Georgia Lawmaker quits ALEC


Platinum Member
Jul 20, 2011
Don't harsh my zen, Jen!
Georgia lawmaker quits ALEC, calls it ‘radical’ group with ‘dangerous agenda’ | The Raw Story

“ALEC is underwritten by corporate dollars to push corporate financial interests that disadvantage middle-class and working families,” said Sen. Orrock, “This group enrolls state legislators to promote its radical legislation in state after state, creating the false illusion of public support for its dangerous agenda. ALEC promotes legislation that suppresses voter participation, undermines state budgets and services, and impedes democracy.”

Orrock was the only Democratic Georgia state senator in the group. With her withdrawal, she said, the group can no longer claim to be bipartisan. She issued a call for other lawmakers to withdraw from the group, saying, “Any lawmaker who cares more about Georgia residents than multi-national corporations should leave the group. We need to be focusing on real solutions for our state, not fanning the flames of wedge-issue politics.”

Heck, I was saying that last year. Advertisers are hearing the message, too with many big names pulling up stakes.

McDonald's, Kraft, Pepsi, Intuit, Coca-Cola Quit ALEC

Global food giant McDonald’s is not happy with the controversy that recently exploded over the lobbying group ALEC, the American Legislative Exchange Council. A spokesperson for the purveyor of the Happy Meal, Big Mac and many other icons of American cuisine has announced that the company has severed its relationship with ALEC. In doing so, McDonald’s becomes the latest in an exodus that so far includes Kraft, Pepsi, Coca-Cola, and Intuit according to a series of articles in

Given that ALEC has counted hundreds of corporate members over its 30-year history, it seems that membership in the organization was once a standard mark of responsible corporate citizenship.

Obvious actions are obvious, Koch boys.
ALEC promotes legislation that suppresses voter participation, undermines state budgets and services, and impedes democracy.”


*suppresses voter participation*
- requires on ID proving American citizenship to vote eliminating the possibility for illegal aliens, minors, dead people, etc, to vote for democrats.

*undermines state budgets and services* - cuts budgets in a real attempt to balance them in contrast to the liberal nanny state, welfare, spend without regard to debt ways of democrats.

*impedes democracy* - stands in the way of the radical, leftist, socialist agenda.
ALEC promotes legislation that suppresses voter participation, undermines state budgets and services, and impedes democracy.”


*suppresses voter participation*
- requires on ID proving American citizenship to vote eliminating the possibility for illegal aliens, minors, dead people, etc, to vote for democrats.

*undermines state budgets and services* - cuts budgets in a real attempt to balance them in contrast to the liberal nanny state, welfare, spend without regard to debt ways of democrats.

*impedes democracy* - stands in the way of the radical, leftist, socialist agenda.

why do you on the right never seem to accept the real world results of your "leadership"?
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As someone who is born here and speaks fluent English, I don't actually need a translation to FECAL (Fox Echo Chamber Angry Listener).

Thanks, though.
LOL. We fully understand what the 'Conservatives' are trying to do. The effort to disenfranchise all those that might vote otherwise than their desired manner is going on at full speed. This is the signature of the new GOP. Not only a small tent, but keep all those you put outside the tent away from the voting booth.
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It's been obvious for months.

Note nobody above actually read either article, as is obvious by the "NO think! Think is bad! NO!" responses.
And to the leftists in this thread... you're not fooling anyone. We all know how you love to try and HIDE and/or make your true agenda sound as though it's something else. Problem is it's meant for liberal morons, not logical conservatives.

The translation is spot on. Sorry being exposed pisses you off. Deal with it.
All lobbyists write sample legislation, some of which get passed, but the one stop Wal-Mart shopping for centrally approved right wing sample bills should be disturbing for anyone.
Everything is either fear or anger with your lot. It does get old. "Oh, They're afraid of Sarah Palin! They're TERRIFIED of Ann Romney." No, hon. It's all one big yawn fest.

Sorry if that pisses you off.
Everything is either fear or anger with your lot. It does get old. "Oh, They're afraid of Sarah Palin! They're TERRIFIED of Ann Romney." No, hon. It's all one big yawn fest.

