RealClearPolitics

Gingrich: Blacks Should Demand Paychecks Not Food Stamps | RealClearPolitics

Shouldn't they have to work for those Pay checks Mr.Gingrich?:doubt:
[ame=]Ron Paul Calls Newt A Chicken Hawk ! - YouTube[/ame]
Start working and you will end up with a paycheck.

Work your head out of your butt and you will find you need a job before you get a paycheck.

Your head is up your ass if you don't recognize that people born into generational welfare, whether they be black or white, are robbed of the opportunity to experience the sort of freedom and independence that is derived from earning a living. Don't deny that in good and bad economic times, some people do not have a compass to understand the value of providing for themselves and their children, versus the government providing for themselves and their children. Of course it's not PC for a rich old white dude to point that out...too bad Obama didn't step up to the plate.
CBS News found that of the people on food stamps in Iowa, only nine percent are black and 84 percent are white.

Santorum targets blacks in entitlement reform - Political Hotsheet - CBS News

Craig T. Nelson on Government Aid - YouTube

And... you fucking IDIOT BUFFOON, misleading LIAR.... the white population of Iowa is over 91%... meaning the proportion of blacks to population claiming food stamps is HIGHER than that of whites

Go play some russian roulette with a fully loaded gun
CBS News found that of the people on food stamps in Iowa, only 9 percent are black and 84 percent are white.
Iowa? What's the racial makeup of that State?

Iowa QuickFacts from the US Census Bureau
White: 91.3%
Black: 2.9%
Obviously Blacks are taking far more that their "fair share" of food stamps. They should do with less amirite?

We only want what's Fair! :D

Damn, maybe I should move there. My new home on the oregon coast is only 88 percent white.:badgrin:

"So I'm prepared, if the NAACP invites me, I'll go to their convention and talk about why the African-American community should demand paychecks and not be satisfied with food stamps," Newt Gingrich said at a townhall event in Plymouth, N.H. today.

Gingrich: Blacks Should Demand Paychecks Not Food Stamps | RealClearPolitics

Gingrich: Blacks Should Demand Paychecks Not Food Stamps | RealClearPolitics

Shouldn't they have to work for those Pay checks Mr.Gingrich?:doubt:

Im pretty sure thats what he is driving at. There is plenty of crap on Newt without having to rely on spin to make him look bad. Lucky I dont hit your rep for that.
I'm pretty certain that Newt Gingrich meant, demand paychecks for working and not food stamps. He isn't saying "demand the government give you cash instead of foodstamps". You understand a "paycheck" is specifically related to payment for work - otherwise it would be called a "Government check", "Unemployment check", Welfare check". A pay-for-work check, is called a paycheck. Just thought i'd add.
I'm pretty certain that Newt Gingrich meant, demand paychecks for working and not food stamps. He isn't saying "demand the government give you cash instead of foodstamps". You understand a "paycheck" is specifically related to payment for work - otherwise it would be called a "Government check", "Unemployment check", Welfare check". A pay-for-work check, is called a paycheck. Just thought i'd add.

Yes, yes, yes. Everything you said is absolutely true - and obvious - but that doesn't fit with how the lefty clowns in here want it to be, so don't try to spoil their disingenuousness. It's all they've got for crying out loud!

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