Germany: Anti-Euro Party AfD starts


Nov 14, 2012
The new Party AfD (Alternative for Germany) wants to roll back the Euro currency to get the Deutsche Mark back.

The leader of a new anti-euro party called Sunday for Germany to leave the common currency,
telling an inaugural convention that the euro forces German taxpayers to rescue
bankrupt southern European countries whose people denounce them as Nazis for their efforts.

The media-scared German citizens are permanently and insistent warned of a renewed currency conversion. Leaving the Euro-zone would mean harsh consequences for Germany´s export oriented economy, shocked "experts" hammer into their heads . German citizens are fooled by this propaganda: Germany was world master in exports with the Deutschmark.

And the propaganda machinery runs up:
The Party´s leaders were called "political amateurs" by the top-selling Bild newspaper.

"There is space for an anti-euro party in Germany," said Oskar Niedermayer, a political scientist at Berlin's Free University. "So far this position hasn't really been represented in the German party system."

"This party has good ideas," said Andreas Fluegge, 49, a software specialist from Limburgerhof in the country's southwest. "The euro is a big problem for us. Since we have had the euro I'm making less money and paying more taxes for things I don't understand. I hope these politicians will change this."

Merkel´s fear:
Some of Merkel's voters are now beginning to wonder whether their country — and their savings — should be tied to the struggling euro project, and Weidenfeld said support for the euro "could quickly change if a new rescue package has to be negotiated."

Experts believe the party has little chance of garnering enough of the protest vote to reach the 5 percent threshold. But it could draw enough voters away from Merkel's center-right coalition to force her into an alliance with the opposition or give the opposition an outright majority.
Anti-euro party a wildcard in German elections - World news

Interesting political times in Germany begin now. We shall see, whether the German sheep will jump off the grill or if they prefer to frizzle hot and luscious.
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10 days after the foundation of the AfD, the party counts 9600 members.
"Currently we get 100 - 200 new members daily", said treasurer Norbert Stenzel to the newspaper RP.
I don't recall the German people complaining about a bail out when the MARSHALL PLAN saved their NAZI asses.

Now suddenly they feel put upon because they have to save a nation that is FAR LESS RESPONSIBLE for the economic plight than the NAZI government that lead Germany to destruction.

I have NO sympathy for those of you who feel sorry for the German plight today.

No nation on earth EVER got bailed out like GERMANY did.
I don't recall the German people complaining about a bail out when the MARSHALL PLAN saved their NAZI asses.

Now suddenly they feel put upon because they have to save a nation that is FAR LESS RESPONSIBLE for the economic plight than the NAZI government that lead Germany to destruction.

I have NO sympathy for those of you who feel sorry for the German plight today.

No nation on earth EVER got bailed out like GERMANY did.
Wikipedia writes:
"The amazing economic power and security of supply, which the Nazi economy provided until almost the last day, can largely be attributed to novel and perfected steering, planning and rationalization techniques basing on cartels."
Wirtschaft im nationalsozialistischen Deutschen Reich ? Wikipedia

The Marshal Plan was a tool to
1. Save Germany from a second Allies-made crisis-republic which would lead to another revolutionary electoral behavior of the Germans.
2. Instrumentalize a rearmed Germany for US interests.
3. Remove the marks of the cruel bomb war the Allies carried out.

Thank you...
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Depending on the poll the AfD´s survey results amount between 2 and 5 %. With 5 % the AfD would join the German Parliament in the major elections this year.
Maybe, there should be a short explanation of what has happened to the AfD:

At first, the AfD quickly moved away from the demand to re-introduce a national currency. Lucke, an AfD head back then, favored a new European dual-currency system with a weak "Southeuro" of the "olive countries" represented by France and a strong "Northeuro" led by Germany.

However, the AfD refused to taboo "political correct" issues and quickly became a drop-in center for near-right and right-wing citizens as other parties completely deny debates about the ghost act on political correctness or are radical right-wing parties focusing on pure nationalism. The attention shifted away from the Euro to the immigration. The reputation of the party as an economic liberal alternative led by professionals without political barriers was gone and turned into a symbol for a right-wing opening into the establishment. As a result, Lucke and his circle resigned from the party and founded another: ALFA (Alliance for Progress and Starting).

The new orientation of the AfD made the party all the more successful as the refugee crisis boosted its approval rate among the Germans.
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The Marshal Plan was a tool to
1. Save Germany from a second Allies-made crisis-republic which would lead to another revolutionary electoral behavior of the Germans.
2. Instrumentalize a rearmed Germany for US interests.

Thank you...

Germans will bigger Ally with America ?!
The Marshal Plan was a tool to
1. Save Germany from a second Allies-made crisis-republic which would lead to another revolutionary electoral behavior of the Germans.
2. Instrumentalize a rearmed Germany for US interests.

Thank you...

Germans will bigger Ally with America ?!
After the de facto end of the cold war, America lost the interest to have a stronger German army and the result was the Treaty on the Final Settlement with Respect to Germany.

The treaty formally grants complete sovereignty to Germany that on the other hand renounces it.

A cooperation of Germany and the USA today bases on the German intelligence, which provides all data the US requests to all eternity in exchange for an US espionage software tool.
AfD Party´s campaign is now denial of global warming and violence and islamification. Big Diesel saviors, ect. Even social policy is about it.

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