Germany: Participation in Pegida-Demonstration earns Priest employment ban


Nov 14, 2012

Pegida Bavaria. Will Nutz complain of the swastika?

A heavy ban spell weighs on the head of an anonymized priest. Since he participated in a Pegida demonstration the diocese of Münster had forbidden him to preach and speak in the name of the church in churches as well es anywhere else. On the manifestation, the almost outlawed priest rated the black out of the Cologne Cathedral as silent protest against Pegida negatively. The light has been turned out, because people got together to protest peacefully against the islamization of Europe, he said.
He remains a priest and it is said, that he did not much as priest anymore, anyway.

Nach Pegida-Auftritt Predigtverbot f r Pfarrer - Panorama - S

France does not have freedom of speech in their laws. Neither does Britain. Neither does Germany. None of them do.
Germany has. The Grundgesetz states that one has the right to express his opinion with words, pictures and writings without censorship.
False. Denying the Holocaust is against the law.

That is not free speech.

BTW, whose sock are you? I've never seen you before, yet you miraculously have 3000+ posts.
Denying the Holocaust is actually not an opinion but a claim. One can have opinions to facts but the facts themselves are how they are, what ever an opinion about it is. So, if you say, that you doubt that the holocaust has happened, it is not a denial of the Holocaust.
However, there is an unwritten law in Germany, the "act of enforcing government defined political correctness." While you can violate that "law" without legal consequences, such violations can destroy your career. That does not apply for officials. "Undemocratic" behavior can earn you an employment ban.

Cases I remember:
A homosexual teacher got an employment ban for participating in a Pro-NRW Demo. Funny, the guy came to provoke the demonstrators but then he told openly, that he is rather afraid of Islamists than of right wingers: Employment ban!
8220 Linker Lehrer 8221 suspendiert Reaktionen Ruhrbarone

A young woman´s Olympic and and police carriers were destroyed because her friend was member of the NPD, a typical case of the exertion of the "act of enforcing government defined political correctness."

"Die simpelste rechtsstaatliche Regel, die Unschuldsvermutung, galt nicht mehr. Schlimmer noch: Um des guten antifaschistischen Gefühls willen wurde ein Mensch für die Gesinnung eines anderen Menschen verantwortlich gemacht. Der Fall ist krass, aber keineswegs einzigartig. Denn das Gegenstück zu der unverzeihlichen Gleichgültigkeit gegenüber den NSU-Morden ist eine stets aktivierbare Bereitschaft, sich über den Rechtsextremismus zu empören, zur Not auch ohne realen Grund."
Olympia-Skandal Die symbolische Opferung der Nadja Drygalla - DIE WELT

Who I am? I am just a guy, who wants to discuss this and that and is frustrated by the western governments.
BERLIN: Some 200 police officers have raided 13 residences, mostly in Berlin but also other parts of Germany, in connection with arrests last week of two suspected members of an Islamic cell.

Police said today that the raids were aimed mainly against people who, like the pair arrested last week, were members of a mosque in Berlin's Moabit neighborhood.

Police say there was no evidence that any of the people whose homes were searched were planning an attack. The police did no ..

Read more at:
200 police raid homes in Germany based on terror suspicions - The Economic Times
BERLIN: Some 200 police officers have raided 13 residences, mostly in Berlin but also other parts of Germany, in connection with arrests last week of two suspected members of an Islamic cell.

Police said today that the raids were aimed mainly against people who, like the pair arrested last week, were members of a mosque in Berlin's Moabit neighborhood.

Police say there was no evidence that any of the people whose homes were searched were planning an attack. The police did no ..

Read more at:
200 police raid homes in Germany based on terror suspicions - The Economic Times
That´s only half the truth. They planned attacks not in Germany but in Syria. The leader of the mosque´s madrassa and extremist cell is deeply involved in recruiting Islamists and prepared to send them to Syria.

"Die Festnahmen seien "ein klares Signal und begrüßenswert", sagte der innenpolitische Sprecher der Grünen-Fraktion im Abgeordnetenhaus, Benedikt Lux. Man habe eine Verantwortung, wenn Personen in Berlin Anschläge in Syrien oder dem Irak planten, sagte der Grünen-Politiker am Freitag im rbb."
Hinweise auf Anschl ge in Deutschland nicht verifiziert rbb Rundfunk Berlin-Brandenburg
I can understand why the church would ban a priest who takes part in protests AS A PRIEST----------because such a person is perceived as representing CHURCH POV. I was in the navy and there are things in which I could not participate IN UNIFORM
I can understand why the church would ban a priest who takes part in protests AS A PRIEST----------because such a person is perceived as representing CHURCH POV. I was in the navy and there are things in which I could not participate IN UNIFORM
No, you can´t understand it. The priest privately participated in an approved manifestation. He did not express any extremist views but spoke on the behalf of Christianity.

However, this is how a Pegida demo looks like:

You, see, you and Pegida share the same views....

