Germany: Number of gun licenses doubled since 2015

Particularly women and seniors are arming. "Experts" try to play down the critical security situation, although we get daily news of rapes and attacks. Even a major victim protection organization advices against arming. "You must offer no resistance when being raped or slaughtered or the offender will be even more brutal", is their message.

Deutschland bewaffnet sich

According to the AfD, the number of knife attack have increased significantly since 2005 and they have established a new website about it:
Stupid Germans need to just roll over, accept their fate due to their stupidity, learn Arabic and attend their local mosques....and of course, it's hijab time for all German women.
Particularly women and seniors are arming. "Experts" try to play down the critical security situation, although we get daily news of rapes and attacks. Even a major victim protection organization advices against arming. "You must offer no resistance when being raped or slaughtered or the offender will be even more brutal", is their message.

Deutschland bewaffnet sich

According to the AfD, the number of knife attack have increased significantly since 2005 and they have established a new website about it:
Stupid Germans need to just roll over, accept their fate due to their stupidity, learn Arabic and attend their local mosques....and of course, it's hijab time for all German women.

As a German let me give you the information that the "kleiner Waffenschein" is not a license for real guns - it's a license for alarm guns. And let me give you also this information:

Straftaten 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017
Vorsätzliche leichte Körperverletzung 383.928 378.747 374.576 375.541 406.038 394.610
Gefährliche und schwere Körperverletzung 136.077 127.869 125.752 127.395 140.033 137.058
Raubdelikte 48.711 47.234 45.475 44.666 43.009 38.849
Vergewaltigung und sexuelle Nötigung* 8.031 7.408 7.345 7.022 7.919 11.282
Mord, Totschlag und Tötung auf Verlangen 2.126 2.122 2.179 2.116 2.418 2.379

Source: Anzahl ausgewählter Gewaltverbrechen in Deutschland bis 2017 | Statistik

You are not able to use such information? Let me explain: This data show that in the last 6 years before 2018 were not very significant differences in crimes, which have to do with violence. In sexual motivated violence was a significant increase in 2017 - but this has to do with the "MeToo"-movement. Laws changed and more women are now ready to speak about sexual violence against them.

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Particularly women and seniors are arming. "Experts" try to play down the critical security situation, although we get daily news of rapes and attacks. Even a major victim protection organization advice against arming. "You must offer no resistance when being raped or slaughtered or the offender will be even more brutal", is their message.

Deutschland bewaffnet sich

According to the AfD, the number of knife attack have increased significantly since 2005 and they have established a new website about it:

Who receives licenses in Germany?
Not ordinary folk which must be slaughtered by Merkel's Darlings, but officials, members of the united socialist party CSU-CDU-SPD-FDP-Lefts-Greens, presstitutes, cops, Jews, Muslims etc.
The ordinary Germans are even not allowed to film criminals ( data privacy ) or to defend themselves

In Merkel's Madhouse govern not law, but socialist gangs, Muslim clans, NWO mafias and ANtifa - Murders

The folk is terrified to walk after 08 pm on any large street any city or village because it is disarmed
Only criminals have the right to posses weapons and to commit any crime without strafe
It is about booby pistols and sprays here. You need a gun license for those.

What's a booby pistol?

I'd be carrying a sawed-off 12 gauge, double-barrel. Even if there's 12 of them, who wants to the first to step up and catch one of these?

Ofc a 19-round double-stack Glock from neighboring Austria would be much better. :rolleyes:

That's what the police use here. :eek:

Some of the weapons you are using in the USA for private use hurt in Germany the "Kriegswaffenkontrollgesetz" (=war weapon control law). That's a very very serious delict. No one here in Germany thinks it is a trivial offense to be in conflict with our weapon laws. Who makes only a very little mistake with the handling of weapons or ammunition gets very serious problems in our country.

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Particularly women and seniors are arming. "Experts" try to play down the critical security situation, although we get daily news of rapes and attacks. Even a major victim protection organization advice against arming. "You must offer no resistance when being raped or slaughtered or the offender will be even more brutal", is their message.

Deutschland bewaffnet sich

According to the AfD, the number of knife attack have increased significantly since 2005 and they have established a new website about it:

Who receives licenses in Germany?
Not ordinary folk which must be slaughtered by Merkel's Darlings, but officials, members of the united socialist party CSU-CDU-SPD-FDP-Lefts-Greens, presstitutes, cops, Jews, Muslims etc.
The ordinary Germans are even not allowed to film criminals ( data privacy ) or to defend themselves

What a nonsense. Everyone who needs a weapon gets a license.

In Merkel's Madhouse govern not law, but socialist gangs, Muslim clans, NWO mafias and ANtifa - Murders

Where from do you get your information? From Al Capone?

The folk is terrified to walk after 08 pm on any large street any city or village because it is disarmed
Only criminals have the right to posses weapons and to commit any crime without strafe

Good grieve: Do you have something like a head or do you think with your ass? Why for heavens sake says someone such totally irreal sentences? In Germany exist nowhere a "no go area". Everyone is able to go without weapon at any public place in Germany and has not to live in fear of anyone or anything. Sure happens from time to time a crime - sometimes happen also tragedies - but this happens everywhere else in the world too - also at home is someone able to become a victim of a crime everywhere on the planet. The fight against crimes is nowhere in the world 100% successful.

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Can you get compound bows and broadheads in Germany?

Compounds bows for sure. I don't know in the moment exactly what a broadhead is, but as far as I know all arrowheads are not under restriction of weapon laws. ... I took a look now: Bows and arrows as well as crossbows are free weapons.

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Can you get compound bows and broadheads in Germany?

Compounds bows for sure. I don't know in the moment exactly what a broadhead is, but as far as I know all arrowheads are not under restriction of weapon laws. ... I took a look now: Bows and arrows as well as crossbows are free weapons.

But can you have a 9mm Luger or 8mm Mauser?
Can you get compound bows and broadheads in Germany?

Compounds bows for sure. I don't know in the moment exactly what a broadhead is, but as far as I know all arrowheads are not under restriction of weapon laws. ... I took a look now: Bows and arrows as well as crossbows are free weapons.

But can you have a 9mm Luger or 8mm Mauser?

As far as know this are normal weapons, so: legal with license. But I fear US-Americans are in general not able to understand that even policemen in Germany nearly never use a weapon. Normally it are - including warn shots - much less than a 100 shots on human beings a year. And in Germany die in average less than 10 people a year because the police has to shoot.

And the use of weapons in the USA is for us here absolutely not understandable. We call this "american weapon fetishism".

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