Germany turning into a 3rd world country


And yet, from what I understand, at least half of your nation is unable or at least unwilling to see what is going on all around and so is projecting--let's just call it what it is--all the uncomfortable feelings they can't admit onto (mostly) the United States.

I have seen this online now for upwards of a decade and, with the election of Donald Trump, it's only gotten worse. Now I see a whole new generation of Germans shirking responsibility for your nation's participation in the Holocaust, while, irrationally, blaming America for slavery and colonization (!!!). I have seen this not from one or two people, mind you, but over and over. And over.

I do not expect Germany to flagellate themselves forever over the Holocaust. I was in Germany in the 80s and, though I am not German, it seems to me you had it pretty right then. I don't know what happened since. Perhaps you moved too far away, got too bold too soon, I don't know. But the rampant anti-American sentiment is not lost to us here. It it very apparent here. I often think Europeans honestly think Americans are too stupid to pick up on it. We are not. We are fully aware--or most of us are, anyway. It's too bad--but it is what it is, as we like to say.

Well, no.
I generally bring the issue of bloody US hands only when my opponent is calling me a Jew killing monster nazi. Just as leverage.
To your point of Germans accusing the US for everything: well, that happens when submissive reeducated mindslaves slowly realize that they lived in a, indisptable comfortable, big bubble of made up thruths.

If you bring up the third Reich, you should also find out why and how it evolved.
History does not start at the point in time you may find convenient.

I'll give you a brief timeline where you can start digging further, if you are relly interested.

As starting field, not point, I take the centuries between roughly 800 and
1871. It is difficult to pack that in one sentence because this fills whole libraries, but boiled down it was the start of France a a centralized kingdom, and east of the Rhine a conglomerate of countless mini kingdoms, countships, church ruled states, who were fighting amongst each other and prett regularly gor ransacked by their neighbor east and west. And north, don't forget the Swedes.
The so called Holy Roman Empire of German Nation existed from around 900 until 1806, but it was more an idea than a real empire. The Kaiser was actually the director of a flee circus without the real power of an emperor.
Well, to make the long story short, this construct was invaded on a almost regular basis by every country in Europe you can find on the map.
It was economically unimportant, and no competition to anybody.
Be aware that the Dutch, (THE DUTCH!!!) were in 4 major naval wars 1652 - 1784 with Britain. The German costal states did not even have a naval force at the time.
Just not to forget it, we were occupied and governed by Napoleon around 1800, also interesting times.

Ok, this ended 1871. Prussia with Bismarck united the German patchwork.
To the dismay of especially Britain this led to an unprcedented econimical, scientific and military gain of this before not existing european power house.
Actually, the war trumpets against the Kaiserreich were blown mainly by the Fernch (you can follow up their newspapers of that time), and all of that was triggered by the British.
If you study that, you will also see that the British were pushing and often financing almost every war on the continent since they sank the Armada of Phillipp 2nd of Spain. To make that clear, this Armada was sent to stop Britain from marauding on the oceans and the continent, yet failed.

Britain was pissed by a growing German fleet and a also constantly growing economical edge. In short, Britains main objective was to put Germany back to where it was before 1870, at any cost.
France was longing for revanche for 1871, not a single thought what they did to us the centuries before.
So, we land at 1914. Sarajewo, conducted by Serbia, used by the russian Zar, very badly handled by the Austrian government, attempts of Wilhelm II up to the last day to prevent his ally to start this failed, and the obligations of the alliance forced the German Reich to declare war on Russia and France.
You should know that they already had mobilized their miltary, Germany not.
In this times this was the point of no return, no matter what anybody may morally think about it.
Maybe you can find out how the US justifies their engagement 1917.
Besides the fake story of the Lusitania not transporting weaponry and ammunition.

1918 all responsibility for the atrocities of this war was put on the sholders of Germany. With unbearable consquences,
I think nobody can imagine especially the French looting cole and steel from the Ruhr area, commie "revolutionaries" marauding the cities, hunger all over the place, incompetent politicians, the list is endless.

Then, Hitler enters the picture. Also not a short story, but the core is not really an ideology (national socialism was no ideology, it lacked all the features the religioun like ideologies of marxism and communism carry around). The nazis simply made up the superiour nordic race and the promise to bring Germany back into the position it was meant to be, and the people were absolutely fed up with no jobs, street wars and anarchy.
But what then really worked was their admittedly brillant organisational talent. This is still fascinating today. Unbelievable. One row of success from 1933 to 1939.
Not only economically, but also in the politics of reversing the Versailles verdicts.
Nothing is more sucessful than success.

The start of the 2nd world war is again pretty much disputable. Actually Poland was used by Britain and France as a bait. Did you know that Poland was mobilizing their forces already in march 1939? Their Generals bragging officially to march to Berlin in 2 days? All because they had a carte blanche of unconditional support of Britain and France in case of war? They did not realise that their "allies" were gambling with the chance of Germany fucking up and then simply go in and take over the rest.
They also did not know that Stalin had sent the British home with their request he should attack Germany. Because the British did not comprehend his plans to do that only after Germany along with France and Britain had bleeded out in a repeated WWI atrocity at the west front.
So, he got half of Poland without firing a shot (except the massacre of Katyn), which did not lead the western allies to declare war on the Soviet Union, so much for their reliability against Poland.
But, Stalin had tripled his army forces and put them up in attack positions in 1941. A catch.22 situation for Germany. The rest is history.

And the Jews, you ask?
Well, on one hand they needed a target group they could make responsible for accumulating failures. Second, they needed the looted money, valuables and real estate, war is expensive.
It is nowhere documented that Hitler ordered this expressis verbis. No doubt, that he accused the Jews of influencing all evil on the planet, if you go into detail he addresses exlplicitly jewish bankers and think tanks, like the jewish congress.
I have the impression that this got out of hand with his paladins, most of them not quite the brightest minds on the planet, who took that as a carte blanche to live out their perverted mind officially.
Every dictator is eventually hostage of his supporters. Neither Hitler, nor Stalin, Pol Pot, Mao, Castro, Mugabe or whatever their names are, were or are Superman.
If they loose the support of their close followers, they are dead, and every dictator knows that.
The methods were different, but Stalin did the same in the Ukraina with the Holodomor. Millions starved, because he paid industrial and military imports with the agricultural harvests, interestingly also to the USA. You know that the bread your grandparnts in the early 1930s ate was partly at the cost of the lives of Ukrainian farmers? Feel guilty?

All of the above is not meant as excuse. But do not tread on me as Nazi, the only evil in the world. Especially you the US, to return to the beginning, were in wars with whatever country on this planet since your independence, almost without interruption. You want to justify that? You want me to count your victims?
Who do you think you are?
Thanks for that reappraisal of hitler. Entertaining to say the least.
He is a German? Laughable. Wrong mentality - or his tribe is totally unknown to me.

Shut up, troll.

You are not a German. Test: Give me the mistake in the text below.

August der Schäfer hat Wölfe gehört,
Wölfe mitten im Mai, zwar nur zwei,
doch der Schäfer, der schwört,
die hätten zusammen das Fraßlied geheult,
das aus früherer Zeit, und er schreit.
und sein Hut ist verbeult.
Schreit: "Rasch, holt die Sensen sonst ist es zu spät.
Schlagt sie tot, noch ehe der Hahn dreimal kräht."
Doch wer hört schon auf einen alten Hut
und ist auf der Hut? Und ist auf der Hut?

August der Schäfer ward nie mehr geseh'n,
nur sein alter Hut, voller Blut,
schwamm im Bach. Circa zehn
hat dann später das Dorfhexenkind
nachts im Steinbruch entdeckt, blutbefleckt
und die Schnauzen im Wind.
Dem Kind hat die Mutter den Mund zugehext,
hat geflüstert: "Bi still oder du verreckst!
Wer den bösen Wolf nicht vergisst, mein Kind,
bleibt immer ein Kind. Bleibt immer ein Kind."

Schon schnappten die Hunde den Wind, und im Haag
rochen Rosen nach Aas. Kein Schwein fraß.
Eulen jagten am Tag.
Hühner verscharrten die Eier im Sand.
Speck im Fang wurde weich. Aus dem Teich
krochen Karpfen an Land.
Da haben die Greise zahnlos gelacht;
gezischelt: "Wir haben's gleich gesagt.
Düngt die Felder wieder mit altem Mist,
sonst ist alles Mist. Sonst ist alles Mist

Dann zu Johannis beim Feuertanzfest
- keiner weiß heut' mehr wie - waren sie
plötzlich da. Aus Geäst
sprangen sie in den Tanzkreis. Zu schnell
bissen Bräute ins Gras, und zu blass
schien der Mond. Aber hell,
hell brannte Feuer aus trockenem Moos,
brannte der Wald bis hinunter zum Fluß.
"Kinder, spielt vorm Rauch, dort wissen wir nichts,
und riechen auch nichts. Und riechen auch nichts."

"Jetzt kommen Zeiten, da heißt es, heraus
mit dem Gold aus dem Mund. Seid klug und
wühlt euch Gräben ums Haus.
Gebt eure Töchter dem rohesten Knecht,
jenem, der noch zur Not nicht nur Brot,
mit den Zähnen aufbricht."
So sang der verschmuddelte Bauchladenmann
und pries Amulette aus Wolfszähnen an.
"Wickelt Stroh und Stacheldraht um den Hals
und haltet den Hals. Und haltet den Hals."

Was ist dann doch in den Häusern passiert?
Bisse in Balken und Bett. Welches Fett
hat den Rauchfang verschmiert?
Wer gab den Wölfen die Kreide, das Mehl,
stäubte die Pfoten weiß? Welcher Geiß
glich das Ziegengebell?
Und hat sich ein siebentes Geißlein versteckt?
Wurden Wackersteine im Brunnen entdeckt?
Viele Fragen, die nur einer hören will,
der stören will. Der stören will.

Nur jener Knecht mit dem Wildschweingebrech
- heute ein Touristenziel - weiß, wieviel
da geschah. Aber frech
hockt er im Käfig, frisst Blutwurst und lacht
wennn man ihn fragt. Und nur Schlag Null Uhr
zur Johannisnacht,
wenn von den Bergen das Feuerrad springt,
die Touristenschar fröhlich das Fraßlied singt,
beißt er wild ins Gitter, schreit: "Schluss mit dem Lied!
's ist ein garstig' Lied. 's ist ein garstig' Lied."

August der Schäfer hat Wölfe gehört,
Wölfe mitten im Mai, mehr als zwei.
Und der Schäfer, der schwört,
die hätten zusammen das Fraßlied geheult,
das aus früherer Zeit, und er schreit.
Und sein Hut ist verbeult.
Schreit: "Rasch, holt die Sensen sonst ist es zu spät.
Schlagt sie tot, noch ehe der Hahn dreimal kräht."
Doch wer hört schon auf einen alten Hut
und ist auf der Hut? Und ist auf der Hut?

Franz Josef Degenhardt
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[And yet, from what I understand, at least half of your nation is unable or at least unwilling to see what is going on all around and so is projecting--let's just call it what it is--all the uncomfortable feelings they can't admit onto (mostly) the United States.

I have seen this online now for upwards of a decade and, with the election of Donald Trump, it's only gotten worse. Now I see a whole new generation of Germans

Did anyone give you an entrance card to a kindergarten?

shirking responsibility for your nation's participation in the Holocaust,

The USA did not participate in the Holocaust. Others did. In 1943 25% of the "soldiers" of the SS were people without a German passport. And how many of the others were naturalized Germans I don't know. Only one man out of this group of people was sentenced. John Demjanjuk, who was born born in the Ukraine. This was in 2010 - 65 years after the end of the Nazi-tyranny in Europe.

while, irrationally, blaming America for slavery and colonization (!!!).

