German FM: Sudan embassy in flames, UPDATE: Gun Fire at US Embassy


Democrat all the way!
Mar 16, 2010
The Good insane United states of America
German FM: Sudan embassy in flames, UPDATE: Gun Fire at US Embassy
German FM: Sudan embassy in flames, UPDATE: Gun Fire at US Embassy

AP) German FM: Sudan embassy in flames
Germany's Foreign Minister says the country's embassy in the Sudanese capital of Khartoum has been stormed by protesters and set partially on fire.

Guido Westerwelle told reporters in Berlin on Friday that the Embassy building was "partially in flames but fortunately... the employees are safe."

He says the demonstrators are apparently protesting against an anti-Islam film produced in the United States that denigrates the Prophet Muhammad.

He says "I demand from the Sudanese authorities that the safety of the German embassy will be guaranteed immediately and I condemn this anti-Islamic hate video, but still this can't be used as justification for the outbreak of violence _ this violence must stop immediately."

THIS IS A BREAKING NEWS UPDATE. Check back soon for further information. AP's earlier story is below.

Angry demonstrations against an anti-Islam film spread to their widest extent yet around the Middle East and other Muslim countries Friday, as protesters smashed into the German Embassy in the Sudanese capital and security forces in Egypt and Yemen fired tear gas and clashed with protesters to keep them away from U.S. embassies.

One protester was killed in the northern Lebanese city of Tripoli in clashes with security forces, after a crowd of protesters set fire to a KFC and an Arby's restaurant. Protesters hurled stones and glass at police in a furious melee that left 25 people wounded, 18 of them police.

Protests were held in cities from Egypt to Pakistan after weekly Friday Muslim prayers, where many clerics in their mosques sermons denounced an obscure movie produced in the United States that denigrated the Prophet Muhammad. The spread of protests comes after attacks earlier this week on the U.S. Embassies in Cairo and the Yemeni capital Sanaa and on a U.S. consulate in Libya, where the ambassador and three other Americans were killed.

Why we keep allowing these haters of freedom into our lands is beyond me. One day we will wake up without our freedoms to speak or to walk down the street. A lot of fucking leftist will regret what they have done.
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TUNIS, Sept 14 (Reuters) - Tunisian protesters jumped over the wall of the U.S. embassy compound in Tunis on Friday and broke windows and set fire to trees, a Reuters witness said.

A large fire could be seen burning inside the compound. Police fired teargas at the hundreds of protesters who were demonstrating at the embassy.
by anthony.derosa 10:37 AM

Middle East and North Africa | Liveblog live blogging |

UNIS, Sept 14 (Reuters) - At least five protesters were wounded when Tunisian police opened fire on Friday to quell an assault on the U.S. embassy compound in the capital Tunis, a Reuters reporter said. It was not immediately clear if police fired live rounds or rubber bullets. A large fire erupted inside the compound which has been invaded by hundreds of people incensed by a U.S.-made film that demeans the Prophet Mohammad. They smashed windows and set fire to trees. by anthony.derosa 11:07 AM
Historically, Islam has been at war with Christianity and Western Civilization since around 723 AD. When things proceeded well militarily for Islam, Islam sought no truces nor gave no quarter while maximizing fully its gains. Coversely, When things went or goes poorly today for Islam, its usual recourse is to seek a truce or some sort of cessation in hostilities in order to tend to its wounds, repair the damage done to it, rearm, re equip, and prepare for its next assault against its mortal enemy. Islam's war with the West never ends. It consists only of a string of active assaults and temporary respites from fighting. Peace is only a temporary, illusory, phenomenom in this war.
Because Hitler had used the premise that Germany had not actually been defeated in WWI, but instead, it had simply been "Stabbed in the back" by the Jews and the Bolsheviks in the German Government at that time back in Berlin, as one of his primary political arguments, during his rise to power and German rearmament, FDR wanted to make sure that Germany knew with certitude it was soundly defeated this time around when the Second World War ended. When it shortly came time for Japan's surrender, the argument was "Why should we let the enemy that started America's war off easier than the terms we dealt the Germans?"
Because Germany had managed to start two world wars in 25 years, Roosevelt, shortly before he died, toyed with the idea of sterilizing all surviving German males in order to prevent another generation of young Americans once again having to march forth to quell a third world war started by Germany.
25 years is a lot shorter, much less nefarious track record, than the record Islam has amassed overr the last one thousand three hundred years.
Islam is not compatible with Western Civilization, Democracy and Christianity anyway, but we can't stop with just the males after Islam is resoundingly defeated. The evil cancer that is Islam, will simply dissappear with a wimper after a hundred years after bringing humanity over a thousand years of war and bloodshed.
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6 Minutes Ago - Protesters set fire to the American School in the Tunisian capital on Friday, after hundreds of people incensed by a "made in the USA" film that demeans the Prophet Muhammad invaded the US embassy compound and clashed with riot police.

The school was closed on Friday.

Protesters had earlier set fire to trees in the US embassy compound.

"Obama, Obama, we are all Osama," the protesters chanted to the US president, referencing the slain al-Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden.

20 Minutes Ago - Anti-Islam film protests Live Blog Anti-Islam film protests 7 minutes ago

Protesters set fire to the American School in the Tunisian capital on Friday, after hundreds of people incensed by a "made in the USA" film that demeans the Prophet Muhammad invaded the US embassy compound and clashed with riot police.

The school was closed on Friday.

