Get ready to feel the power of our fully functional Congressional Review Act


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City
It's a bit complicated but GOP Senators have found a way to roll back rules and regulations going all the way back to the Clinton administration. A simple 51 majority vote will allow them to send bills to the president to overturn onerous regulations.

While Republicans in the Trump era have already taken advantage of the 1996 law to remove more than a dozen recently issued rules, this would be the first time that Congress will have used it to kill a regulatory policy that is several years old.

Now, actions going back to President Bill Clinton’s administration could be in play under the procedure GOP lawmakers are undertaking, forcing numerous agencies to reconsider how they roll out new regulations.

It’s a hugely important precedent,” Sen. Pat Toomey (R-Pa.), the architect of the effort, said in an interview. “It’s potentially a big, big opening.”

More @ GOP maneuver could roll back decades of regulation
Outstanding! Why stop there? Make the law retroactive and overturn the Gun Control Act of 1968 and the National Firearms Act too.
It's a bit complicated but GOP Senators have found a way to roll back rules and regulations going all the way back to the Clinton administration. A simple 51 majority vote will allow them to send bills to the president to overturn onerous regulations.

While Republicans in the Trump era have already taken advantage of the 1996 law to remove more than a dozen recently issued rules, this would be the first time that Congress will have used it to kill a regulatory policy that is several years old.

Now, actions going back to President Bill Clinton’s administration could be in play under the procedure GOP lawmakers are undertaking, forcing numerous agencies to reconsider how they roll out new regulations.

It’s a hugely important precedent,” Sen. Pat Toomey (R-Pa.), the architect of the effort, said in an interview. “It’s potentially a big, big opening.”

More @ GOP maneuver could roll back decades of regulation

The regulation problem doesn't START here. It starts because Congress doesn't WRITE law anymore. They have abdicated to the minions of morons in the agencies. They send the agencies "fill in the blank" legislation whereby it BECOMES an Administrative branch task to manage the agency decisions.

Wouldn't have to "feel the power" if the lazy ass know-nothings actually WROTE laws AFTER being fully informed on the WTF they need to do by the agencies. They've made the process entirely Bass-Ackwards..
It's a bit complicated but GOP Senators have found a way to roll back rules and regulations going all the way back to the Clinton administration. A simple 51 majority vote will allow them to send bills to the president to overturn onerous regulations.

While Republicans in the Trump era have already taken advantage of the 1996 law to remove more than a dozen recently issued rules, this would be the first time that Congress will have used it to kill a regulatory policy that is several years old.

Now, actions going back to President Bill Clinton’s administration could be in play under the procedure GOP lawmakers are undertaking, forcing numerous agencies to reconsider how they roll out new regulations.

It’s a hugely important precedent,” Sen. Pat Toomey (R-Pa.), the architect of the effort, said in an interview. “It’s potentially a big, big opening.”

More @ GOP maneuver could roll back decades of regulation

The regulation problem doesn't START here. It starts because Congress doesn't WRITE law anymore. They have abdicated to the minions of morons in the agencies. They send the agencies "fill in the blank" legislation whereby it BECOMES an Administrative branch task to manage the agency decisions.

Wouldn't have to "feel the power" if the lazy ass know-nothings actually WROTE laws AFTER being fully informed on the WTF they need to do by the agencies. They've made the process entirely Bass-Ackwards..
It's called administrative law and it was introduced because of complaints of how slow Congress was to create mundane policy and procedure..
It's a bit complicated but GOP Senators have found a way to roll back rules and regulations going all the way back to the Clinton administration. A simple 51 majority vote will allow them to send bills to the president to overturn onerous regulations.

While Republicans in the Trump era have already taken advantage of the 1996 law to remove more than a dozen recently issued rules, this would be the first time that Congress will have used it to kill a regulatory policy that is several years old.

Now, actions going back to President Bill Clinton’s administration could be in play under the procedure GOP lawmakers are undertaking, forcing numerous agencies to reconsider how they roll out new regulations.

It’s a hugely important precedent,” Sen. Pat Toomey (R-Pa.), the architect of the effort, said in an interview. “It’s potentially a big, big opening.”

More @ GOP maneuver could roll back decades of regulation

The regulation problem doesn't START here. It starts because Congress doesn't WRITE law anymore. They have abdicated to the minions of morons in the agencies. They send the agencies "fill in the blank" legislation whereby it BECOMES an Administrative branch task to manage the agency decisions.

