Getting pretty sickening


Senior Member
Dec 9, 2003
Oregon Gay Married Couples Sue State

PORTLAND, Oregon (Reuters) - Nine gay couples sued the state of Oregon on Wednesday for refusing to recognize their marriages; a legal test case intended to prompt the state's highest court to hand down a ruling on the hot-button issue.

"Oregon's constitution does not allow people to be discriminated against because they are lesbian and gay, but that is exactly what Oregon's marriage law does," Jann Carson, associate director of the American Civil Liberties Union (news - web sites) of Oregon said, adding that the lawsuit would "get this issue before the courts in the fastest way possible.

In the lawsuit, filed by the ACLU in Multnomah County Circuit Court, the plaintiffs claimed that their rights were violated when the state refused to recognize their marriages or register their licenses.

Multnomah County, which includes Portland and is the most populous in the state, has handed out more than 2,550 marriage licenses to same-sex couples since March 3. It is the only jurisdiction in the United States still issuing licenses to gay couples after cities from San Francisco to New Paltz, New York, stopped the practice under threat of lawsuits.

In Oregon, attorneys from both sides of the issue have agreed to focus only on the constitutionality of the marriage statute and to expedite filings and arguments, so as to put the issue before the state Supreme Court as soon as possible.

Opponents such as the Defense of Marriage Coalition plan to intervene in the case, but will also stick to the single issue and run a streamlined process, lawyers for the coalition said.

The coalition, which opposes same-sex marriage, will drop another suit in Multnomah Circuit Court in order to speed the new case through, spokesman Tim Nashif has said.

The ACLU's Carson said she hopes for a circuit court decision by the end of the month. The case could be heard by the state's appeals court, although lawyers said the case would likely pass directly to the Oregon Supreme Court.

In addition to the lawsuit, some groups are working to put a measure on Oregon's November ballot to change the constitution to define marriage as between one man and one woman. Some of the Multnomah County commissioners who supported issuing the same-sex licenses also face recall efforts.

"Our most important hope on this matter is that ultimately it be decided by a vote of the people," said Nashif of the Defense of Marriage Coalition
What i think should happen is that the hetero couples who were forbidden to marry in oregon today should sue the county officials and the gay marriage extremists.
What a bizarre topic to be the thrust of a political debate. Clearly, the opposition to gay marriage is primary one of a moral and ethical dimension. From a sociological and scientific standpoint, correlations between gay marriage and a number of social and health problems have never been substantiated. So the tide of anger towards gay marriage is primarily driven by those who oppose it for religious reasoning. This is fine, and I completely respect your right to oppose it on these grounds, but many of those objecting are missing two key points. First off, America's judicial and political institutions are secular in nature; this can clearly be debated, but I feel that the evidence found in the establishment clause of our constitution proves this conclusively. America's legislative and judicial bodies should not base legislation or judicial discretion on ambiguous moral arguments rooted in religious sentiment. Secondly, marriage is defined clearly as a LEGAL union. Seriously, look it up in the dictionary. The institution of marriage was primarily established for the perpetuation of property, as well as a latent and somewhat inherent function of procreation. Using this anachronistic model as blueprint for legislative decisions based largely on religious sentiment and amorphous moral arguments is infantile at best, dangerous and cruel at worst. Similar arguments were made for and against the anti-miscegenation laws that existed prior to the late 1960's. It is a sad thing when the issue of gay marriage is used a political weapon in an election cycle where much larger, and much more global things are at stake.
...That such non-issues as Janet Jackson's nipple and gay folks wanting to enjoy the same benefits and responsibilites as other married folks can create such a clarion call to action in Washington.

The only thing I and my wife found indecent about Ms. Jackson's Superbowl half-time display was her appalling taste in jewelry. As for gay marriage, why does any one care? It doesn't hurt anyone, and helps build the fundamental unit of any society...A family.

Yet with Congress falling on these issues like a pack of starving weasels, genuine healthcare reform goes unexamined. Evironmental degradation accelerates. Our dependency on oil goes unaddressed.

Of course, indecency and gay marriage only serve to inflame the emotions of the electorate. Rather like a matador uses his cape to distract a bull. Distract the voters, but give them a matador every now and then. THUMP! CRUNCH! Got one! All the while, the cape distracts from the sword ready to strike the fatal blow.
Originally posted by Bullypulpit
It doesn't hurt anyone, and helps build the fundamental unit of any society...A family.

It hurts society by destroying the vary concept of Family. It'd be better for kids adopted into homosexual couples' lives that they were never born.
No matter how you look at it, religiously or secularly, man was not made to sleep with man amd woman not with woman, the parts don't match up, this is unarguable and irrefutable. They are not and never were meant to be together in a situation that marriage means and denotes. It is a perversion of nature and will be defeated on that ground alone.
Originally posted by Bullypulpit
...That such non-issues as Janet Jackson's nipple and gay folks wanting to enjoy the same benefits and responsibilites as other married folks can create such a clarion call to action in Washington.

The only thing I and my wife found indecent about Ms. Jackson's Superbowl half-time display was her appalling taste in jewelry. As for gay marriage, why does any one care? It doesn't hurt anyone, and helps build the fundamental unit of any society...A family.

Yet with Congress falling on these issues like a pack of starving weasels, genuine healthcare reform goes unexamined. Evironmental degradation accelerates. Our dependency on oil goes unaddressed.

Of course, indecency and gay marriage only serve to inflame the emotions of the electorate. Rather like a matador uses his cape to distract a bull. Distract the voters, but give them a matador every now and then. THUMP! CRUNCH! Got one! All the while, the cape distracts from the sword ready to strike the fatal blow.

Genuine healthcare reform: this country will never have a government sponsored healthcare system for everybody. Get over it, not gonna happen which face it is really what you are talking about here. Also like to see the Demos and liberals breaking out the good old "seniors are going to lose healthcare benefits under Republicans" ploy, that always reminds me we are in an election year.

Enviromental degredation: Democratic and liberal election year classic, claim the Republicans are raping the land and polluting the air, scare tactic pure and simple. Please substantiate your claims of "enviromental degredation".

Dependency on oil: If you are talking about alternative forms those are on the table short of going to windmills or something stupid like that. If you are talking about dependence on foriegn oil Bush addressed that by proposed drilling in the ANWR and was stopped by the enviromentalists who then turn around and
bitch about our dependence on foriegn oil.
i guess i should have clarified this when i posted the article.
i wasnt refering to the whole gay thing. thats going to kill itself. i was talking about the lawsuits. getting ridiculous with all the lawsuits. seems now days if someone stubs their fucking toe on something they want to get rich quick!
Please OCA, calling homosexuality a "perversion of nature" is a totally subjective assessment. It is based entirely upon one's social and cultural conditioning. Until 1967, miscegenation was widely, and legally, seen as a "perversion of nature."

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