Gifts dont work


Apr 18, 2004
Everyone continually missed the point of what has transpired in Iraq.

The underestimation of post war Iraq by this administration is purely the lack of understanding of FREEDOM by the Iraqi population. If they had fought at all for their freedom, post war Iraq would be a totally different picture. These people are waiting for the next terrorist regime to take hold, one that might be worse than the one we ousted. The concept they will actually participate in a free election....they cannot make that leap in their minds.

That is what I am waiting to hear from the administration or from Geo Tennet or someone.

They are no doubt pleased to see the US soldier coming down the street, but they must act just as excited if they see the local terrorist thug, he might be the next president of Iraq.

If the population had a clue, their shear numbers could result in an overwhelming revolution. If that were the case, they didnt need the US to intervene. Why do you think the Iranian heirarchy is so nervous these days? If the Iranian movement overthrows that government, it will be much different than what is in Iraq. Why doesnt Al Jereez show how great things are in Kuwaitt? The Kuwaittis are the richest people per capita in the world, and they dont work. The government pays them from oil revenues. How much more oil does Iraq have than Kuwaitt? The Iraqis could live much better than the Kuwaittis.

And, again, it is all about oil.
Interesting post.

Sometimes I try to put myself in the shoes of an Iraqi person, and admittedly, this is not easy. For one, their culture is SOOOO different. It is hard to comprehend a society in which it is customary for a brother or cousin or father to murder a rape victim, for example, to save face. It is also quite impossible to imagine (though maybe less so for my Grandfather who fought facism in Europe) livingin a country ruled by a murderous dictator like S.Hussein.

Liekwise, it must be quite hard for the Iraqi people to relate to the US. A country where people have the right to practice their religion in relative peace, women have equal rights to men, a house with a picket fence a dog and 2.2 kids, etc.

I believe that this cultural barrier is the central obstacle in establishing peace and a new government in Iraq. Well, that and the thousands of misguided souls who claim allegiance to sick, murderous fucks like Al Sadr and OBL.

I believe that while we may be relatively successful on the one hand in rooting out the terrorists, we may be failing on the diplomatic front. This is no easy task, though. I'm not sure I have a solution here except to say that I think it was foolish for our administration not to have thought this plan out a little better.
I have a question:

Why must America put itself in others shoes time and time again yet when the hell does anyone ever reciprocate?
I'm afraid someone is going to respond by saying "we are above all that " so watch out.

Liked you post--I also think that freedom is such a foreign (pardon me) concept that is is overwhelming. They need someone to tell them what to do now. Living under saddam may have been a bitch but you didnt have to think for your self. Now that IS a scary thing-----Heck--half of America is still to afraid to do it. The media, the church (ducking) and economics will guide them.
Originally posted by Patriot
I have a question:

Why must America put itself in others shoes time and time again yet when the hell does anyone ever reciprocate?

Only for the sake of trying to predict their reaction to 125,000 U.S. troops in their country.
Originally posted by Patriot
So by doing that we should then smoke them like cheap cigars?

I don't know what that means. Are you putting words in my mouth like RWA?:eek:

And it's been such a pleasant eevening without him around.:(

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