Getting the trash off the street & Americans back in control.


Take Down ~ Tap Out
Aug 27, 2010
First, I don't consider criminals as Americans. I consider Americans are Americans. I would like to clean the trash off the streets of America, and make our public life one where you can send your 89 year old mother to store up the street at midnight, and not worry about her being safe. Instead I am on the phone today discussing with my mom that she go down and get herself a 30 Cal clip pistol to carry loaded in her purse. Fuck the trash on the streets and parking lots and in malls.

I was out to lunch today, and looking out the window to the curb, there was a truck with a guy behind the wheel (A pimp), and his prostitute is bent over onto the seat shooting up as old ladies walking by gawk in shock at what they are seeing. Another guy is completely out of his mind and talking to god and himself, waving his arms. The streets are crawling trash, and when the police come by it is like cockroaches running for the Raid can. The same drug store block away where from where one of my ladies was carjacked & kidnapped, robbed, beaten, a month before, was robbed last night by two men who beat the security guard senseless & stole the whole cash register off the counter. This is a city that voted for less cops, and just had a measure to cut firemens pay and benefits.

Like I have always known, people...the trash are going to eat. And one by one they are going to take everyone of you down and rob you in the cruelest ways you as their prey can imagine.

I have a Joe Sheriff cure for the trash on the street, and may spend some time developing the idea and getting the word out to your city's as well. I know it always comes down to money, and like our local police Department is working 4 days a week, while poverty and crime continue to escalate. Thanks voters.

I propose major city's, those city's that can afford it, to build a large prison walled type community outside of town. A place where people can live until they are rehabilitated and have a job. Then we take all the social workers who normally help these people all over town, and send them there. All the counseling, health, food, clothing, etc. donations can be sent there for these people. By people I am talking about the Trash on the streets.

Once set up, the police will go out and start picking up the trash until they clean our streets up. The trash, are going to meet one of three scenarios.

1.They are Trash without a home, and these are immediately taken to the facility.

2.They claim they are self sufficient, so they must provide an address, and the police go there and see if he has drugs, stolen property, etc. No job, and no reason for no job, he is taken to the facility.

3.They are criminals, they have a home. Police take him to the home, check for criminal activity, a job, food in the frig, and signs that he is self-sufficient, you leave him there. Otherwise, it is to jail or out to the facility.

I would bet the streets would be swept clean in less that a month, and the trash would move on to be some other city's problem. Meantime the facility can work with new Americans to rehabilitate them, and get them jobs and place to live, etc. in the community. It would seem this would be cheaper in the long run, and the best alternative for the city citizens.
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Where do you plan to get the money for this?

How about this: We get the garbage out of our hearts and then help others do the same.
Great thread!

Obviously anybody found out on the public streets and sidewalks needs to be rounded up and stowed away forever behind bars or walls with no due process of law.

That much is self evident.

Real Americans stay safely sequestered within the walls of their property 24/7/365, guns clutched to their sides, fingers ready on the trigger, second amendment!


First, I don't consider criminals as Americans. I consider Americans are Americans. I would like to clean the trash off the streets of America, and make our public life one where you can send your 89 year old mother to store up the street at midnight, and not worry about her being safe. Instead I am on the phone today discussing with my mom that she go down and get herself a 30 Cal clip pistol to carry loaded in her purse. Fuck the trash on the streets and parking lots and in malls.

I was out to lunch today, and looking out the window to the curb, there was a truck with a guy behind the wheel (A pimp), and his prostitute is bent over onto the seat shooting up as old ladies walking by gawk in shock at what they are seeing. Another guy is completely out of his mind and talking to god and himself, waving his arms. The streets are crawling trash, and when the police come by it is like cockroaches running for the Raid can. The same drug store block away where from where one of my ladies was carjacked & kidnapped, robbed, beaten, a month before, was robbed last night by two men who beat the security guard senseless & stole the whole cash register off the counter. This is a city that voted for less cops, and just had a measure to cut firemens pay and benefits.

Like I have always known, people...the trash are going to eat. And one by one they are going to take everyone of you down and rob you in the cruelest ways you as their prey can imagine.

I have a Joe Sheriff cure for the trash on the street, and may spend some time developing the idea and getting the word out to your city's as well. I know it always comes down to money, and like our local police Department is working 4 days a week, while poverty and crime continue to escalate. Thanks voters.