Sorry if that pisses you off.

Lets play, 'Name That Speaker!'

Here's the quote...
“They’re going to try to make you afraid. They’re going to try to make you afraid of me. ‘He’s young and inexperienced and he’s got a funny name. And did I mention he’s black?’"
Aaaaaand what you said had nothing to do with what I said. Therefore, allow me to repeat myself. We don't operate from a place of anger and fear, and it doesn't matter how many times you say or insinuate that we do.
For the sake of this nation, there are a number of things that need to be done.

A Unversal Health Care System. Why should our nation pay double for inferior results, and still not cover all of our citizens? Plus, setting this up as an income tax, would eliminate the present costs of MediCare and MediAid. It would all be one sytem.

Major reduction of our military spending. There is no reason that we should be paying more than the next 14 nations combined to our military-industrial complex. Were we to reduce that to where we pay only as much as the next 7 nations combined, we would still be the major military superpower. And it might present less temptation for the next administrations to do military adventures.

Set up a tax structure that rewards investment in this nation, and punishes outsourcing. That would increase the tax base significantly.

Invest more in R and D, and in our infrastructure. Both increase costs up front, but the rewards vastly exceed the cost down the road. Examples are NASA and the Interstate Road System.

You see, these are positive goals, not goals against any group or minority. Unlike so many of the goals of the 'Conservatives'. And that is why ALEC and other groups pushing the fear and punishment agenda are losing support. They are not good for this nation, and have nothing positive to offer the Citizens of this nation.
These companies, having advertised that they are liberal pushovers will only be pushed over again and again until they get sick of it and fight back.
These companies, having advertised that they are liberal pushovers will only be pushed over again and again until they get sick of it and fight back.

Sorry dear, those companies - or the majority - are squarely in the right's pockets, I believe. I know McDonalds and Coca Cola are...

ALEC Disbands Task Force Responsible for Voter ID, 'Stand Your Ground' Laws | The Nation

Pressured by watchdog groups, civil rights organizations and a growing national movement for accountable lawmaking, the American Legislative Exchange Council announced Tuesday that it was disbanding the task force that has been responsible for advancing controversial Voter ID and “Stand Your Ground” laws.

ALEC, the shadowy corporate-funded proponent of so-called “model legislation” for passage by pliant state legislatures, announced that it would disband its “Public Safety and Elections” task force. The task force has been the prime vehicle for proposing and advancing what critics describe as voter-suppression and anti-democratic initiatives—not just restrictive Voter ID laws but also plans to limit the ability of citizens to petition for referendums and constitutional changes that favor workers and communities. The task force has also been the source of so-called “Castle Doctrine” and “Stand Your Ground” laws that limit the ability of police and prosecutors to pursue inquiries into shootings of unarmed individuals such as Florida teenager Trayvon Martin.

I'm sure they'll just reform under a different name, but for now, I'll take it.
Everything is either fear or anger with your lot. It does get old. "Oh, They're afraid of Sarah Palin! They're TERRIFIED of Ann Romney." No, hon. It's all one big yawn fest.

Sorry if that pisses you off.

Fear of Palin? Fear of Ann Romeny?
No, it is more of who speaks for America.
Aaaaaand what you said had nothing to do with what I said. Therefore, allow me to repeat myself. We don't operate from a place of anger and fear, and it doesn't matter how many times you say or insinuate that we do.

It is directly related, although I am not surprised your partisan blinders prevent you from seeing it.

you whined that...
Everything is either fear or anger with your lot.

...and I posted...
“They’re going to try to make you afraid. They’re going to try to make you afraid of me. ‘He’s young and inexperienced and he’s got a funny name. And did I mention he’s black?’"
...which is a direct quote from Barack Obama in the 2008 election cycle, claiming as you just did that 'fear' and 'anger' would drive the GOP. Only problem is, no one on the McCain side tried to make anyone afraid of Obama, or brought up his race.

You whined about something that didn't and doesn't exist... just like Obama did in 2008.

Broken record, the pair of you.

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