What is irrational in blaming the USA for slavery and racism?

I have seen this not from one or two people, mind you, but over and over. And over.

Because your position is unclear I don't have any idea where you saw this "over and over and over". In Germany for sure not. Colonialism and USA is for sure a theme - buit a very complex and detailed theme, where the people know normally what they are speaking about

I do not expect Germany to flagellate themselves forever over the Holocaust. I was in Germany in the 80s and, though I am not German, it seems to me you had it pretty right then. I don't know what happened since. Perhaps you moved too far away, got too bold too soon, I don't know. But the rampant anti-American sentiment is not lost to us here. It it very apparent here. I often think Europeans honestly think Americans are too stupid to pick up on it. We are not.

You are. (Sorry: a last rest of my not existing humor)

We are fully aware--or most of us are, anyway. It's too bad--but it is what it is, as we like to say.

So you are an US-American who said "I am a German"? Why do you do such a bullshit? Or do I confuse something now? Whatever. I saw no German here except me on my own.

Well, no.
I generally bring the issue of bloody US hands only when my opponent is calling me a Jew killing monster nazi. Just as leverage.
To your point of Germans accusing the US for everything: well, that happens when submissive reeducated mindslaves slowly realize that they lived in a, indisptable comfortable, big bubble of made up thruths.

If you bring up the third Reich, you should also find out why and how it evolved.

It did not evolve. Hitler overtook the power and within one year all German institutions were transformed into Nazi-institutions.

History does not start at the point in time you may find convenient.

I'll give you a brief timeline where you can start digging further, if you are relly interested.

As starting field, not point, I take the centuries between roughly 800 and

From 800-1806 existed the holy [roman] empire [of German (=united) nation (=language)]. In 1849 the German national council tried to offer the Prussian King the crown of the German emperor - from the peoples grace - not from god's grace any longer. Instead the Prussians transformed one by next German nation into colonies of Prussia, made war against France (revenge for Napoleon) and founded in 1871 the so called German empire which was indeed only a Prussian empire. Austria was excluded - all other German nations were suppressed. Germany was dead.

It is difficult to pack that in one sentence because this fills whole libraries, but boiled down it was the start of France a a centralized kingdom,


and east of the Rhine a conglomerate of countless mini kingdoms, countships, church ruled states, who were fighting amongst each other and prett regularly gor ransacked by their neighbor east and west. And north, don't forget the Swedes.


The so called Holy Roman Empire of German Nation existed from around 900 until 1806,

Then holy empire was founded in 800 from Charlemagne.

but it was more an idea than a real empire. The Kaiser was actually the director of a flee circus

Typical Prussian arrogance

without the real power of an emperor.

Good grief. I remember in the moment for example the "Hun-speech" of the Brit and Prussian who was educated from his grandma Queen Victoria. Besides that this idiot had no idea about what are Germans the Prussians had introduced Colonialism in Germany and this idiot said practically German soldiers are an instrument to murder Chinese, so the British nobles of their family are able to make a good business with the drug Opium in China.

Well, to make the long story short, this construct was invaded on a almost regular basis by every country in Europe you can find on the map.
It was economically unimportant, and no competition to anybody.
Be aware that the Dutch, (THE DUTCH!!!) were in 4 major naval wars 1652 - 1784 with Britain. The German costal states did not even have a naval force at the time.
Just not to forget it, we were occupied and governed by Napoleon around 1800, also interesting times.

Ok, this ended 1871. Prussia with Bismarck united the German patchwork.

Prussia under the loyal servant of the Prussian kings Bismarck finally had conquered Germany.

To the dismay of especially Britain this led to an unprcedented econimical, scientific and military gain of this before not existing european power house.
Actually, the war trumpets against the Kaiserreich were blown mainly by the Fernch (you can follow up their newspapers of that time), and all of that was triggered by the British.
If you study that, you will also see that the British were pushing and often financing almost every war on the continent since they sank the Armada of Phillipp 2nd of Spain. To make that clear, this Armada was sent to stop Britain from marauding on the oceans and the continent, yet failed.

Britain was pissed by a growing German fleet

A stupid idea of the Prussian emperor over Germany - who said "I am a Brit".

and a also constantly growing economical edge. In short, Britains main objective was to put Germany back to where it was before 1870, at any cost.
France was longing for revanche for 1871, not a single thought what they did to us the centuries before.
So, we land at 1914. Sarajewo, conducted by Serbia, used by the russian Zar, very badly handled by the Austrian government,

What a nonsense. Serbs had murdered the Erzherzog and his wife - with other words they had murdered the future of Austria. When the Austrians found out that this was the wrong reaction it was to late. No one was able to stop the avalanche of violence any longer which caused the death of so many European cultures.

attempts of Wilhelm II up to the last day to prevent his ally to start this failed, and the obligations of the alliance forced the German Reich to declare war on Russia and France.
You should know that they already had mobilized their miltary, Germany not.
In this times this was the point of no return, no matter what anybody may morally think about it.
Maybe you can find out how the US justifies their engagement 1917.
Besides the fake story of the Lusitania not transporting weaponry and ammunition.

1918 all responsibility for the atrocities of this war was put on the sholders of Germany. With unbearable consquences,
I think nobody can imagine especially the French looting cole and steel from the Ruhr area, commie "revolutionaries" marauding the cities, hunger all over the place, incompetent politicians, the list is endless.

Then, Hitler enters the picture. Also not a short story, but the core is not really an ideology (national socialism was no ideology, it lacked all the features the religioun like ideologies of marxism and communism carry around).

What a nonsense. The ideology of the Nazis was Hitler. The program of the Nazis was Hitler. Besidrs existed lots of absurde an obscure ideas as for example in the Wewelsburg of Heinrich Himmler.

The nazis simply made up the superiour nordic race and the promise to bring Germany back into the position it was meant to be, and the people were absolutely fed up with no jobs, street wars and anarchy.

The Nazis and the Commies were on their own the street fighting anarchy in Germany.

But what then really worked was their admittedly brillant organisational talent.

Brilliant? The Nazis? They were idiots

This is still fascinating today. Unbelievable. One row of success from 1933 to 1939.

One row of cruel nonsense from 1933-1939. And their terror-regime still was not over.

Not only economically,

They murdered, stole and made debts.

but also in the politics of reversing the Versailles verdicts.
Nothing is more sucessful than success.

The start of the 2nd world war is again pretty much disputable.

Stalin and Hitler decided to eliminate Poland. When Germany occupied Poland world war 2 started.

Actually Poland was used by Britain and France as a bait. Did you know that Poland was mobilizing their forces already in march 1939?

To late. They had better done so in 1933.

Their Generals bragging officially to march to Berlin in 2 days? All because they had a carte blanche of unconditional support of Britain and France in case of war? They did not realise that their "allies" were gambling with the chance of Germany fucking up and then simply go in and take over the rest.
They also did not know that Stalin had sent the British home with their request he should attack Germany. Because the British did not comprehend his plans to do that only after Germany along with France and Britain had bleeded out in a repeated WWI atrocity at the west front.
So, he got half of Poland without firing a shot (except the massacre of Katyn), which did not lead the western allies to declare war on the Soviet Union, so much for their reliability against Poland.
But, Stalin had tripled his army forces and put them up in attack positions in 1941. A catch.22 situation for Germany. The rest is history.

And the Jews, you ask?


Well, on one hand they needed a target group they could make responsible for accumulating failures. Second, they needed the looted money, valuables and real estate, war is expensive.

And it was easy to attack and murder the German Jews because they lived widespread over Germany in little communities. Only 0.5% (1:200) of the Germans were Jews.

It is nowhere documented that Hitler ordered this expressis verbis. No doubt, that he accused the Jews of influencing all evil on the planet, if you go into detail he addresses exlplicitly jewish bankers and think tanks, like the jewish congress.
I have the impression that this got out of hand with his paladins, most of them not quite the brightest minds on the planet, who took that as a carte blanche to live out their perverted mind officially.
Every dictator is eventually hostage of his supporters. Neither Hitler, nor Stalin, Pol Pot, Mao, Castro, Mugabe or whatever their names are, were or are Superman.
If they loose the support of their close followers, they are dead, and every dictator knows that.
The methods were different, but Stalin did the same in the Ukraina with the Holodomor. Millions starved, because he paid industrial and military imports with the agricultural harvests, interestingly also to the USA. You know that the bread your grandparnts in the early 1930s ate was partly at the cost of the lives of Ukrainian farmers? Feel guilty?

All of the above is not meant as excuse. But do not tread on me as Nazi, the only evil in the world. Especially you the US, to return to the beginning, were in wars with whatever country on this planet since your independence, almost without interruption. You want to justify that? You want me to count your victims?
Who do you think you are?

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And yet, from what I understand, at least half of your nation is unable or at least unwilling to see what is going on all around and so is projecting--let's just call it what it is--all the uncomfortable feelings they can't admit onto (mostly) the United States.

I have seen this online now for upwards of a decade and, with the election of Donald Trump, it's only gotten worse. Now I see a whole new generation of Germans shirking responsibility for your nation's participation in the Holocaust, while, irrationally, blaming America for slavery and colonization (!!!). I have seen this not from one or two people, mind you, but over and over. And over.

I do not expect Germany to flagellate themselves forever over the Holocaust. I was in Germany in the 80s and, though I am not German, it seems to me you had it pretty right then. I don't know what happened since. Perhaps you moved too far away, got too bold too soon, I don't know. But the rampant anti-American sentiment is not lost to us here. It it very apparent here. I often think Europeans honestly think Americans are too stupid to pick up on it. We are not. We are fully aware--or most of us are, anyway. It's too bad--but it is what it is, as we like to say.

Well, no.
I generally bring the issue of bloody US hands only when my opponent is calling me a Jew killing monster nazi. Just as leverage.
To your point of Germans accusing the US for everything: well, that happens when submissive reeducated mindslaves slowly realize that they lived in a, indisptable comfortable, big bubble of made up thruths.

If you bring up the third Reich, you should also find out why and how it evolved.
History does not start at the point in time you may find convenient.

I'll give you a brief timeline where you can start digging further, if you are relly interested.

As starting field, not point, I take the centuries between roughly 800 and
1871. It is difficult to pack that in one sentence because this fills whole libraries, but boiled down it was the start of France a a centralized kingdom, and east of the Rhine a conglomerate of countless mini kingdoms, countships, church ruled states, who were fighting amongst each other and prett regularly gor ransacked by their neighbor east and west. And north, don't forget the Swedes.
The so called Holy Roman Empire of German Nation existed from around 900 until 1806, but it was more an idea than a real empire. The Kaiser was actually the director of a flee circus without the real power of an emperor.
Well, to make the long story short, this construct was invaded on a almost regular basis by every country in Europe you can find on the map.
It was economically unimportant, and no competition to anybody.
Be aware that the Dutch, (THE DUTCH!!!) were in 4 major naval wars 1652 - 1784 with Britain. The German costal states did not even have a naval force at the time.
Just not to forget it, we were occupied and governed by Napoleon around 1800, also interesting times.

Ok, this ended 1871. Prussia with Bismarck united the German patchwork.
To the dismay of especially Britain this led to an unprcedented econimical, scientific and military gain of this before not existing european power house.
Actually, the war trumpets against the Kaiserreich were blown mainly by the Fernch (you can follow up their newspapers of that time), and all of that was triggered by the British.
If you study that, you will also see that the British were pushing and often financing almost every war on the continent since they sank the Armada of Phillipp 2nd of Spain. To make that clear, this Armada was sent to stop Britain from marauding on the oceans and the continent, yet failed.