Wouldn't have to "feel the power" if the lazy ass know-nothings actually WROTE laws AFTER being fully informed on the WTF they need to do by the agencies. They've made the process entirely Bass-Ackwards..
It's called administrative law and it was introduced because of complaints of how slow Congress was to create mundane policy and procedure..

Then why do we NEED a Congress to "pass laws" if they are NOT passing laws? They also don't much oversight. Just get a powerful dictator to sit in the Oval Office and run American from there. Too much power has been ceded to "administrative law" and the agencies already. How's about Congress focuses on issues, solutions and BASIC RESPONSIBILITES and NOT the next election and retaining power for the 2 corrupt, inept and lazy parties? Stop the 4 Congressional party bosses from controlling, muzzling and neutering the OTHER 531 elected members?
It's a bit complicated but GOP Senators have found a way to roll back rules and regulations going all the way back to the Clinton administration. A simple 51 majority vote will allow them to send bills to the president to overturn onerous regulations.

While Republicans in the Trump era have already taken advantage of the 1996 law to remove more than a dozen recently issued rules, this would be the first time that Congress will have used it to kill a regulatory policy that is several years old.

Now, actions going back to President Bill Clinton’s administration could be in play under the procedure GOP lawmakers are undertaking, forcing numerous agencies to reconsider how they roll out new regulations.

It’s a hugely important precedent,” Sen. Pat Toomey (R-Pa.), the architect of the effort, said in an interview. “It’s potentially a big, big opening.”

More @ GOP maneuver could roll back decades of regulation

The regulation problem doesn't START here. It starts because Congress doesn't WRITE law anymore. They have abdicated to the minions of morons in the agencies. They send the agencies "fill in the blank" legislation whereby it BECOMES an Administrative branch task to manage the agency decisions.

Wouldn't have to "feel the power" if the lazy ass know-nothings actually WROTE laws AFTER being fully informed on the WTF they need to do by the agencies. They've made the process entirely Bass-Ackwards..
It's called administrative law and it was introduced because of complaints of how slow Congress was to create mundane policy and procedure..

Another good reason not to have such an overreaching and expansive federal government
It's a bit complicated but GOP Senators have found a way to roll back rules and regulations going all the way back to the Clinton administration. A simple 51 majority vote will allow them to send bills to the president to overturn onerous regulations.

While Republicans in the Trump era have already taken advantage of the 1996 law to remove more than a dozen recently issued rules, this would be the first time that Congress will have used it to kill a regulatory policy that is several years old.

Now, actions going back to President Bill Clinton’s administration could be in play under the procedure GOP lawmakers are undertaking, forcing numerous agencies to reconsider how they roll out new regulations.

It’s a hugely important precedent,” Sen. Pat Toomey (R-Pa.), the architect of the effort, said in an interview. “It’s potentially a big, big opening.”

More @ GOP maneuver could roll back decades of regulation

The regulation problem doesn't START here. It starts because Congress doesn't WRITE law anymore. They have abdicated to the minions of morons in the agencies. They send the agencies "fill in the blank" legislation whereby it BECOMES an Administrative branch task to manage the agency decisions.

Wouldn't have to "feel the power" if the lazy ass know-nothings actually WROTE laws AFTER being fully informed on the WTF they need to do by the agencies. They've made the process entirely Bass-Ackwards..
It's called administrative law and it was introduced because of complaints of how slow Congress was to create mundane policy and procedure..

Then why do we NEED a Congress to "pass laws" if they are NOT passing laws? They also don't much oversight. Just get a powerful dictator to sit in the Oval Office and run American from there. Too much power has been ceded to "administrative law" and the agencies already. How's about Congress focuses on issues, solutions and BASIC RESPONSIBILITES and NOT the next election and retaining power for the 2 corrupt, inept and lazy parties? Stop the 4 Congressional party bosses from controlling, muzzling and neutering the OTHER 531 elected members?
The problem is that the GOP does not have a reliable voting majority in the Senate. Hopefully that will change after the upcoming election, when the GOP might have to go "nuclear" in order to circumvent the Dems mindless obstruction.
Comical that Republicans think they act inside a vacuum. That the other party when they get control of Congress in November won't take every dirty thing the Republicans have done and turn it back on them a hundred fold.

You think you've seen Republicans out of power cry before? The Democrats are going to point to every underhanded backstabbing thing the Republicans have done and burn down every single thing Republicans hold dear. And they will use this Congressional Review to entirely ignore Lying Trump.

