Germany: Youtuber wants to gas train drivers over strike


Nov 14, 2012
Like every year, strikes over wages are some kind of normality and are budged in within many branches. This regularly of strikes is really not nice and will not end because of its selfish nature. All what makes people find together is the chance of some dozens of Euros more per month. While this selfish motivation excludes all but themselves from the demanded benefit, it harms all the others, altogether, while and due to the cause of the situation is not targeted by the corrupt unions.

Now, some Youtube poster who has a wide audience with the teenagers, a rapper and rap critic, claimed to gas the train drivers over their disturbing strike. While the direction of the criticism is justified indeed, the measures the youtuber wants to set up are simply exaggerated. Unnecessarily violent measures combined with a result that does not solve the issue with the absent trains in the end cannot be seriously claimed in reality. Something, the stern, one of Germany´s largest magazines, is not able to realize. According to stern the youtuber really intended to gas train drivers in his mind as he - also, and very important to get that paranoid context, according to stern "withdrew from his claim " when he made the explanation that it was only black humor in a later statement.

Isn´t that crazy?

Youtuber JuliensBlog will Lokf hrer vergasen lassen - Panorama STERN.DE
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