Britain was pissed by a growing German fleet and a also constantly growing economical edge. In short, Britains main objective was to put Germany back to where it was before 1870, at any cost.
France was longing for revanche for 1871, not a single thought what they did to us the centuries before.
So, we land at 1914. Sarajewo, conducted by Serbia, used by the russian Zar, very badly handled by the Austrian government, attempts of Wilhelm II up to the last day to prevent his ally to start this failed, and the obligations of the alliance forced the German Reich to declare war on Russia and France.
You should know that they already had mobilized their miltary, Germany not.
In this times this was the point of no return, no matter what anybody may morally think about it.
Maybe you can find out how the US justifies their engagement 1917.
Besides the fake story of the Lusitania not transporting weaponry and ammunition.

1918 all responsibility for the atrocities of this war was put on the sholders of Germany. With unbearable consquences,
I think nobody can imagine especially the French looting cole and steel from the Ruhr area, commie "revolutionaries" marauding the cities, hunger all over the place, incompetent politicians, the list is endless.

Then, Hitler enters the picture. Also not a short story, but the core is not really an ideology (national socialism was no ideology, it lacked all the features the religioun like ideologies of marxism and communism carry around). The nazis simply made up the superiour nordic race and the promise to bring Germany back into the position it was meant to be, and the people were absolutely fed up with no jobs, street wars and anarchy.
But what then really worked was their admittedly brillant organisational talent. This is still fascinating today. Unbelievable. One row of success from 1933 to 1939.
Not only economically, but also in the politics of reversing the Versailles verdicts.
Nothing is more sucessful than success.

The start of the 2nd world war is again pretty much disputable. Actually Poland was used by Britain and France as a bait. Did you know that Poland was mobilizing their forces already in march 1939? Their Generals bragging officially to march to Berlin in 2 days? All because they had a carte blanche of unconditional support of Britain and France in case of war? They did not realise that their "allies" were gambling with the chance of Germany fucking up and then simply go in and take over the rest.
They also did not know that Stalin had sent the British home with their request he should attack Germany. Because the British did not comprehend his plans to do that only after Germany along with France and Britain had bleeded out in a repeated WWI atrocity at the west front.
So, he got half of Poland without firing a shot (except the massacre of Katyn), which did not lead the western allies to declare war on the Soviet Union, so much for their reliability against Poland.
But, Stalin had tripled his army forces and put them up in attack positions in 1941. A catch.22 situation for Germany. The rest is history.

And the Jews, you ask?
Well, on one hand they needed a target group they could make responsible for accumulating failures. Second, they needed the looted money, valuables and real estate, war is expensive.
It is nowhere documented that Hitler ordered this expressis verbis. No doubt, that he accused the Jews of influencing all evil on the planet, if you go into detail he addresses exlplicitly jewish bankers and think tanks, like the jewish congress.
I have the impression that this got out of hand with his paladins, most of them not quite the brightest minds on the planet, who took that as a carte blanche to live out their perverted mind officially.
Every dictator is eventually hostage of his supporters. Neither Hitler, nor Stalin, Pol Pot, Mao, Castro, Mugabe or whatever their names are, were or are Superman.
If they loose the support of their close followers, they are dead, and every dictator knows that.
The methods were different, but Stalin did the same in the Ukraina with the Holodomor. Millions starved, because he paid industrial and military imports with the agricultural harvests, interestingly also to the USA. You know that the bread your grandparnts in the early 1930s ate was partly at the cost of the lives of Ukrainian farmers? Feel guilty?

All of the above is not meant as excuse. But do not tread on me as Nazi, the only evil in the world. Especially you the US, to return to the beginning, were in wars with whatever country on this planet since your independence, almost without interruption. You want to justify that? You want me to count your victims?
Who do you think you are?

Read this, everyone. I mean what I said about Germany and stand by every word.

They don't need a "few beers" to project. It's full on projection on America now. They don't even need Trump to be honest.

Dangerous and disgusting. Remember: this is a nation whose soldiers threw babies in the air and shot them for target practice, and whose children were used for grotesque scientific experiments. But hey, life before that was HARD. So you know....America.

That's where Germany is.

And yet, from what I understand, at least half of your nation is unable or at least unwilling to see what is going on all around and so is projecting--let's just call it what it is--all the uncomfortable feelings they can't admit onto (mostly) the United States.

I have seen this online now for upwards of a decade and, with the election of Donald Trump, it's only gotten worse. Now I see a whole new generation of Germans shirking responsibility for your nation's participation in the Holocaust, while, irrationally, blaming America for slavery and colonization (!!!). I have seen this not from one or two people, mind you, but over and over. And over.

I do not expect Germany to flagellate themselves forever over the Holocaust. I was in Germany in the 80s and, though I am not German, it seems to me you had it pretty right then. I don't know what happened since. Perhaps you moved too far away, got too bold too soon, I don't know. But the rampant anti-American sentiment is not lost to us here. It it very apparent here. I often think Europeans honestly think Americans are too stupid to pick up on it. We are not. We are fully aware--or most of us are, anyway. It's too bad--but it is what it is, as we like to say.

Well, no.
I generally bring the issue of bloody US hands only when my opponent is calling me a Jew killing monster nazi. Just as leverage.
To your point of Germans accusing the US for everything: well, that happens when submissive reeducated mindslaves slowly realize that they lived in a, indisptable comfortable, big bubble of made up thruths.

If you bring up the third Reich, you should also find out why and how it evolved.
History does not start at the point in time you may find convenient.

I'll give you a brief timeline where you can start digging further, if you are relly interested.

As starting field, not point, I take the centuries between roughly 800 and
1871. It is difficult to pack that in one sentence because this fills whole libraries, but boiled down it was the start of France a a centralized kingdom, and east of the Rhine a conglomerate of countless mini kingdoms, countships, church ruled states, who were fighting amongst each other and prett regularly gor ransacked by their neighbor east and west. And north, don't forget the Swedes.
The so called Holy Roman Empire of German Nation existed from around 900 until 1806, but it was more an idea than a real empire. The Kaiser was actually the director of a flee circus without the real power of an emperor.
Well, to make the long story short, this construct was invaded on a almost regular basis by every country in Europe you can find on the map.
It was economically unimportant, and no competition to anybody.
Be aware that the Dutch, (THE DUTCH!!!) were in 4 major naval wars 1652 - 1784 with Britain. The German costal states did not even have a naval force at the time.
Just not to forget it, we were occupied and governed by Napoleon around 1800, also interesting times.

Ok, this ended 1871. Prussia with Bismarck united the German patchwork.
To the dismay of especially Britain this led to an unprcedented econimical, scientific and military gain of this before not existing european power house.
Actually, the war trumpets against the Kaiserreich were blown mainly by the Fernch (you can follow up their newspapers of that time), and all of that was triggered by the British.
If you study that, you will also see that the British were pushing and often financing almost every war on the continent since they sank the Armada of Phillipp 2nd of Spain. To make that clear, this Armada was sent to stop Britain from marauding on the oceans and the continent, yet failed.

Britain was pissed by a growing German fleet and a also constantly growing economical edge. In short, Britains main objective was to put Germany back to where it was before 1870, at any cost.
France was longing for revanche for 1871, not a single thought what they did to us the centuries before.
So, we land at 1914. Sarajewo, conducted by Serbia, used by the russian Zar, very badly handled by the Austrian government, attempts of Wilhelm II up to the last day to prevent his ally to start this failed, and the obligations of the alliance forced the German Reich to declare war on Russia and France.
You should know that they already had mobilized their miltary, Germany not.
In this times this was the point of no return, no matter what anybody may morally think about it.
Maybe you can find out how the US justifies their engagement 1917.
Besides the fake story of the Lusitania not transporting weaponry and ammunition.

1918 all responsibility for the atrocities of this war was put on the sholders of Germany. With unbearable consquences,
I think nobody can imagine especially the French looting cole and steel from the Ruhr area, commie "revolutionaries" marauding the cities, hunger all over the place, incompetent politicians, the list is endless.

Then, Hitler enters the picture. Also not a short story, but the core is not really an ideology (national socialism was no ideology, it lacked all the features the religioun like ideologies of marxism and communism carry around). The nazis simply made up the superiour nordic race and the promise to bring Germany back into the position it was meant to be, and the people were absolutely fed up with no jobs, street wars and anarchy.
But what then really worked was their admittedly brillant organisational talent. This is still fascinating today. Unbelievable. One row of success from 1933 to 1939.
Not only economically, but also in the politics of reversing the Versailles verdicts.
Nothing is more sucessful than success.

The start of the 2nd world war is again pretty much disputable. Actually Poland was used by Britain and France as a bait. Did you know that Poland was mobilizing their forces already in march 1939? Their Generals bragging officially to march to Berlin in 2 days? All because they had a carte blanche of unconditional support of Britain and France in case of war? They did not realise that their "allies" were gambling with the chance of Germany fucking up and then simply go in and take over the rest.
They also did not know that Stalin had sent the British home with their request he should attack Germany. Because the British did not comprehend his plans to do that only after Germany along with France and Britain had bleeded out in a repeated WWI atrocity at the west front.
So, he got half of Poland without firing a shot (except the massacre of Katyn), which did not lead the western allies to declare war on the Soviet Union, so much for their reliability against Poland.
But, Stalin had tripled his army forces and put them up in attack positions in 1941. A catch.22 situation for Germany. The rest is history.

And the Jews, you ask?
Well, on one hand they needed a target group they could make responsible for accumulating failures. Second, they needed the looted money, valuables and real estate, war is expensive.
It is nowhere documented that Hitler ordered this expressis verbis. No doubt, that he accused the Jews of influencing all evil on the planet, if you go into detail he addresses exlplicitly jewish bankers and think tanks, like the jewish congress.
I have the impression that this got out of hand with his paladins, most of them not quite the brightest minds on the planet, who took that as a carte blanche to live out their perverted mind officially.
Every dictator is eventually hostage of his supporters. Neither Hitler, nor Stalin, Pol Pot, Mao, Castro, Mugabe or whatever their names are, were or are Superman.
If they loose the support of their close followers, they are dead, and every dictator knows that.
The methods were different, but Stalin did the same in the Ukraina with the Holodomor. Millions starved, because he paid industrial and military imports with the agricultural harvests, interestingly also to the USA. You know that the bread your grandparnts in the early 1930s ate was partly at the cost of the lives of Ukrainian farmers? Feel guilty?

All of the above is not meant as excuse. But do not tread on me as Nazi, the only evil in the world. Especially you the US, to return to the beginning, were in wars with whatever country on this planet since your independence, almost without interruption. You want to justify that? You want me to count your victims?
Who do you think you are?

Read this, everyone. I mean what I said about Germany and stand by every word.

They don't need a "few beers" to project. It's full on projection on America now. They don't even need Trump to be honest.

Dangerous and disgusting. Remember: this is a nation whose soldiers threw babies in the air and shot them for target practice, and whose children were used for grotesque scientific experiments. But hey, life before that was HARD. So you know....America.

That's where Germany is.
You cite the ravings of a loon to indict a whole nation. That is just idiocy.

And yet, from what I understand, at least half of your nation is unable or at least unwilling to see what is going on all around and so is projecting--let's just call it what it is--all the uncomfortable feelings they can't admit onto (mostly) the United States.