I propose major city's, those city's that can afford it, to build a large prison walled type community outside of town. A place where people can live until they are rehabilitated and have a job. Then we take all the social workers who normally help these people all over town, and send them there. All the counseling, health, food, clothing, etc. donations can be sent there for these people. By people I am talking about the Trash on the streets.

Once set up, the police will go out and start picking up the trash until they clean our streets up. The trash, are going to meet one of three scenarios.

1.They are Trash without a home, and these are immediately taken to the facility.

2.They claim they are self sufficient, so they must provide an address, and the police go there and see if he has drugs, stolen property, etc. No job, and no reason for no job, he is taken to the facility.

3.They are criminals, they have a home. Police take him to the home, check for criminal activity, a job, food in the frig, and signs that he is self-sufficient, you leave him there. Otherwise, it is to jail or out to the facility.

I would bet the streets would be swept clean in less that a month, and the trash would move on to be some other city's problem. Meantime the facility can work with new Americans to rehabilitate them, and get them jobs and place to live, etc. in the community. It would seem this would be cheaper in the long run, and the best alternative for the city citizens.

My first guess would be get rid of the ACLU. They're the bleeding hearts who meticulously look for any reason to fight as hard as they can to destroy our judicial system and everything else that has been good and great about this country - coddle our felons, clothe, feed, house and educate people of all races and cultures who enter this country illegally, burn the American flag under the guise of freedom of speech, legitimize porn as a matter of free speech - but strip the country of everything decent, moral, or religious because they're "offensive."
So the first thing you want is to be able to send your 89 year old grandmother to the store at midnight?

That's where he lost me too. If my 89 year old grandmother needed something at midnight, I'd go for her. I certainly wouldn't 'send' her to the store.
Whenever you have a place where millions of people want to live in the same place...there will always be people that lose their homes, commit crimes against others, develop drug habits, try to make money the easy way rather then through hard work, and so-on.

Put a Liberal in charge then they try to sink money into programs that support and perpetuate this activity. I can't say the cons are any better because many of them just want to lock people up which is not always a solution.

The fact is there is no simple solution and everything has to be done on a case by case basis. One thing that seems to work is when a person becomes a repeat offender it's usually because the punishment isn't severe enough to change their ways. The insane or those with handicaps are a different story. There will always be examples of somebody getting shafted so that is a given.
First, I don't consider criminals as Americans. I consider Americans are Americans. I would like to clean the trash off the streets of America, and make our public life one where you can send your 89 year old mother to store up the street at midnight, and not worry about her being safe. Instead I am on the phone today discussing with my mom that she go down and get herself a 30 Cal clip pistol to carry loaded in her purse. Fuck the trash on the streets and parking lots and in malls.

I was out to lunch today, and looking out the window to the curb, there was a truck with a guy behind the wheel (A pimp), and his prostitute is bent over onto the seat shooting up as old ladies walking by gawk in shock at what they are seeing. Another guy is completely out of his mind and talking to god and himself, waving his arms. The streets are crawling trash, and when the police come by it is like cockroaches running for the Raid can. The same drug store block away where from where one of my ladies was carjacked & kidnapped, robbed, beaten, a month before, was robbed last night by two men who beat the security guard senseless & stole the whole cash register off the counter. This is a city that voted for less cops, and just had a measure to cut firemens pay and benefits.

Like I have always known, people...the trash are going to eat. And one by one they are going to take everyone of you down and rob you in the cruelest ways you as their prey can imagine.

I have a Joe Sheriff cure for the trash on the street, and may spend some time developing the idea and getting the word out to your city's as well. I know it always comes down to money, and like our local police Department is working 4 days a week, while poverty and crime continue to escalate. Thanks voters.

I propose major city's, those city's that can afford it, to build a large prison walled type community outside of town. A place where people can live until they are rehabilitated and have a job. Then we take all the social workers who normally help these people all over town, and send them there. All the counseling, health, food, clothing, etc. donations can be sent there for these people. By people I am talking about the Trash on the streets.

Once set up, the police will go out and start picking up the trash until they clean our streets up. The trash, are going to meet one of three scenarios.

1.They are Trash without a home, and these are immediately taken to the facility.

2.They claim they are self sufficient, so they must provide an address, and the police go there and see if he has drugs, stolen property, etc. No job, and no reason for no job, he is taken to the facility.