Protesters had earlier set fire to trees in the US embassy compound.

"Obama, Obama, we are all Osama," the protesters chanted to the US president, referencing the slain al-Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden. Anti-Islam film protests 20 minutes ago

Shots were fired at the American embassy in Tunisia on Friday.

The latest Al Jazeera report from capital, Tunis, shows the embassy has been set on fire.

(Excerpt) Read more at ...
Historically, Islam has been at war with Christianity and Western Civilization since around 723 AD. When things proceeded well militarily for Islam, Islam sought no truces nor gave no quarter while maximizing fully its gains. Coversely, When things went or goes poorly today for Islam, its usual recourse is to seek a truce or some sort of cessation in hostilities in order to tend to its wounds, repair the damage done to it, rearm, re equip, and prepare for its next assault against its mortal enemy. Islam's war with the West never ends. It consists only of a string of active assaults and temporary respites from fighting. Peace is only a temporary, illusory, phenomenom in this war.
Because Hitler had used the premise that Germany had not actually been defeated in WWI, but instead, it had simply been "Stabbed in the back" by the Jews and the Bolsheviks in the German Government at that time back in Berlin, as one of his primary political arguments, during his rise to power and German rearmament, FDR wanted to make sure that Germany knew with certitude it was soundly defeated this time around when the Second World War ended. When it shortly came time for Japan's surrender, the argument was "Why should we let the enemy that started America's war off easier than the terms we dealt the Germans?"
Because Germany had managed to start two world wars in 25 years, Roosevelt, shortly before he died, toyed with the idea of sterilizing all surviving German males in order to prevent another generation of young Americans once again having to march forth to quell a third world war started by Germany.
25 years is a lot shorter, much less nefarious track record, than the record Islam has amassed overr the last one thousand three hundred years.
Islam is not compatible with Western Civilization, Democracy and Christianity anyway, but we can't stop with just the males after Isdlam is resoundingly defeated. The evil cancer that is Islam, will simply dissappear with a wimper after a hundred years after bringing humanity over a thousand years of war and bloodshed.

it's about time Americans wake up and realize that Islam is waging WAR.....both overt and covert....
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Historically, Islam has been at war with Christianity and Western Civilization since around 723 AD. When things proceeded well militarily for Islam, Islam sought no truces nor gave no quarter while maximizing fully its gains. Coversely, When things went or goes poorly today for Islam, its usual recourse is to seek a truce or some sort of cessation in hostilities in order to tend to its wounds, repair the damage done to it, rearm, re equip, and prepare for its next assault against its mortal enemy. Islam's war with the West never ends. It consists only of a string of active assaults and temporary respites from fighting. Peace is only a temporary, illusory, phenomenom in this war.
Because Hitler had used the premise that Germany had not actually been defeated in WWI, but instead, it had simply been "Stabbed in the back" by the Jews and the Bolsheviks in the German Government at that time back in Berlin, as one of his primary political arguments, during his rise to power and German rearmament, FDR wanted to make sure that Germany knew with certitude it was soundly defeated this time around when the Second World War ended. When it shortly came time for Japan's surrender, the argument was "Why should we let the enemy that started America's war off easier than the terms we dealt the Germans?"
Because Germany had managed to start two world wars in 25 years, Roosevelt, shortly before he died, toyed with the idea of sterilizing all surviving German males in order to prevent another generation of young Americans once again having to march forth to quell a third world war started by Germany.
25 years is a lot shorter, much less nefarious track record, than the record Islam has amassed overr the last one thousand three hundred years.
Islam is not compatible with Western Civilization, Democracy and Christianity anyway, but we can't stop with just the males after Isdlam is resoundingly defeated. The evil cancer that is Islam, will simply dissappear with a wimper after a hundred years after bringing humanity over a thousand years of war and bloodshed.

it's about time Americans wake up and realize that Islam is waging WAR.....both overt and covert....


islam is fighting everything the left stands for. For the left to be defending them is very hypocritical.
Protesters arrested at U.S. Consulate in Chennai, India – This Just In - Blogs

[Updated at 12:06 p.m. ET] Some Friday protests that hadn’t yet been mentioned in this blog post:

– In Afghanistan, hundreds of demonstrators in the eastern Nangarhar province burned a U.S. flag and chanted “Death to America” and “We condemn the film.” The demonstration lasted about an hour and ended peacefully, a local official said. The Afghan government has ordered an indefinite block of YouTube to prevent people there from watching the clips and staging violent protests.

– In Baghdad, Iraq, hundreds of followers of the radical Shiite Muslim cleric Muqtada al-Sadr chanted “No to America, no to Israel.”

– In Jerusalem, Palestinians marched from the al-Aqsa mosque toward the U.S. Consulate, but were prevented from reaching the mission by Israeli riot forces.

– In Syria, hundreds gathered outside the U.S. Embassy in Damascus. Protesters waved placards that condemned the film and blamed the U.S. administration for allowing the production and broadcast of it, according to the state-run Syrian Arab News Agency.

– In Iran, the Islamic Propagation Coordination Council called for nationwide rallies Friday to protest the film and what it is calling a U.S.-backed plot against Muslims, according to the state-run IRNA news agency.


They want us to destroy our freedom of speech. FUCK EM.
Yeah! I'm watching CNN live and a handful of dummies are throwing rocks in Egypt. We are obviously in great danger of attack from these extremists!

A few blocks away, people are enjoying a lovely day in Cairo.

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