I have seen this online now for upwards of a decade and, with the election of Donald Trump, it's only gotten worse. Now I see a whole new generation of Germans shirking responsibility for your nation's participation in the Holocaust, while, irrationally, blaming America for slavery and colonization (!!!). I have seen this not from one or two people, mind you, but over and over. And over.

I do not expect Germany to flagellate themselves forever over the Holocaust. I was in Germany in the 80s and, though I am not German, it seems to me you had it pretty right then. I don't know what happened since. Perhaps you moved too far away, got too bold too soon, I don't know. But the rampant anti-American sentiment is not lost to us here. It it very apparent here. I often think Europeans honestly think Americans are too stupid to pick up on it. We are not. We are fully aware--or most of us are, anyway. It's too bad--but it is what it is, as we like to say.

Well, no.
I generally bring the issue of bloody US hands only when my opponent is calling me a Jew killing monster nazi. Just as leverage.
To your point of Germans accusing the US for everything: well, that happens when submissive reeducated mindslaves slowly realize that they lived in a, indisptable comfortable, big bubble of made up thruths.

If you bring up the third Reich, you should also find out why and how it evolved.
History does not start at the point in time you may find convenient.

I'll give you a brief timeline where you can start digging further, if you are relly interested.

As starting field, not point, I take the centuries between roughly 800 and
1871. It is difficult to pack that in one sentence because this fills whole libraries, but boiled down it was the start of France a a centralized kingdom, and east of the Rhine a conglomerate of countless mini kingdoms, countships, church ruled states, who were fighting amongst each other and prett regularly gor ransacked by their neighbor east and west. And north, don't forget the Swedes.
The so called Holy Roman Empire of German Nation existed from around 900 until 1806, but it was more an idea than a real empire. The Kaiser was actually the director of a flee circus without the real power of an emperor.
Well, to make the long story short, this construct was invaded on a almost regular basis by every country in Europe you can find on the map.
It was economically unimportant, and no competition to anybody.
Be aware that the Dutch, (THE DUTCH!!!) were in 4 major naval wars 1652 - 1784 with Britain. The German costal states did not even have a naval force at the time.
Just not to forget it, we were occupied and governed by Napoleon around 1800, also interesting times.

Ok, this ended 1871. Prussia with Bismarck united the German patchwork.
To the dismay of especially Britain this led to an unprcedented econimical, scientific and military gain of this before not existing european power house.
Actually, the war trumpets against the Kaiserreich were blown mainly by the Fernch (you can follow up their newspapers of that time), and all of that was triggered by the British.
If you study that, you will also see that the British were pushing and often financing almost every war on the continent since they sank the Armada of Phillipp 2nd of Spain. To make that clear, this Armada was sent to stop Britain from marauding on the oceans and the continent, yet failed.

Britain was pissed by a growing German fleet and a also constantly growing economical edge. In short, Britains main objective was to put Germany back to where it was before 1870, at any cost.
France was longing for revanche for 1871, not a single thought what they did to us the centuries before.
So, we land at 1914. Sarajewo, conducted by Serbia, used by the russian Zar, very badly handled by the Austrian government, attempts of Wilhelm II up to the last day to prevent his ally to start this failed, and the obligations of the alliance forced the German Reich to declare war on Russia and France.
You should know that they already had mobilized their miltary, Germany not.
In this times this was the point of no return, no matter what anybody may morally think about it.
Maybe you can find out how the US justifies their engagement 1917.
Besides the fake story of the Lusitania not transporting weaponry and ammunition.

1918 all responsibility for the atrocities of this war was put on the sholders of Germany. With unbearable consquences,
I think nobody can imagine especially the French looting cole and steel from the Ruhr area, commie "revolutionaries" marauding the cities, hunger all over the place, incompetent politicians, the list is endless.

Then, Hitler enters the picture. Also not a short story, but the core is not really an ideology (national socialism was no ideology, it lacked all the features the religioun like ideologies of marxism and communism carry around). The nazis simply made up the superiour nordic race and the promise to bring Germany back into the position it was meant to be, and the people were absolutely fed up with no jobs, street wars and anarchy.
But what then really worked was their admittedly brillant organisational talent. This is still fascinating today. Unbelievable. One row of success from 1933 to 1939.
Not only economically, but also in the politics of reversing the Versailles verdicts.
Nothing is more sucessful than success.

The start of the 2nd world war is again pretty much disputable. Actually Poland was used by Britain and France as a bait. Did you know that Poland was mobilizing their forces already in march 1939? Their Generals bragging officially to march to Berlin in 2 days? All because they had a carte blanche of unconditional support of Britain and France in case of war? They did not realise that their "allies" were gambling with the chance of Germany fucking up and then simply go in and take over the rest.
They also did not know that Stalin had sent the British home with their request he should attack Germany. Because the British did not comprehend his plans to do that only after Germany along with France and Britain had bleeded out in a repeated WWI atrocity at the west front.
So, he got half of Poland without firing a shot (except the massacre of Katyn), which did not lead the western allies to declare war on the Soviet Union, so much for their reliability against Poland.
But, Stalin had tripled his army forces and put them up in attack positions in 1941. A catch.22 situation for Germany. The rest is history.

And the Jews, you ask?
Well, on one hand they needed a target group they could make responsible for accumulating failures. Second, they needed the looted money, valuables and real estate, war is expensive.
It is nowhere documented that Hitler ordered this expressis verbis. No doubt, that he accused the Jews of influencing all evil on the planet, if you go into detail he addresses exlplicitly jewish bankers and think tanks, like the jewish congress.
I have the impression that this got out of hand with his paladins, most of them not quite the brightest minds on the planet, who took that as a carte blanche to live out their perverted mind officially.
Every dictator is eventually hostage of his supporters. Neither Hitler, nor Stalin, Pol Pot, Mao, Castro, Mugabe or whatever their names are, were or are Superman.
If they loose the support of their close followers, they are dead, and every dictator knows that.
The methods were different, but Stalin did the same in the Ukraina with the Holodomor. Millions starved, because he paid industrial and military imports with the agricultural harvests, interestingly also to the USA. You know that the bread your grandparnts in the early 1930s ate was partly at the cost of the lives of Ukrainian farmers? Feel guilty?

All of the above is not meant as excuse. But do not tread on me as Nazi, the only evil in the world. Especially you the US, to return to the beginning, were in wars with whatever country on this planet since your independence, almost without interruption. You want to justify that? You want me to count your victims?
Who do you think you are?

Read this, everyone. I mean what I said about Germany and stand by every word.

They don't need a "few beers" to project. It's full on projection on America now. They don't even need Trump to be honest.

Dangerous and disgusting. Remember: this is a nation whose soldiers threw babies in the air and shot them for target practice, and whose children were used for grotesque scientific experiments. But hey, life before that was HARD. So you know....America.

That's where Germany is.
You cite the ravings of a loon to indict a whole nation. That is just idiocy.

Notice even when Obama was in office, only 50% of the German population thought well of America. And while the video notes that Americans largely view Germany positively, that's quite a spin. Because this study came out just last month, and I would note that Americans' views toward Germany have cooled significantly in the last little bit.

Change in attitudes among Germans towards US: study | DW | 01.03.2018

And yet, from what I understand, at least half of your nation is unable or at least unwilling to see what is going on all around and so is projecting--let's just call it what it is--all the uncomfortable feelings they can't admit onto (mostly) the United States.

I have seen this online now for upwards of a decade and, with the election of Donald Trump, it's only gotten worse. Now I see a whole new generation of Germans shirking responsibility for your nation's participation in the Holocaust, while, irrationally, blaming America for slavery and colonization (!!!). I have seen this not from one or two people, mind you, but over and over. And over.

I do not expect Germany to flagellate themselves forever over the Holocaust. I was in Germany in the 80s and, though I am not German, it seems to me you had it pretty right then. I don't know what happened since. Perhaps you moved too far away, got too bold too soon, I don't know. But the rampant anti-American sentiment is not lost to us here. It it very apparent here. I often think Europeans honestly think Americans are too stupid to pick up on it. We are not. We are fully aware--or most of us are, anyway. It's too bad--but it is what it is, as we like to say.

Well, no.
I generally bring the issue of bloody US hands only when my opponent is calling me a Jew killing monster nazi. Just as leverage.
To your point of Germans accusing the US for everything: well, that happens when submissive reeducated mindslaves slowly realize that they lived in a, indisptable comfortable, big bubble of made up thruths.

If you bring up the third Reich, you should also find out why and how it evolved.
History does not start at the point in time you may find convenient.

I'll give you a brief timeline where you can start digging further, if you are relly interested.

As starting field, not point, I take the centuries between roughly 800 and
1871. It is difficult to pack that in one sentence because this fills whole libraries, but boiled down it was the start of France a a centralized kingdom, and east of the Rhine a conglomerate of countless mini kingdoms, countships, church ruled states, who were fighting amongst each other and prett regularly gor ransacked by their neighbor east and west. And north, don't forget the Swedes.
The so called Holy Roman Empire of German Nation existed from around 900 until 1806, but it was more an idea than a real empire. The Kaiser was actually the director of a flee circus without the real power of an emperor.
Well, to make the long story short, this construct was invaded on a almost regular basis by every country in Europe you can find on the map.
It was economically unimportant, and no competition to anybody.
Be aware that the Dutch, (THE DUTCH!!!) were in 4 major naval wars 1652 - 1784 with Britain. The German costal states did not even have a naval force at the time.
Just not to forget it, we were occupied and governed by Napoleon around 1800, also interesting times.

Ok, this ended 1871. Prussia with Bismarck united the German patchwork.
To the dismay of especially Britain this led to an unprcedented econimical, scientific and military gain of this before not existing european power house.
Actually, the war trumpets against the Kaiserreich were blown mainly by the Fernch (you can follow up their newspapers of that time), and all of that was triggered by the British.
If you study that, you will also see that the British were pushing and often financing almost every war on the continent since they sank the Armada of Phillipp 2nd of Spain. To make that clear, this Armada was sent to stop Britain from marauding on the oceans and the continent, yet failed.

Britain was pissed by a growing German fleet and a also constantly growing economical edge. In short, Britains main objective was to put Germany back to where it was before 1870, at any cost.
France was longing for revanche for 1871, not a single thought what they did to us the centuries before.
So, we land at 1914. Sarajewo, conducted by Serbia, used by the russian Zar, very badly handled by the Austrian government, attempts of Wilhelm II up to the last day to prevent his ally to start this failed, and the obligations of the alliance forced the German Reich to declare war on Russia and France.
You should know that they already had mobilized their miltary, Germany not.
In this times this was the point of no return, no matter what anybody may morally think about it.
Maybe you can find out how the US justifies their engagement 1917.
Besides the fake story of the Lusitania not transporting weaponry and ammunition.

1918 all responsibility for the atrocities of this war was put on the sholders of Germany. With unbearable consquences,
I think nobody can imagine especially the French looting cole and steel from the Ruhr area, commie "revolutionaries" marauding the cities, hunger all over the place, incompetent politicians, the list is endless.

Then, Hitler enters the picture. Also not a short story, but the core is not really an ideology (national socialism was no ideology, it lacked all the features the religioun like ideologies of marxism and communism carry around). The nazis simply made up the superiour nordic race and the promise to bring Germany back into the position it was meant to be, and the people were absolutely fed up with no jobs, street wars and anarchy.
But what then really worked was their admittedly brillant organisational talent. This is still fascinating today. Unbelievable. One row of success from 1933 to 1939.
Not only economically, but also in the politics of reversing the Versailles verdicts.
Nothing is more sucessful than success.