3.They are criminals, they have a home. Police take him to the home, check for criminal activity, a job, food in the frig, and signs that he is self-sufficient, you leave him there. Otherwise, it is to jail or out to the facility.

I would bet the streets would be swept clean in less that a month, and the trash would move on to be some other city's problem. Meantime the facility can work with new Americans to rehabilitate them, and get them jobs and place to live, etc. in the community. It would seem this would be cheaper in the long run, and the best alternative for the city citizens.

Funny how the idea of locking up criminals and vagrants is now a novel idea. The first charge of government is to keep the public safe from criminals, yet these days the government seems too busy with just about everything else other than locking up criminals. Thanks to liberalism government cares more about welfare, entitlements, and education than running a justice system that isn't a joke.

This country needs a massive overhaul of its justice system, its been long overdue.
First, I don't consider criminals as Americans. I consider Americans are Americans. I would like to clean the trash off the streets of America, and make our public life one where you can send your 89 year old mother to store up the street at midnight, and not worry about her being safe. Instead I am on the phone today discussing with my mom that she go down and get herself a 30 Cal clip pistol to carry loaded in her purse. Fuck the trash on the streets and parking lots and in malls.

I was out to lunch today, and looking out the window to the curb, there was a truck with a guy behind the wheel (A pimp), and his prostitute is bent over onto the seat shooting up as old ladies walking by gawk in shock at what they are seeing. Another guy is completely out of his mind and talking to god and himself, waving his arms. The streets are crawling trash, and when the police come by it is like cockroaches running for the Raid can. The same drug store block away where from where one of my ladies was carjacked & kidnapped, robbed, beaten, a month before, was robbed last night by two men who beat the security guard senseless & stole the whole cash register off the counter. This is a city that voted for less cops, and just had a measure to cut firemens pay and benefits.

Like I have always known, people...the trash are going to eat. And one by one they are going to take everyone of you down and rob you in the cruelest ways you as their prey can imagine.

I have a Joe Sheriff cure for the trash on the street, and may spend some time developing the idea and getting the word out to your city's as well. I know it always comes down to money, and like our local police Department is working 4 days a week, while poverty and crime continue to escalate. Thanks voters.

I propose major city's, those city's that can afford it, to build a large prison walled type community outside of town. A place where people can live until they are rehabilitated and have a job. Then we take all the social workers who normally help these people all over town, and send them there. All the counseling, health, food, clothing, etc. donations can be sent there for these people. By people I am talking about the Trash on the streets.

Once set up, the police will go out and start picking up the trash until they clean our streets up. The trash, are going to meet one of three scenarios.

1.They are Trash without a home, and these are immediately taken to the facility.

2.They claim they are self sufficient, so they must provide an address, and the police go there and see if he has drugs, stolen property, etc. No job, and no reason for no job, he is taken to the facility.

3.They are criminals, they have a home. Police take him to the home, check for criminal activity, a job, food in the frig, and signs that he is self-sufficient, you leave him there. Otherwise, it is to jail or out to the facility.

I would bet the streets would be swept clean in less that a month, and the trash would move on to be some other city's problem. Meantime the facility can work with new Americans to rehabilitate them, and get them jobs and place to live, etc. in the community. It would seem this would be cheaper in the long run, and the best alternative for the city citizens.

Funny how the idea of locking up criminals and vagrants is now a novel idea. The first charge of government is to keep the public safe from criminals, yet these days the government seems too busy with just about everything else other than locking up criminals. Thanks to liberalism government cares more about welfare, entitlements, and education than running a justice system that isn't a joke.

This country needs a massive overhaul of its justice system, its been long overdue.

While I do agree that the justice system needs an overhaul, your supporting argument does not bear out this conclusion:

New High In U.S. Prison Numbers
Growth Attributed To More Stringent Sentencing Laws

By N.C. Aizenman
Washington Post Staff Writer
Friday, February 29, 2008; Page A01

More than one in 100 adults in the United States is in jail or prison, an all-time high that is costing state governments nearly $50 billion a year and the federal government $5 billion more, according to a report released yesterday.

With more than 2.3 million people behind bars, the United States leads the world in both the number and percentage of residents it incarcerates, leaving far-more-populous China a distant second, according to a study by the nonpartisan Pew Center on the States.