Check also the quotes in the OP for more examples.
I can understand why the church would ban a priest who takes part in protests AS A PRIEST----------because such a person is perceived as representing CHURCH POV. I was in the navy and there are things in which I could not participate IN UNIFORM
No, you can´t understand it. The priest privately participated in an approved manifestation. He did not express any extremist views but spoke on the behalf of Christianity.

However, this is how a Pegida demo looks like:

You, see, you and Pegida share the same views....

Check also the quotes in the OP for more examples.

if you have something to say-----why not say it? Your post is gibberish ------especially "this is what the demonstration looked like" (???? ??)
The priest "spoke for Christianity" (???)-----somehow his superiors in the church ---probably did not like that idea. You did not even allude to the statement he made which unnerved them
I can understand why the church would ban a priest who takes part in protests AS A PRIEST----------because such a person is perceived as representing CHURCH POV. I was in the navy and there are things in which I could not participate IN UNIFORM
No, you can´t understand it. The priest privately participated in an approved manifestation. He did not express any extremist views but spoke on the behalf of Christianity.

However, this is how a Pegida demo looks like:

You, see, you and Pegida share the same views....

Check also the quotes in the OP for more examples.

if you have something to say-----why not say it? Your post is gibberish ------especially "this is what the demonstration looked like" (???? ??)
The priest "spoke for Christianity" (???)-----somehow his superiors in the church ---probably did not like that idea. You did not even allude to the statement he made which unnerved them
Is your IQ suddenly down to 60?
I can understand why the church would ban a priest who takes part in protests AS A PRIEST----------because such a person is perceived as representing CHURCH POV. I was in the navy and there are things in which I could not participate IN UNIFORM
No, you can´t understand it. The priest privately participated in an approved manifestation. He did not express any extremist views but spoke on the behalf of Christianity.

However, this is how a Pegida demo looks like:

You, see, you and Pegida share the same views....

Check also the quotes in the OP for more examples.

if you have something to say-----why not say it? Your post is gibberish ------especially "this is what the demonstration looked like" (???? ??)
The priest "spoke for Christianity" (???)-----somehow his superiors in the church ---probably did not like that idea. You did not even allude to the statement he made which unnerved them
Is your IQ suddenly down to 60?

a person with an IQ of 60, would not be able to write in the manner that I write. Do you have any idea how "IQ" is determined?
I can understand why the church would ban a priest who takes part in protests AS A PRIEST----------because such a person is perceived as representing CHURCH POV. I was in the navy and there are things in which I could not participate IN UNIFORM
No, you can´t understand it. The priest privately participated in an approved manifestation. He did not express any extremist views but spoke on the behalf of Christianity.

However, this is how a Pegida demo looks like:

You, see, you and Pegida share the same views....

Check also the quotes in the OP for more examples.

if you have something to say-----why not say it? Your post is gibberish ------especially "this is what the demonstration looked like" (???? ??)
The priest "spoke for Christianity" (???)-----somehow his superiors in the church ---probably did not like that idea. You did not even allude to the statement he made which unnerved them
Is your IQ suddenly down to 60?

a person with an IQ of 60, would not be able to write in the manner that I write. Do you have any idea how "IQ" is determined?
Ohhhh, why so serious?
I can understand why the church would ban a priest who takes part in protests AS A PRIEST----------because such a person is perceived as representing CHURCH POV. I was in the navy and there are things in which I could not participate IN UNIFORM
No, you can´t understand it. The priest privately participated in an approved manifestation. He did not express any extremist views but spoke on the behalf of Christianity.

However, this is how a Pegida demo looks like:

You, see, you and Pegida share the same views....

Check also the quotes in the OP for more examples.

if you have something to say-----why not say it? Your post is gibberish ------especially "this is what the demonstration looked like" (???? ??)
The priest "spoke for Christianity" (???)-----somehow his superiors in the church ---probably did not like that idea. You did not even allude to the statement he made which unnerved them
Is your IQ suddenly down to 60?

a person with an IQ of 60, would not be able to write in the manner that I write. Do you have any idea how "IQ" is determined?
Ohhhh, why so serious?

try a bit harder.--------the simple question was-----what did the priest say
to which his associates in the church objected.
Pegida are violent racist trash. Why a priest should be there I dont know.

Oh----I did not know----"pegida" Apparently they are people who oppose
ISLAMIZATION-------whatever they mean by that. Such a stance would not
suggest that all are "racist" unless you would like to assert that any attempt
to curtail Hindu, or Jewish or Christian or Buddhist IMPOSITION of custom and law on muslim majority countries constitutes RACISM. on the part of
muslims. Are you accusing Iranians of RACISM for mandating head rags on women in public----ie --even upon Zoroastrian women? Have Pegida people been involved in terrorism?
Pegida are violent racist trash. Why a priest should be there I dont know.