The start of the 2nd world war is again pretty much disputable. Actually Poland was used by Britain and France as a bait. Did you know that Poland was mobilizing their forces already in march 1939? Their Generals bragging officially to march to Berlin in 2 days? All because they had a carte blanche of unconditional support of Britain and France in case of war? They did not realise that their "allies" were gambling with the chance of Germany fucking up and then simply go in and take over the rest.
They also did not know that Stalin had sent the British home with their request he should attack Germany. Because the British did not comprehend his plans to do that only after Germany along with France and Britain had bleeded out in a repeated WWI atrocity at the west front.
So, he got half of Poland without firing a shot (except the massacre of Katyn), which did not lead the western allies to declare war on the Soviet Union, so much for their reliability against Poland.
But, Stalin had tripled his army forces and put them up in attack positions in 1941. A catch.22 situation for Germany. The rest is history.

And the Jews, you ask?
Well, on one hand they needed a target group they could make responsible for accumulating failures. Second, they needed the looted money, valuables and real estate, war is expensive.
It is nowhere documented that Hitler ordered this expressis verbis. No doubt, that he accused the Jews of influencing all evil on the planet, if you go into detail he addresses exlplicitly jewish bankers and think tanks, like the jewish congress.
I have the impression that this got out of hand with his paladins, most of them not quite the brightest minds on the planet, who took that as a carte blanche to live out their perverted mind officially.
Every dictator is eventually hostage of his supporters. Neither Hitler, nor Stalin, Pol Pot, Mao, Castro, Mugabe or whatever their names are, were or are Superman.
If they loose the support of their close followers, they are dead, and every dictator knows that.
The methods were different, but Stalin did the same in the Ukraina with the Holodomor. Millions starved, because he paid industrial and military imports with the agricultural harvests, interestingly also to the USA. You know that the bread your grandparnts in the early 1930s ate was partly at the cost of the lives of Ukrainian farmers? Feel guilty?

All of the above is not meant as excuse. But do not tread on me as Nazi, the only evil in the world. Especially you the US, to return to the beginning, were in wars with whatever country on this planet since your independence, almost without interruption. You want to justify that? You want me to count your victims?
Who do you think you are?

Read this, everyone. I mean what I said about Germany and stand by every word.

They don't need a "few beers" to project. It's full on projection on America now. They don't even need Trump to be honest.

Dangerous and disgusting. Remember: this is a nation whose soldiers threw babies in the air and shot them for target practice, and whose children were used for grotesque scientific experiments. But hey, life before that was HARD. So you know....America.

That's where Germany is.
You cite the ravings of a loon to indict a whole nation. That is just idiocy.

Notice even when Obama was in office, only 50% of the German population thought well of America. And while the video notes that Americans largely view Germany positively, that's quite a spin. Because this study came out just last month, and I would note that Americans' views toward Germany have cooled significantly in the last little bit.

Change in attitudes among Germans towards US: study | DW | 01.03.2018
So................if asking them to stop restricting Trade and pay their fair share of NATO is getting their panties in a Wad ..........I simply don't care........

I have no ill feelings towards the German people............but have no problem stating it like it is........and Trump says it like it is and has taken the disputes to the mat..............

It is what it is...........and is only a moment of polarization in History.............which will it always does.......

In the meantime...........we are demanding they stop the barriers against us.

And yet, from what I understand, at least half of your nation is unable or at least unwilling to see what is going on all around and so is projecting--let's just call it what it is--all the uncomfortable feelings they can't admit onto (mostly) the United States.

I have seen this online now for upwards of a decade and, with the election of Donald Trump, it's only gotten worse. Now I see a whole new generation of Germans shirking responsibility for your nation's participation in the Holocaust, while, irrationally, blaming America for slavery and colonization (!!!). I have seen this not from one or two people, mind you, but over and over. And over.

I do not expect Germany to flagellate themselves forever over the Holocaust. I was in Germany in the 80s and, though I am not German, it seems to me you had it pretty right then. I don't know what happened since. Perhaps you moved too far away, got too bold too soon, I don't know. But the rampant anti-American sentiment is not lost to us here. It it very apparent here. I often think Europeans honestly think Americans are too stupid to pick up on it. We are not. We are fully aware--or most of us are, anyway. It's too bad--but it is what it is, as we like to say.

Well, no.
I generally bring the issue of bloody US hands only when my opponent is calling me a Jew killing monster nazi. Just as leverage.
To your point of Germans accusing the US for everything: well, that happens when submissive reeducated mindslaves slowly realize that they lived in a, indisptable comfortable, big bubble of made up thruths.

If you bring up the third Reich, you should also find out why and how it evolved.
History does not start at the point in time you may find convenient.

I'll give you a brief timeline where you can start digging further, if you are relly interested.

As starting field, not point, I take the centuries between roughly 800 and
1871. It is difficult to pack that in one sentence because this fills whole libraries, but boiled down it was the start of France a a centralized kingdom, and east of the Rhine a conglomerate of countless mini kingdoms, countships, church ruled states, who were fighting amongst each other and prett regularly gor ransacked by their neighbor east and west. And north, don't forget the Swedes.
The so called Holy Roman Empire of German Nation existed from around 900 until 1806, but it was more an idea than a real empire. The Kaiser was actually the director of a flee circus without the real power of an emperor.
Well, to make the long story short, this construct was invaded on a almost regular basis by every country in Europe you can find on the map.
It was economically unimportant, and no competition to anybody.
Be aware that the Dutch, (THE DUTCH!!!) were in 4 major naval wars 1652 - 1784 with Britain. The German costal states did not even have a naval force at the time.
Just not to forget it, we were occupied and governed by Napoleon around 1800, also interesting times.

Ok, this ended 1871. Prussia with Bismarck united the German patchwork.
To the dismay of especially Britain this led to an unprcedented econimical, scientific and military gain of this before not existing european power house.
Actually, the war trumpets against the Kaiserreich were blown mainly by the Fernch (you can follow up their newspapers of that time), and all of that was triggered by the British.
If you study that, you will also see that the British were pushing and often financing almost every war on the continent since they sank the Armada of Phillipp 2nd of Spain. To make that clear, this Armada was sent to stop Britain from marauding on the oceans and the continent, yet failed.

Britain was pissed by a growing German fleet and a also constantly growing economical edge. In short, Britains main objective was to put Germany back to where it was before 1870, at any cost.
France was longing for revanche for 1871, not a single thought what they did to us the centuries before.
So, we land at 1914. Sarajewo, conducted by Serbia, used by the russian Zar, very badly handled by the Austrian government, attempts of Wilhelm II up to the last day to prevent his ally to start this failed, and the obligations of the alliance forced the German Reich to declare war on Russia and France.
You should know that they already had mobilized their miltary, Germany not.
In this times this was the point of no return, no matter what anybody may morally think about it.
Maybe you can find out how the US justifies their engagement 1917.
Besides the fake story of the Lusitania not transporting weaponry and ammunition.

1918 all responsibility for the atrocities of this war was put on the sholders of Germany. With unbearable consquences,
I think nobody can imagine especially the French looting cole and steel from the Ruhr area, commie "revolutionaries" marauding the cities, hunger all over the place, incompetent politicians, the list is endless.

Then, Hitler enters the picture. Also not a short story, but the core is not really an ideology (national socialism was no ideology, it lacked all the features the religioun like ideologies of marxism and communism carry around). The nazis simply made up the superiour nordic race and the promise to bring Germany back into the position it was meant to be, and the people were absolutely fed up with no jobs, street wars and anarchy.
But what then really worked was their admittedly brillant organisational talent. This is still fascinating today. Unbelievable. One row of success from 1933 to 1939.
Not only economically, but also in the politics of reversing the Versailles verdicts.
Nothing is more sucessful than success.

The start of the 2nd world war is again pretty much disputable. Actually Poland was used by Britain and France as a bait. Did you know that Poland was mobilizing their forces already in march 1939? Their Generals bragging officially to march to Berlin in 2 days? All because they had a carte blanche of unconditional support of Britain and France in case of war? They did not realise that their "allies" were gambling with the chance of Germany fucking up and then simply go in and take over the rest.
They also did not know that Stalin had sent the British home with their request he should attack Germany. Because the British did not comprehend his plans to do that only after Germany along with France and Britain had bleeded out in a repeated WWI atrocity at the west front.
So, he got half of Poland without firing a shot (except the massacre of Katyn), which did not lead the western allies to declare war on the Soviet Union, so much for their reliability against Poland.
But, Stalin had tripled his army forces and put them up in attack positions in 1941. A catch.22 situation for Germany. The rest is history.

And the Jews, you ask?
Well, on one hand they needed a target group they could make responsible for accumulating failures. Second, they needed the looted money, valuables and real estate, war is expensive.
It is nowhere documented that Hitler ordered this expressis verbis. No doubt, that he accused the Jews of influencing all evil on the planet, if you go into detail he addresses exlplicitly jewish bankers and think tanks, like the jewish congress.
I have the impression that this got out of hand with his paladins, most of them not quite the brightest minds on the planet, who took that as a carte blanche to live out their perverted mind officially.
Every dictator is eventually hostage of his supporters. Neither Hitler, nor Stalin, Pol Pot, Mao, Castro, Mugabe or whatever their names are, were or are Superman.
If they loose the support of their close followers, they are dead, and every dictator knows that.
The methods were different, but Stalin did the same in the Ukraina with the Holodomor. Millions starved, because he paid industrial and military imports with the agricultural harvests, interestingly also to the USA. You know that the bread your grandparnts in the early 1930s ate was partly at the cost of the lives of Ukrainian farmers? Feel guilty?

All of the above is not meant as excuse. But do not tread on me as Nazi, the only evil in the world. Especially you the US, to return to the beginning, were in wars with whatever country on this planet since your independence, almost without interruption. You want to justify that? You want me to count your victims?
Who do you think you are?

Read this, everyone. I mean what I said about Germany and stand by every word.

They don't need a "few beers" to project. It's full on projection on America now. They don't even need Trump to be honest.

Dangerous and disgusting. Remember: this is a nation whose soldiers threw babies in the air and shot them for target practice, and whose children were used for grotesque scientific experiments. But hey, life before that was HARD. So you know....America.

That's where Germany is.
You cite the ravings of a loon to indict a whole nation. That is just idiocy.

Notice even when Obama was in office, only 50% of the German population thought well of America. And while the video notes that Americans largely view Germany positively, that's quite a spin. Because this study came out just last month, and I would note that Americans' views toward Germany have cooled significantly in the last little bit.

Change in attitudes among Germans towards US: study | DW | 01.03.2018
So................if asking them to stop restricting Trade and pay their fair share of NATO is getting their panties in a Wad ..........I simply don't care........

I have no ill feelings towards the German people............but have no problem stating it like it is........and Trump says it like it is and has taken the disputes to the mat..............

It is what it is...........and is only a moment of polarization in History.............which will it always does.......

In the meantime...........we are demanding they stop the barriers against us.

I don't think there's anything endemic in the German people that's any different in the rest of us that would make me feel ill-will toward them EXCEPT they are going through some kind of "stage of healing" that seems to project a LOT on us. It has been the truth in the polling for quite a while now--even before Trump--that they think less of us than almost every other European nation. And I'm very leery of that. I don't hate them. I don't have that kind of energy to give anyone, really. But I am, as I said, wary of what's going on there.
Well, no.
I generally bring the issue of bloody US hands only when my opponent is calling me a Jew killing monster nazi. Just as leverage.
To your point of Germans accusing the US for everything: well, that happens when submissive reeducated mindslaves slowly realize that they lived in a, indisptable comfortable, big bubble of made up thruths.