So do your worst cons, all your worst nightmares are on the horizon approaching. Better get to the root cellar with your Aunty May.
Comical that Republicans think they act inside a vacuum. That the other party when they get control of Congress in November won't take every dirty thing the Republicans have done and turn it back on them a hundred fold.

You think you've seen Republicans out of power cry before? The Democrats are going to point to every underhanded backstabbing thing the Republicans have done and burn down every single thing Republicans hold dear. And they will use this Congressional Review to entirely ignore Lying Trump.

So do your worst cons, all your worst nightmares are on the horizon approaching. Better get to the root cellar with your Aunty May.

Dirty, underhanded, backstabbing? Care to enumerate? :soapbox:
Comical that Republicans think they act inside a vacuum. That the other party when they get control of Congress in November won't take every dirty thing the Republicans have done and turn it back on them a hundred fold.

You think you've seen Republicans out of power cry before? The Democrats are going to point to every underhanded backstabbing thing the Republicans have done and burn down every single thing Republicans hold dear. And they will use this Congressional Review to entirely ignore Lying Trump.

So do your worst cons, all your worst nightmares are on the horizon approaching. Better get to the root cellar with your Aunty May.
I'll agree there are a handful of backstabbing underhanded Republicans. McCain, Snow and a few others that need to stop lying about who they are and what they want. They need to join their like minded friends in the Democrat party. They need to join the party that hates education, science, and morality.
It's a bit complicated but GOP Senators have found a way to roll back rules and regulations going all the way back to the Clinton administration. A simple 51 majority vote will allow them to send bills to the president to overturn onerous regulations.

While Republicans in the Trump era have already taken advantage of the 1996 law to remove more than a dozen recently issued rules, this would be the first time that Congress will have used it to kill a regulatory policy that is several years old.

Now, actions going back to President Bill Clinton’s administration could be in play under the procedure GOP lawmakers are undertaking, forcing numerous agencies to reconsider how they roll out new regulations.

It’s a hugely important precedent,” Sen. Pat Toomey (R-Pa.), the architect of the effort, said in an interview. “It’s potentially a big, big opening.”

More @ GOP maneuver could roll back decades of regulation
This rule was passed over the objection of the Repubs so that the Demos could seat judges of their choice.
Comical that Republicans think they act inside a vacuum. That the other party when they get control of Congress in November won't take every dirty thing the Republicans have done and turn it back on them a hundred fold.

You think you've seen Republicans out of power cry before? The Democrats are going to point to every underhanded backstabbing thing the Republicans have done and burn down every single thing Republicans hold dear. And they will use this Congressional Review to entirely ignore Lying Trump.

So do your worst cons, all your worst nightmares are on the horizon approaching. Better get to the root cellar with your Aunty May.
You can have all the dreams you want but to reverse a law takes a act of both the House and Senate which just is not going to happen. The voters are well aware of the dealing in DC and how we can stop it.
Outstanding! Why stop there? Make the law retroactive and overturn the Gun Control Act of 1968 and the National Firearms Act too.
Under the law you can not retro a law and change it overnight. Example: You own a sling shot. You own several, and the govenment makes it again the law to own it. You can still own it you just can not replace them...
The regulation problem doesn't START here. It starts because Congress doesn't WRITE law anymore. They have abdicated to the minions of morons in the agencies. They send the agencies "fill in the blank" legislation whereby it BECOMES an Administrative branch task to manage the agency decisions.

Wouldn't have to "feel the power" if the lazy ass know-nothings actually WROTE laws AFTER being fully informed on the WTF they need to do by the agencies. They've made the process entirely Bass-Ackwards..

Don't we have enough laws already? What we need is action - it doesn't matter how it happens.
Comical that Republicans think they act inside a vacuum. That the other party when they get control of Congress in November won't take every dirty thing the Republicans have done and turn it back on them a hundred fold.

You think you've seen Republicans out of power cry before? The Democrats are going to point to every underhanded backstabbing thing the Republicans have done and burn down every single thing Republicans hold dear. And they will use this Congressional Review to entirely ignore Lying Trump.

So do your worst cons, all your worst nightmares are on the horizon approaching. Better get to the root cellar with your Aunty May.

Sad - the economy is doing fantastic, people are working, stocks are up, wages are up - and all you can think about is your hatred for Trump - why? Because you don't like his hair?

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