Oh----I did not know----"pegida" Apparently they are people who oppose
ISLAMIZATION-------whatever they mean by that. Such a stance would not
suggest that all are "racist" unless you would like to assert that any attempt
to curtail Hindu, or Jewish or Christian or Buddhist IMPOSITION of custom and law on muslim majority countries constitutes RACISM. on the part of
muslims. Are you accusing Iranians of RACISM for mandating head rags on women in public----ie --even upon Zoroastrian women? Have Pegida people been involved in terrorism?
For people like Tommy, everyone is a racist, who does not share his strange views.
Pegida are violent racist trash. Why a priest should be there I dont know.

Oh----I did not know----"pegida" Apparently they are people who oppose
ISLAMIZATION-------whatever they mean by that. Such a stance would not
suggest that all are "racist" unless you would like to assert that any attempt
to curtail Hindu, or Jewish or Christian or Buddhist IMPOSITION of custom and law on muslim majority countries constitutes RACISM. on the part of
muslims. Are you accusing Iranians of RACISM for mandating head rags on women in public----ie --even upon Zoroastrian women? Have Pegida people been involved in terrorism?
For people like Tommy, everyone is a racist, who does not share his strange views.
If it wasnt Muslims it would be Jews or Gays or Gypsies. These people just move their targets with the times.
Human effluent.
Pegida are violent racist trash. Why a priest should be there I dont know.

Oh----I did not know----"pegida" Apparently they are people who oppose
ISLAMIZATION-------whatever they mean by that. Such a stance would not
suggest that all are "racist" unless you would like to assert that any attempt
to curtail Hindu, or Jewish or Christian or Buddhist IMPOSITION of custom and law on muslim majority countries constitutes RACISM. on the part of
muslims. Are you accusing Iranians of RACISM for mandating head rags on women in public----ie --even upon Zoroastrian women? Have Pegida people been involved in terrorism?
For people like Tommy, everyone is a racist, who does not share his strange views.
If it wasnt Muslims it would be Jews or Gays or Gypsies. These people just move their targets with the times.
Human effluent.

are you so SURE about that? You don't believe that ANYONE has
special interests for special reasons? Or "special" distastes for
special reasons? You have again insisted that any country which
calls itself Islamic, or Christian is a pile of shit.
Pegida are violent racist trash. Why a priest should be there I dont know.

Oh----I did not know----"pegida" Apparently they are people who oppose
ISLAMIZATION-------whatever they mean by that. Such a stance would not
suggest that all are "racist" unless you would like to assert that any attempt
to curtail Hindu, or Jewish or Christian or Buddhist IMPOSITION of custom and law on muslim majority countries constitutes RACISM. on the part of
muslims. Are you accusing Iranians of RACISM for mandating head rags on women in public----ie --even upon Zoroastrian women? Have Pegida people been involved in terrorism?
For people like Tommy, everyone is a racist, who does not share his strange views.
If it wasnt Muslims it would be Jews or Gays or Gypsies. These people just move their targets with the times.
Human effluent.
Many people need to experience "cultural enrichment" first hand to open their eyes.

Those demonstrating people, the vast majority of them, have no right-wing or nazi background. Many are going too far with their demands but this is a natural effect when it is the final straw.
Pegida are violent racist trash. Why a priest should be there I dont know.

Oh----I did not know----"pegida" Apparently they are people who oppose
ISLAMIZATION-------whatever they mean by that. Such a stance would not
suggest that all are "racist" unless you would like to assert that any attempt
to curtail Hindu, or Jewish or Christian or Buddhist IMPOSITION of custom and law on muslim majority countries constitutes RACISM. on the part of
muslims. Are you accusing Iranians of RACISM for mandating head rags on women in public----ie --even upon Zoroastrian women? Have Pegida people been involved in terrorism?
For people like Tommy, everyone is a racist, who does not share his strange views.
If it wasnt Muslims it would be Jews or Gays or Gypsies. These people just move their targets with the times.
Human effluent.
Many people need to experience "cultural enrichment" first hand to open their eyes. Those people, the vast majority of them, have no right-wing or nazi background. Many are going too far with their demands but this is a natural effect when it is the final straw.

what are the Pegida people DEMANDING? Your comments are very vague
Pegida are violent racist trash. Why a priest should be there I dont know.

Oh----I did not know----"pegida" Apparently they are people who oppose
ISLAMIZATION-------whatever they mean by that. Such a stance would not
suggest that all are "racist" unless you would like to assert that any attempt
to curtail Hindu, or Jewish or Christian or Buddhist IMPOSITION of custom and law on muslim majority countries constitutes RACISM. on the part of
muslims. Are you accusing Iranians of RACISM for mandating head rags on women in public----ie --even upon Zoroastrian women? Have Pegida people been involved in terrorism?
For people like Tommy, everyone is a racist, who does not share his strange views.
If it wasnt Muslims it would be Jews or Gays or Gypsies. These people just move their targets with the times.
Human effluent.
Many people need to experience "cultural enrichment" first hand to open their eyes. Those people, the vast majority of them, have no right-wing or nazi background. Many are going too far with their demands but this is a natural effect when it is the final straw.

what are the Pegida people DEMANDING? Your comments are very vague
Many demand ZERO Muslims and ZERO refugees.

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