If you bring up the third Reich, you should also find out why and how it evolved.
History does not start at the point in time you may find convenient.

I'll give you a brief timeline where you can start digging further, if you are relly interested.

As starting field, not point, I take the centuries between roughly 800 and
1871. It is difficult to pack that in one sentence because this fills whole libraries, but boiled down it was the start of France a a centralized kingdom, and east of the Rhine a conglomerate of countless mini kingdoms, countships, church ruled states, who were fighting amongst each other and prett regularly gor ransacked by their neighbor east and west. And north, don't forget the Swedes.
The so called Holy Roman Empire of German Nation existed from around 900 until 1806, but it was more an idea than a real empire. The Kaiser was actually the director of a flee circus without the real power of an emperor.
Well, to make the long story short, this construct was invaded on a almost regular basis by every country in Europe you can find on the map.
It was economically unimportant, and no competition to anybody.
Be aware that the Dutch, (THE DUTCH!!!) were in 4 major naval wars 1652 - 1784 with Britain. The German costal states did not even have a naval force at the time.
Just not to forget it, we were occupied and governed by Napoleon around 1800, also interesting times.

Ok, this ended 1871. Prussia with Bismarck united the German patchwork.
To the dismay of especially Britain this led to an unprcedented econimical, scientific and military gain of this before not existing european power house.
Actually, the war trumpets against the Kaiserreich were blown mainly by the Fernch (you can follow up their newspapers of that time), and all of that was triggered by the British.
If you study that, you will also see that the British were pushing and often financing almost every war on the continent since they sank the Armada of Phillipp 2nd of Spain. To make that clear, this Armada was sent to stop Britain from marauding on the oceans and the continent, yet failed.

Britain was pissed by a growing German fleet and a also constantly growing economical edge. In short, Britains main objective was to put Germany back to where it was before 1870, at any cost.
France was longing for revanche for 1871, not a single thought what they did to us the centuries before.
So, we land at 1914. Sarajewo, conducted by Serbia, used by the russian Zar, very badly handled by the Austrian government, attempts of Wilhelm II up to the last day to prevent his ally to start this failed, and the obligations of the alliance forced the German Reich to declare war on Russia and France.
You should know that they already had mobilized their miltary, Germany not.
In this times this was the point of no return, no matter what anybody may morally think about it.
Maybe you can find out how the US justifies their engagement 1917.
Besides the fake story of the Lusitania not transporting weaponry and ammunition.

1918 all responsibility for the atrocities of this war was put on the sholders of Germany. With unbearable consquences,
I think nobody can imagine especially the French looting cole and steel from the Ruhr area, commie "revolutionaries" marauding the cities, hunger all over the place, incompetent politicians, the list is endless.

Then, Hitler enters the picture. Also not a short story, but the core is not really an ideology (national socialism was no ideology, it lacked all the features the religioun like ideologies of marxism and communism carry around). The nazis simply made up the superiour nordic race and the promise to bring Germany back into the position it was meant to be, and the people were absolutely fed up with no jobs, street wars and anarchy.
But what then really worked was their admittedly brillant organisational talent. This is still fascinating today. Unbelievable. One row of success from 1933 to 1939.
Not only economically, but also in the politics of reversing the Versailles verdicts.
Nothing is more sucessful than success.

The start of the 2nd world war is again pretty much disputable. Actually Poland was used by Britain and France as a bait. Did you know that Poland was mobilizing their forces already in march 1939? Their Generals bragging officially to march to Berlin in 2 days? All because they had a carte blanche of unconditional support of Britain and France in case of war? They did not realise that their "allies" were gambling with the chance of Germany fucking up and then simply go in and take over the rest.
They also did not know that Stalin had sent the British home with their request he should attack Germany. Because the British did not comprehend his plans to do that only after Germany along with France and Britain had bleeded out in a repeated WWI atrocity at the west front.
So, he got half of Poland without firing a shot (except the massacre of Katyn), which did not lead the western allies to declare war on the Soviet Union, so much for their reliability against Poland.
But, Stalin had tripled his army forces and put them up in attack positions in 1941. A catch.22 situation for Germany. The rest is history.

And the Jews, you ask?
Well, on one hand they needed a target group they could make responsible for accumulating failures. Second, they needed the looted money, valuables and real estate, war is expensive.
It is nowhere documented that Hitler ordered this expressis verbis. No doubt, that he accused the Jews of influencing all evil on the planet, if you go into detail he addresses exlplicitly jewish bankers and think tanks, like the jewish congress.
I have the impression that this got out of hand with his paladins, most of them not quite the brightest minds on the planet, who took that as a carte blanche to live out their perverted mind officially.
Every dictator is eventually hostage of his supporters. Neither Hitler, nor Stalin, Pol Pot, Mao, Castro, Mugabe or whatever their names are, were or are Superman.
If they loose the support of their close followers, they are dead, and every dictator knows that.
The methods were different, but Stalin did the same in the Ukraina with the Holodomor. Millions starved, because he paid industrial and military imports with the agricultural harvests, interestingly also to the USA. You know that the bread your grandparnts in the early 1930s ate was partly at the cost of the lives of Ukrainian farmers? Feel guilty?

All of the above is not meant as excuse. But do not tread on me as Nazi, the only evil in the world. Especially you the US, to return to the beginning, were in wars with whatever country on this planet since your independence, almost without interruption. You want to justify that? You want me to count your victims?
Who do you think you are?

Read this, everyone. I mean what I said about Germany and stand by every word.

They don't need a "few beers" to project. It's full on projection on America now. They don't even need Trump to be honest.

Dangerous and disgusting. Remember: this is a nation whose soldiers threw babies in the air and shot them for target practice, and whose children were used for grotesque scientific experiments. But hey, life before that was HARD. So you know....America.

That's where Germany is.
You cite the ravings of a loon to indict a whole nation. That is just idiocy.

Notice even when Obama was in office, only 50% of the German population thought well of America. And while the video notes that Americans largely view Germany positively, that's quite a spin. Because this study came out just last month, and I would note that Americans' views toward Germany have cooled significantly in the last little bit.

Change in attitudes among Germans towards US: study | DW | 01.03.2018
So................if asking them to stop restricting Trade and pay their fair share of NATO is getting their panties in a Wad ..........I simply don't care........

I have no ill feelings towards the German people............but have no problem stating it like it is........and Trump says it like it is and has taken the disputes to the mat..............

It is what it is...........and is only a moment of polarization in History.............which will it always does.......

In the meantime...........we are demanding they stop the barriers against us.

I don't think there's anything endemic in the German people that's any different in the rest of us that would make me feel ill-will toward them EXCEPT they are going through some kind of "stage of healing" that seems to project a LOT on us. It has been the truth in the polling for quite a while now--even before Trump--that they think less of us than almost every other European nation. And I'm very leery of that. I don't hate them. I don't have that kind of energy to give anyone, really. But I am, as I said, wary of what's going on there.
What I see is a movement against Merkle............and the refugee is not contained to Germany............people over there are pissed over bringing in so many Syrian refugees...........and it is getting very ugly...........

That is a different subject than Trade..............and NATO...............

They have agreed to increase spending on NATO............let them do so............get on with it.

They have gotten away with screwing us to about 171 Billion in Trade deficits in the EU...........we are calling them out on it..........Oh well..........Trade is a 2 way street not a one way............

And we don't drive on the wrong side of the road...........the LEFTIST drive there.............LOL

And yet, from what I understand, at least half of your nation is unable or at least unwilling to see what is going on all around and so is projecting--let's just call it what it is--all the uncomfortable feelings they can't admit onto (mostly) the United States.

I have seen this online now for upwards of a decade and, with the election of Donald Trump, it's only gotten worse. Now I see a whole new generation of Germans shirking responsibility for your nation's participation in the Holocaust, while, irrationally, blaming America for slavery and colonization (!!!). I have seen this not from one or two people, mind you, but over and over. And over.

I do not expect Germany to flagellate themselves forever over the Holocaust. I was in Germany in the 80s and, though I am not German, it seems to me you had it pretty right then. I don't know what happened since. Perhaps you moved too far away, got too bold too soon, I don't know. But the rampant anti-American sentiment is not lost to us here. It it very apparent here. I often think Europeans honestly think Americans are too stupid to pick up on it. We are not. We are fully aware--or most of us are, anyway. It's too bad--but it is what it is, as we like to say.

Well, no.
I generally bring the issue of bloody US hands only when my opponent is calling me a Jew killing monster nazi. Just as leverage.
To your point of Germans accusing the US for everything: well, that happens when submissive reeducated mindslaves slowly realize that they lived in a, indisptable comfortable, big bubble of made up thruths.

If you bring up the third Reich, you should also find out why and how it evolved.
History does not start at the point in time you may find convenient.

I'll give you a brief timeline where you can start digging further, if you are relly interested.

As starting field, not point, I take the centuries between roughly 800 and
1871. It is difficult to pack that in one sentence because this fills whole libraries, but boiled down it was the start of France a a centralized kingdom, and east of the Rhine a conglomerate of countless mini kingdoms, countships, church ruled states, who were fighting amongst each other and prett regularly gor ransacked by their neighbor east and west. And north, don't forget the Swedes.
The so called Holy Roman Empire of German Nation existed from around 900 until 1806, but it was more an idea than a real empire. The Kaiser was actually the director of a flee circus without the real power of an emperor.
Well, to make the long story short, this construct was invaded on a almost regular basis by every country in Europe you can find on the map.
It was economically unimportant, and no competition to anybody.
Be aware that the Dutch, (THE DUTCH!!!) were in 4 major naval wars 1652 - 1784 with Britain. The German costal states did not even have a naval force at the time.
Just not to forget it, we were occupied and governed by Napoleon around 1800, also interesting times.

Ok, this ended 1871. Prussia with Bismarck united the German patchwork.
To the dismay of especially Britain this led to an unprcedented econimical, scientific and military gain of this before not existing european power house.
Actually, the war trumpets against the Kaiserreich were blown mainly by the Fernch (you can follow up their newspapers of that time), and all of that was triggered by the British.
If you study that, you will also see that the British were pushing and often financing almost every war on the continent since they sank the Armada of Phillipp 2nd of Spain. To make that clear, this Armada was sent to stop Britain from marauding on the oceans and the continent, yet failed.

Britain was pissed by a growing German fleet and a also constantly growing economical edge. In short, Britains main objective was to put Germany back to where it was before 1870, at any cost.
France was longing for revanche for 1871, not a single thought what they did to us the centuries before.
So, we land at 1914. Sarajewo, conducted by Serbia, used by the russian Zar, very badly handled by the Austrian government, attempts of Wilhelm II up to the last day to prevent his ally to start this failed, and the obligations of the alliance forced the German Reich to declare war on Russia and France.
You should know that they already had mobilized their miltary, Germany not.
In this times this was the point of no return, no matter what anybody may morally think about it.
Maybe you can find out how the US justifies their engagement 1917.
Besides the fake story of the Lusitania not transporting weaponry and ammunition.

1918 all responsibility for the atrocities of this war was put on the sholders of Germany. With unbearable consquences,
I think nobody can imagine especially the French looting cole and steel from the Ruhr area, commie "revolutionaries" marauding the cities, hunger all over the place, incompetent politicians, the list is endless.

Then, Hitler enters the picture. Also not a short story, but the core is not really an ideology (national socialism was no ideology, it lacked all the features the religioun like ideologies of marxism and communism carry around). The nazis simply made up the superiour nordic race and the promise to bring Germany back into the position it was meant to be, and the people were absolutely fed up with no jobs, street wars and anarchy.
But what then really worked was their admittedly brillant organisational talent. This is still fascinating today. Unbelievable. One row of success from 1933 to 1939.
Not only economically, but also in the politics of reversing the Versailles verdicts.
Nothing is more sucessful than success.