I cant link to the washington post article because I havent yet posted 15 times.

edit: As that was my 15th post, lets see if I can now link it:
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I have a Joe Sheriff cure for the trash on the street.... offer no "cures" for anything. You're merely treating symptoms; a time-honored tradition in the U.S. (...putting a band-aid on a symptom...and, expecting a standing-ovation. :rolleyes: )

Example: Drug-addiction -> Does "drying-out"/"cleaning-up" cure the addict?'re merely treating the symptoms of their addiction!!

The only way to cure an addict is to give them the "tools" (necessary) to deal with the issues that drove them to addiction. Lacking that....they'll drop right-back-into addiction (with one-substance-or-another).

Seeing-as-how most people are unfamiliar-with (or, who've never had a direct/indirect relationship to) drug-addiction, here's a more-familiar....

Example: FOOD-addiction!! Does "forcing" (if that's possible) someone, who's grossly-overweight, to lose all the unnecessary-weight (they're carrying), CURE THEM??? Most people know better-than-that.

Those Trash-without-a-home folks, you many of them are combat-vets??
What's your cure, for them....job-training????? :eusa_eh:

There's a HUGE difference, between SYMPTOMS (of an underlying-problem), and the ACTUAL-PROBLEM....and, there's NO one less-aware of the differences (between the two), than you folks who're constantly looking for Easy Answers to all this Country's problems!!
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So the first thing you want is to be able to send your 89 year old grandmother to the store at midnight?

So the first thing you want is to be able to send your 89 year old grandmother to the store at midnight?

That's where he lost me too. If my 89 year old grandmother needed something at midnight, I'd go for her. I certainly wouldn't 'send' her to the store.

He's thinking of buying her a gun. If she has to go out alone at night that is a good idea in my opinion.
So the first thing you want is to be able to send your 89 year old grandmother to the store at midnight?

So the first thing you want is to be able to send your 89 year old grandmother to the store at midnight?

That's where he lost me too. If my 89 year old grandmother needed something at midnight, I'd go for her. I certainly wouldn't 'send' her to the store.

He's thinking of buying her a gun. If she has to go out alone at night that is a good idea in my opinion.

mmm...thats one solution of course...but I am not sure that is the best course. I dont know his 89 year old mother, and I dont know if she is in control of her faculties enough to own a handgun...that kind of worries me.

If it is that bad in the area she is in, maybe get her out of there? Let her stay in his home. If she really doesn't want to leave the area, maybe another family member could stay with her? Or at the VERY least, have her understand that if she need s something that late at someone.

There are many many things that can happen to an elderly person out at midnight other than being accosted by a criminal.
A little prudence and common sense would go a long way, IMO
Great thread!

Obviously anybody found out on the public streets and sidewalks needs to be rounded up and stowed away forever behind bars or walls with no due process of law.

That much is self evident.

We need a return to those Values....


First, I don't consider criminals as Americans. I consider Americans are Americans. I would like to clean the trash off the streets of America, and make our public life one where you can send your 89 year old mother to store up the street at midnight, and not worry about her being safe. Instead I am on the phone today discussing with my mom that she go down and get herself a 30 Cal clip pistol to carry loaded in her purse. Fuck the trash on the streets and parking lots and in malls.

I was out to lunch today, and looking out the window to the curb, there was a truck with a guy behind the wheel (A pimp), and his prostitute is bent over onto the seat shooting up as old ladies walking by gawk in shock at what they are seeing. Another guy is completely out of his mind and talking to god and himself, waving his arms. The streets are crawling trash, and when the police come by it is like cockroaches running for the Raid can. The same drug store block away where from where one of my ladies was carjacked & kidnapped, robbed, beaten, a month before, was robbed last night by two men who beat the security guard senseless & stole the whole cash register off the counter. This is a city that voted for less cops, and just had a measure to cut firemens pay and benefits.

Like I have always known, people...the trash are going to eat. And one by one they are going to take everyone of you down and rob you in the cruelest ways you as their prey can imagine.

I have a Joe Sheriff cure for the trash on the street, and may spend some time developing the idea and getting the word out to your city's as well. I know it always comes down to money, and like our local police Department is working 4 days a week, while poverty and crime continue to escalate. Thanks voters.