The start of the 2nd world war is again pretty much disputable. Actually Poland was used by Britain and France as a bait. Did you know that Poland was mobilizing their forces already in march 1939? Their Generals bragging officially to march to Berlin in 2 days? All because they had a carte blanche of unconditional support of Britain and France in case of war? They did not realise that their "allies" were gambling with the chance of Germany fucking up and then simply go in and take over the rest.
They also did not know that Stalin had sent the British home with their request he should attack Germany. Because the British did not comprehend his plans to do that only after Germany along with France and Britain had bleeded out in a repeated WWI atrocity at the west front.
So, he got half of Poland without firing a shot (except the massacre of Katyn), which did not lead the western allies to declare war on the Soviet Union, so much for their reliability against Poland.
But, Stalin had tripled his army forces and put them up in attack positions in 1941. A catch.22 situation for Germany. The rest is history.

And the Jews, you ask?
Well, on one hand they needed a target group they could make responsible for accumulating failures. Second, they needed the looted money, valuables and real estate, war is expensive.
It is nowhere documented that Hitler ordered this expressis verbis. No doubt, that he accused the Jews of influencing all evil on the planet, if you go into detail he addresses exlplicitly jewish bankers and think tanks, like the jewish congress.
I have the impression that this got out of hand with his paladins, most of them not quite the brightest minds on the planet, who took that as a carte blanche to live out their perverted mind officially.
Every dictator is eventually hostage of his supporters. Neither Hitler, nor Stalin, Pol Pot, Mao, Castro, Mugabe or whatever their names are, were or are Superman.
If they loose the support of their close followers, they are dead, and every dictator knows that.
The methods were different, but Stalin did the same in the Ukraina with the Holodomor. Millions starved, because he paid industrial and military imports with the agricultural harvests, interestingly also to the USA. You know that the bread your grandparnts in the early 1930s ate was partly at the cost of the lives of Ukrainian farmers? Feel guilty?

All of the above is not meant as excuse. But do not tread on me as Nazi, the only evil in the world. Especially you the US, to return to the beginning, were in wars with whatever country on this planet since your independence, almost without interruption. You want to justify that? You want me to count your victims?
Who do you think you are?

Read this, everyone. I mean what I said about Germany and stand by every word.

They don't need a "few beers" to project. It's full on projection on America now. They don't even need Trump to be honest.

Dangerous and disgusting. Remember: this is a nation whose soldiers threw babies in the air and shot them for target practice, and whose children were used for grotesque scientific experiments. But hey, life before that was HARD. So you know....America.

That's where Germany is.
You cite the ravings of a loon to indict a whole nation. That is just idiocy.

Notice even when Obama was in office, only 50% of the German population thought well of America. And while the video notes that Americans largely view Germany positively, that's quite a spin. Because this study came out just last month, and I would note that Americans' views toward Germany have cooled significantly in the last little bit.

Change in attitudes among Germans towards US: study | DW | 01.03.2018
Nobody likes trump. That is hardly to be a shock. That will colour their perceptions towards the US. It will pass when he has gone. It is the same in the UK. People despise trump not the US. You are just trying to play the victim here and making no sense.

And yet, from what I understand, at least half of your nation is unable or at least unwilling to see what is going on all around and so is projecting--let's just call it what it is--all the uncomfortable feelings they can't admit onto (mostly) the United States.

I have seen this online now for upwards of a decade and, with the election of Donald Trump, it's only gotten worse. Now I see a whole new generation of Germans shirking responsibility for your nation's participation in the Holocaust, while, irrationally, blaming America for slavery and colonization (!!!). I have seen this not from one or two people, mind you, but over and over. And over.

I do not expect Germany to flagellate themselves forever over the Holocaust. I was in Germany in the 80s and, though I am not German, it seems to me you had it pretty right then. I don't know what happened since. Perhaps you moved too far away, got too bold too soon, I don't know. But the rampant anti-American sentiment is not lost to us here. It it very apparent here. I often think Europeans honestly think Americans are too stupid to pick up on it. We are not. We are fully aware--or most of us are, anyway. It's too bad--but it is what it is, as we like to say.

Well, no.
I generally bring the issue of bloody US hands only when my opponent is calling me a Jew killing monster nazi. Just as leverage.
To your point of Germans accusing the US for everything: well, that happens when submissive reeducated mindslaves slowly realize that they lived in a, indisptable comfortable, big bubble of made up thruths.

If you bring up the third Reich, you should also find out why and how it evolved.
History does not start at the point in time you may find convenient.

I'll give you a brief timeline where you can start digging further, if you are relly interested.

As starting field, not point, I take the centuries between roughly 800 and
1871. It is difficult to pack that in one sentence because this fills whole libraries, but boiled down it was the start of France a a centralized kingdom, and east of the Rhine a conglomerate of countless mini kingdoms, countships, church ruled states, who were fighting amongst each other and prett regularly gor ransacked by their neighbor east and west. And north, don't forget the Swedes.
The so called Holy Roman Empire of German Nation existed from around 900 until 1806, but it was more an idea than a real empire. The Kaiser was actually the director of a flee circus without the real power of an emperor.
Well, to make the long story short, this construct was invaded on a almost regular basis by every country in Europe you can find on the map.
It was economically unimportant, and no competition to anybody.
Be aware that the Dutch, (THE DUTCH!!!) were in 4 major naval wars 1652 - 1784 with Britain. The German costal states did not even have a naval force at the time.
Just not to forget it, we were occupied and governed by Napoleon around 1800, also interesting times.

Ok, this ended 1871. Prussia with Bismarck united the German patchwork.
To the dismay of especially Britain this led to an unprcedented econimical, scientific and military gain of this before not existing european power house.
Actually, the war trumpets against the Kaiserreich were blown mainly by the Fernch (you can follow up their newspapers of that time), and all of that was triggered by the British.
If you study that, you will also see that the British were pushing and often financing almost every war on the continent since they sank the Armada of Phillipp 2nd of Spain. To make that clear, this Armada was sent to stop Britain from marauding on the oceans and the continent, yet failed.

Britain was pissed by a growing German fleet and a also constantly growing economical edge. In short, Britains main objective was to put Germany back to where it was before 1870, at any cost.
France was longing for revanche for 1871, not a single thought what they did to us the centuries before.
So, we land at 1914. Sarajewo, conducted by Serbia, used by the russian Zar, very badly handled by the Austrian government, attempts of Wilhelm II up to the last day to prevent his ally to start this failed, and the obligations of the alliance forced the German Reich to declare war on Russia and France.
You should know that they already had mobilized their miltary, Germany not.
In this times this was the point of no return, no matter what anybody may morally think about it.
Maybe you can find out how the US justifies their engagement 1917.
Besides the fake story of the Lusitania not transporting weaponry and ammunition.

1918 all responsibility for the atrocities of this war was put on the sholders of Germany. With unbearable consquences,
I think nobody can imagine especially the French looting cole and steel from the Ruhr area, commie "revolutionaries" marauding the cities, hunger all over the place, incompetent politicians, the list is endless.

Then, Hitler enters the picture. Also not a short story, but the core is not really an ideology (national socialism was no ideology, it lacked all the features the religioun like ideologies of marxism and communism carry around). The nazis simply made up the superiour nordic race and the promise to bring Germany back into the position it was meant to be, and the people were absolutely fed up with no jobs, street wars and anarchy.
But what then really worked was their admittedly brillant organisational talent. This is still fascinating today. Unbelievable. One row of success from 1933 to 1939.
Not only economically, but also in the politics of reversing the Versailles verdicts.
Nothing is more sucessful than success.

The start of the 2nd world war is again pretty much disputable. Actually Poland was used by Britain and France as a bait. Did you know that Poland was mobilizing their forces already in march 1939? Their Generals bragging officially to march to Berlin in 2 days? All because they had a carte blanche of unconditional support of Britain and France in case of war? They did not realise that their "allies" were gambling with the chance of Germany fucking up and then simply go in and take over the rest.
They also did not know that Stalin had sent the British home with their request he should attack Germany. Because the British did not comprehend his plans to do that only after Germany along with France and Britain had bleeded out in a repeated WWI atrocity at the west front.
So, he got half of Poland without firing a shot (except the massacre of Katyn), which did not lead the western allies to declare war on the Soviet Union, so much for their reliability against Poland.
But, Stalin had tripled his army forces and put them up in attack positions in 1941. A catch.22 situation for Germany. The rest is history.

And the Jews, you ask?
Well, on one hand they needed a target group they could make responsible for accumulating failures. Second, they needed the looted money, valuables and real estate, war is expensive.
It is nowhere documented that Hitler ordered this expressis verbis. No doubt, that he accused the Jews of influencing all evil on the planet, if you go into detail he addresses exlplicitly jewish bankers and think tanks, like the jewish congress.
I have the impression that this got out of hand with his paladins, most of them not quite the brightest minds on the planet, who took that as a carte blanche to live out their perverted mind officially.
Every dictator is eventually hostage of his supporters. Neither Hitler, nor Stalin, Pol Pot, Mao, Castro, Mugabe or whatever their names are, were or are Superman.
If they loose the support of their close followers, they are dead, and every dictator knows that.
The methods were different, but Stalin did the same in the Ukraina with the Holodomor. Millions starved, because he paid industrial and military imports with the agricultural harvests, interestingly also to the USA. You know that the bread your grandparnts in the early 1930s ate was partly at the cost of the lives of Ukrainian farmers? Feel guilty?

All of the above is not meant as excuse. But do not tread on me as Nazi, the only evil in the world. Especially you the US, to return to the beginning, were in wars with whatever country on this planet since your independence, almost without interruption. You want to justify that? You want me to count your victims?
Who do you think you are?

Read this, everyone. I mean what I said about Germany and stand by every word.

They don't need a "few beers" to project. It's full on projection on America now. They don't even need Trump to be honest.

Dangerous and disgusting. Remember: this is a nation whose soldiers threw babies in the air and shot them for target practice, and whose children were used for grotesque scientific experiments. But hey, life before that was HARD. So you know....America.

That's where Germany is.
You cite the ravings of a loon to indict a whole nation. That is just idiocy.

Notice even when Obama was in office, only 50% of the German population thought well of America. And while the video notes that Americans largely view Germany positively, that's quite a spin. Because this study came out just last month, and I would note that Americans' views toward Germany have cooled significantly in the last little bit.

Change in attitudes among Germans towards US: study | DW | 01.03.2018
Nobody likes trump. That is hardly to be a shock. That will colour their perceptions towards the US. It will pass when he has gone. It is the same in the UK. People despise trump not the US. You are just trying to play the victim here and making no sense.
Who's this nobody guy.............never heard of him.
I don't think there's anything endemic in the German people that's any different in the rest of us that would make me feel ill-will toward them EXCEPT they are going through some kind of "stage of healing" that seems to project a LOT on us. It has been the truth in the polling for quite a while now--even before Trump--that they think less of us than almost every other European nation. And I'm very leery of that. I don't hate them. I don't have that kind of energy to give anyone, really. But I am, as I said, wary of what's going on there.

You are kind of right, and kind of not. This is, because your informations are filtered in a similar way ours of the rest of the world are filtered. Even about our internal affairs.
It is correct that the admiration for the US in our media came to a sudden stop when Trump won the election. This is related to Trumps combination of big mouthed real estate tycoon and his habit to speak out what he thinks, which is way beyond their comprehension of a politician.
They are used to greasy liars. Well, he is not a diplomat at all. So what?
And, I estimate 90% of the people here have no other source of information as the redgreen biased media, or do not know how to use other sources.
Actually the same thing happens to Putin. Undeniably he is an autocrat. But has anyone of the all knowing super democrats has one, only one, sound idea how russia could be governed otherwise, considered that his competition consists of billionaire mafia thugs?
The same kind of criminal jerks the EU and the US had installed in the Ukraina after they arranged the regime change with methods that would have caused a major war 100 years back?

I was in Texas in April this year for three weeks. I met a lot of people at work or in some bars in the evening, and they were all reasonable folks and fun to talk with.
I met not one of this all knowing libtards or other assholes who see a nazi or racist behind every corner just because he has different views ,or worse, he has facts and arguments.
Thanks for that reappraisal of hitler. Entertaining to say the least.
You have no idea what you're talking about.

Could be interesting to know what's your real nationality.

The German interior minister Horst Seehofer - the former minister president of Bavaria - works just simple together with neighbors. The areas, which are called today Austria and Italy are the most important neighbors of Bavaria in the South since thousands of years.

And what happens if bad people think good people have stress? Exactly. Politicians of the republican party of the USA send threatening letters to European governments, where they try to force everyone to follow their totally stupid politics of sanctions against the Iran. They try in this way to eliminate the influence of the EU in Europe - or with other words: They try to fight against the peace in Europe. This is again a kind of declaration of war of an imperial might against Europe. Looks like the USA tries to "colonize" Europe. Good luck. Somehow funny that bad relations of the USA are so important for the USA, that it likes to have much more bad relations to everyone else in the world too.

What I do not understand: Why is the USA so desperate that it likes to provoke a world war where the "USA first" fights alone with a full spectrum of incompetence against the rest of the world? On the other side: Why likes the USA not to fight against the real problems of the world - as for example the problems of the man made climate change? What's really going wrong in the USA?

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Thanks for that reappraisal of hitler. Entertaining to say the least.
You have no idea what you're talking about.

Could be interesting to know what's your real nationality.

The German interior minister Horst Seehofer - the former minister president of Bavaria - works just simple together with neighbors. The areas, which are called today Austria and Italy are the most important neighbors of Bavaria in the South since thousands of years.

And what happens if bad people think good people have stress? Exactly. Politicians of the evil republican party of the USA send threatening letters to European governments, where they try to force everyone to follow their totally stupid politics of sanctions against the Iran. They try in this way to eliminate the influencer of the EU in Europe. This is again a kind of declaration of war of an imperial might against Europe of the USA. Looks like the USA tries to "colonize" Europe. Good luck. Somehow funny that a bad relation of the USA is so important for the USA that it likes to have bad relations to everyone else in the world too.
Drama and nothing more..................Our policies over Iran are our can choose to join us or not..........I simply don't care.....

Iran's goal has never changed...........even with the BS agreement under Obama.............Your side is agreeing only for financial gain.
Thanks for that reappraisal of hitler. Entertaining to say the least.
You have no idea what you're talking about.

Could be interesting to know what's your real nationality.

The German interior minister Horst Seehofer - the former minister president of Bavaria - works just simple together with neighbors. The areas, which are called today Austria and Italy are the most important neighbors of Bavaria in the South since thousands of years.

And what happens if bad people think good people have stress? Exactly. Politicians of the evil republican party of the USA send threatening letters to European governments, where they try to force everyone to follow their totally stupid politics of sanctions against the Iran. They try in this way to eliminate the influencer of the EU in Europe. This is again a kind of declaration of war of an imperial might against Europe of the USA. Looks like the USA tries to "colonize" Europe. Good luck. Somehow funny that a bad relation of the USA is so important for the USA that it likes to have bad relations to everyone else in the world too.
Drama and nothing more..................Our policies over Iran are our can choose to join us or not..........I simply don't care.....

Sure we don't care - but this is also not good. In case of the Iran a common sense would be the best. But for to find a common sense it needs lots of discussions and agreements between lots of parts of the world - and not the Darwinian politics "Who takes it all is the winner".

Iran's goal has never changed

Since Alexander visited Persepolis? I doubt about.

...........even with the BS agreement under Obama.............Your side is agreeing only for financial gain.

The natural impertinence of the people in the English speaking world is really astonishing. If you like to know what others are ready to agree with or what they are not able to agree with then try questions and not orders.

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And yet, from what I understand, at least half of your nation is unable or at least unwilling to see what is going on all around and so is projecting--let's just call it what it is--all the uncomfortable feelings they can't admit onto (mostly) the United States.

I have seen this online now for upwards of a decade and, with the election of Donald Trump, it's only gotten worse. Now I see a whole new generation of Germans shirking responsibility for your nation's participation in the Holocaust, while, irrationally, blaming America for slavery and colonization (!!!). I have seen this not from one or two people, mind you, but over and over. And over.

I do not expect Germany to flagellate themselves forever over the Holocaust. I was in Germany in the 80s and, though I am not German, it seems to me you had it pretty right then. I don't know what happened since. Perhaps you moved too far away, got too bold too soon, I don't know. But the rampant anti-American sentiment is not lost to us here. It it very apparent here. I often think Europeans honestly think Americans are too stupid to pick up on it. We are not. We are fully aware--or most of us are, anyway. It's too bad--but it is what it is, as we like to say.

Well, no.
I generally bring the issue of bloody US hands only when my opponent is calling me a Jew killing monster nazi. Just as leverage.
To your point of Germans accusing the US for everything: well, that happens when submissive reeducated mindslaves slowly realize that they lived in a, indisptable comfortable, big bubble of made up thruths.

If you bring up the third Reich, you should also find out why and how it evolved.
History does not start at the point in time you may find convenient.

I'll give you a brief timeline where you can start digging further, if you are relly interested.

As starting field, not point, I take the centuries between roughly 800 and
1871. It is difficult to pack that in one sentence because this fills whole libraries, but boiled down it was the start of France a a centralized kingdom, and east of the Rhine a conglomerate of countless mini kingdoms, countships, church ruled states, who were fighting amongst each other and prett regularly gor ransacked by their neighbor east and west. And north, don't forget the Swedes.
The so called Holy Roman Empire of German Nation existed from around 900 until 1806, but it was more an idea than a real empire. The Kaiser was actually the director of a flee circus without the real power of an emperor.
Well, to make the long story short, this construct was invaded on a almost regular basis by every country in Europe you can find on the map.
It was economically unimportant, and no competition to anybody.
Be aware that the Dutch, (THE DUTCH!!!) were in 4 major naval wars 1652 - 1784 with Britain. The German costal states did not even have a naval force at the time.
Just not to forget it, we were occupied and governed by Napoleon around 1800, also interesting times.

Ok, this ended 1871. Prussia with Bismarck united the German patchwork.
To the dismay of especially Britain this led to an unprcedented econimical, scientific and military gain of this before not existing european power house.
Actually, the war trumpets against the Kaiserreich were blown mainly by the Fernch (you can follow up their newspapers of that time), and all of that was triggered by the British.
If you study that, you will also see that the British were pushing and often financing almost every war on the continent since they sank the Armada of Phillipp 2nd of Spain. To make that clear, this Armada was sent to stop Britain from marauding on the oceans and the continent, yet failed.

Britain was pissed by a growing German fleet and a also constantly growing economical edge. In short, Britains main objective was to put Germany back to where it was before 1870, at any cost.
France was longing for revanche for 1871, not a single thought what they did to us the centuries before.
So, we land at 1914. Sarajewo, conducted by Serbia, used by the russian Zar, very badly handled by the Austrian government, attempts of Wilhelm II up to the last day to prevent his ally to start this failed, and the obligations of the alliance forced the German Reich to declare war on Russia and France.
You should know that they already had mobilized their miltary, Germany not.
In this times this was the point of no return, no matter what anybody may morally think about it.
Maybe you can find out how the US justifies their engagement 1917.
Besides the fake story of the Lusitania not transporting weaponry and ammunition.

1918 all responsibility for the atrocities of this war was put on the sholders of Germany. With unbearable consquences,
I think nobody can imagine especially the French looting cole and steel from the Ruhr area, commie "revolutionaries" marauding the cities, hunger all over the place, incompetent politicians, the list is endless.

Then, Hitler enters the picture. Also not a short story, but the core is not really an ideology (national socialism was no ideology, it lacked all the features the religioun like ideologies of marxism and communism carry around). The nazis simply made up the superiour nordic race and the promise to bring Germany back into the position it was meant to be, and the people were absolutely fed up with no jobs, street wars and anarchy.
But what then really worked was their admittedly brillant organisational talent. This is still fascinating today. Unbelievable. One row of success from 1933 to 1939.
Not only economically, but also in the politics of reversing the Versailles verdicts.
Nothing is more sucessful than success.

The start of the 2nd world war is again pretty much disputable. Actually Poland was used by Britain and France as a bait. Did you know that Poland was mobilizing their forces already in march 1939? Their Generals bragging officially to march to Berlin in 2 days? All because they had a carte blanche of unconditional support of Britain and France in case of war? They did not realise that their "allies" were gambling with the chance of Germany fucking up and then simply go in and take over the rest.
They also did not know that Stalin had sent the British home with their request he should attack Germany. Because the British did not comprehend his plans to do that only after Germany along with France and Britain had bleeded out in a repeated WWI atrocity at the west front.
So, he got half of Poland without firing a shot (except the massacre of Katyn), which did not lead the western allies to declare war on the Soviet Union, so much for their reliability against Poland.
But, Stalin had tripled his army forces and put them up in attack positions in 1941. A catch.22 situation for Germany. The rest is history.

And the Jews, you ask?
Well, on one hand they needed a target group they could make responsible for accumulating failures. Second, they needed the looted money, valuables and real estate, war is expensive.
It is nowhere documented that Hitler ordered this expressis verbis. No doubt, that he accused the Jews of influencing all evil on the planet, if you go into detail he addresses exlplicitly jewish bankers and think tanks, like the jewish congress.
I have the impression that this got out of hand with his paladins, most of them not quite the brightest minds on the planet, who took that as a carte blanche to live out their perverted mind officially.
Every dictator is eventually hostage of his supporters. Neither Hitler, nor Stalin, Pol Pot, Mao, Castro, Mugabe or whatever their names are, were or are Superman.
If they loose the support of their close followers, they are dead, and every dictator knows that.
The methods were different, but Stalin did the same in the Ukraina with the Holodomor. Millions starved, because he paid industrial and military imports with the agricultural harvests, interestingly also to the USA. You know that the bread your grandparnts in the early 1930s ate was partly at the cost of the lives of Ukrainian farmers? Feel guilty?

All of the above is not meant as excuse. But do not tread on me as Nazi, the only evil in the world. Especially you the US, to return to the beginning, were in wars with whatever country on this planet since your independence, almost without interruption. You want to justify that? You want me to count your victims?
Who do you think you are?

Read this, everyone. I mean what I said about Germany and stand by every word.

They don't need a "few beers" to project. It's full on projection on America now. They don't even need Trump to be honest.

Dangerous and disgusting. Remember: this is a nation whose soldiers threw babies in the air and shot them for target practice, and whose children were used for grotesque scientific experiments. But hey, life before that was HARD. So you know....America.

That's where Germany is.
Current Germany cannot be compared with Nazi Germany and their atrocities.
I find the people of Germany today to be polite, tolerant, and family-oriented (obviously there are some exceptions like everywhere else).

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