I propose major city's, those city's that can afford it, to build a large prison walled type community outside of town. A place where people can live until they are rehabilitated and have a job. Then we take all the social workers who normally help these people all over town, and send them there. All the counseling, health, food, clothing, etc. donations can be sent there for these people. By people I am talking about the Trash on the streets.

Once set up, the police will go out and start picking up the trash until they clean our streets up. The trash, are going to meet one of three scenarios.

1.They are Trash without a home, and these are immediately taken to the facility.

2.They claim they are self sufficient, so they must provide an address, and the police go there and see if he has drugs, stolen property, etc. No job, and no reason for no job, he is taken to the facility.

3.They are criminals, they have a home. Police take him to the home, check for criminal activity, a job, food in the frig, and signs that he is self-sufficient, you leave him there. Otherwise, it is to jail or out to the facility.

I would bet the streets would be swept clean in less that a month, and the trash would move on to be some other city's problem. Meantime the facility can work with new Americans to rehabilitate them, and get them jobs and place to live, etc. in the community. It would seem this would be cheaper in the long run, and the best alternative for the city citizens.

My first guess would be get rid of the ACLU. They're the bleeding hearts who meticulously look for any reason to fight as hard as they can to destroy our judicial system and everything else that has been good and great about this country - coddle our felons, clothe, feed, house and educate people of all races and cultures who enter this country illegally, burn the American flag under the guise of freedom of speech, legitimize porn as a matter of free speech - but strip the country of everything decent, moral, or religious because they're "offensive."
Yeah.....THEY'RE The Problem.

First, I don't consider criminals as Americans. I consider Americans are Americans. I would like to clean the trash off the streets of America, and make our public life one where you can send your 89 year old mother to store up the street at midnight, and not worry about her being safe. Instead I am on the phone today discussing with my mom that she go down and get herself a 30 Cal clip pistol to carry loaded in her purse. Fuck the trash on the streets and parking lots and in malls.

I was out to lunch today, and looking out the window to the curb, there was a truck with a guy behind the wheel (A pimp), and his prostitute is bent over onto the seat shooting up as old ladies walking by gawk in shock at what they are seeing. Another guy is completely out of his mind and talking to god and himself, waving his arms. The streets are crawling trash, and when the police come by it is like cockroaches running for the Raid can. The same drug store block away where from where one of my ladies was carjacked & kidnapped, robbed, beaten, a month before, was robbed last night by two men who beat the security guard senseless & stole the whole cash register off the counter. This is a city that voted for less cops, and just had a measure to cut firemens pay and benefits.

Like I have always known, people...the trash are going to eat. And one by one they are going to take everyone of you down and rob you in the cruelest ways you as their prey can imagine.

I have a Joe Sheriff cure for the trash on the street, and may spend some time developing the idea and getting the word out to your city's as well. I know it always comes down to money, and like our local police Department is working 4 days a week, while poverty and crime continue to escalate. Thanks voters.

I propose major city's, those city's that can afford it, to build a large prison walled type community outside of town. A place where people can live until they are rehabilitated and have a job. Then we take all the social workers who normally help these people all over town, and send them there. All the counseling, health, food, clothing, etc. donations can be sent there for these people. By people I am talking about the Trash on the streets.

Once set up, the police will go out and start picking up the trash until they clean our streets up. The trash, are going to meet one of three scenarios.

1.They are Trash without a home, and these are immediately taken to the facility.

2.They claim they are self sufficient, so they must provide an address, and the police go there and see if he has drugs, stolen property, etc. No job, and no reason for no job, he is taken to the facility.

3.They are criminals, they have a home. Police take him to the home, check for criminal activity, a job, food in the frig, and signs that he is self-sufficient, you leave him there. Otherwise, it is to jail or out to the facility.

I would bet the streets would be swept clean in less that a month, and the trash would move on to be some other city's problem. Meantime the facility can work with new Americans to rehabilitate them, and get them jobs and place to live, etc. in the community. It would seem this would be cheaper in the long run, and the best alternative for the city citizens.

Hey..worked for the Commies when they took over Hong Kong..

Rights? What rights?
So the first thing you want is to be able to send your 89 year old grandmother to the store at midnight?
What the Hell.....


SOMEone's gonna have to make a beer-run....and, she probably ain't gettin' laid, anyhow....RIGHT, shintao??!!!

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