George Washington and Divine Providence


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Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
1. December 11, 1753 A 21-year-old George Washington appeared at the French Fort Le Boeuf, near Lake Erie, on a mission from Virginian Lieutenant-Governor Robert Dinwiddie, asking the French to remove their forts and interests from the areas of the Ohio River. The French declined.

2. There are four references to ‘Devine’ in D of I… 1)in first paragraph ‘Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God,’ 2) next paragraph ‘endowed by their Creator,” 3) Supreme Judge of the world, and 4) ‘divine’ Providence, last paragraph.

Looking at events in our history, the above phrases become more than mere words. There are remarkable occurrences specifically related to our First President in which one can see the hand of ‘divine’ Providence.

3. When George Washington was 23, he served as a colonel in the Virginia militia. It was 1755, he was assigned to British General Braddock’s army, involved in an ambush at Monongahela by Indians. To this day, it remains the single worst day in the annals of British military history. Of the thousand man contingent, only 23 escaped. And only three officers survived; only one of them, unwounded. Washington.

And what a target he was: 6’3” at a time when the average was 5’5”! Two horses were shot out from under him. This was Washington’s comment, he was “protected beyond all human probability or expectation.”
"Divine Providence in American History," Medved

4. Presbyterian pastor Reverend Samuel Davies, in a sermon that very year, 1755, said, “ I may point out to the public that heroic youth Col. Washington, whom I cannot but hope Providence has hitherto preserved in so signal [remarkable] a manner for some important service to his country.” Preparation - George Washington - Lesson Plan | Teacher Resources - Library of Congress

5 “The really interesting part was the testimony of a pioneer woman, Mary Draper Ingles, who was captured by a band of Shawnee Indians and held in their village for several months. She overheard French officers discussing the battle of the Monongahela with their Indian allies. An Indian chief named Red Hawk said he had shot at Washington eleven times and then ceased firing, convinced that the Great Spirit was protecting him...

Washington’s close friend and personal physician, Dr. James Craik, later wrote of meeting an elderly Indian chief who described the same battle in which the Indians ceased firing at Washington because they were convinced he was protected by the Great Spirit.” "Bulletproof" George

6. A little-known sidelight connected with Braddock's defeat [referring to a battle Washington fought in during The French and Indian War, under a British General named Edward Braddock] was an "Indian prophecy" pronounced fifteen years later by an aged Indian chief.

In the fall of 1770, Washington and several other men traveled to the Ohio to examine some of the western lands that had been granted to colonial veterans of the French and Indian War. During that journey the men were met by an Indian trader who "declared that he was conducting a party which consisted of a grand sachem and some attendant warriors; that the chief was a very great man among the northwestern tribes, and the same who [had] commanded the Indians on the fall of Braddock....

Hearing of the visit of Colonel Washington to the western country, this chief had set out on a mission, the object of which [he] himself would make known." After the two groups had arranged themselves around a council fire, the old Indian rose and spoke to the group through an interpreter:

“I am a chief, and the ruler over many tribes. My influence extends to the waters of the great lakes, and to the far blue mountains. I have traveled a long and weary path that I might see the young warrior of the great battle.

It was on the day when the white man's blood mixed with the streams of our forest that I first beheld this chief. I called to my young men and said, Mark yon tall and daring warrior? He is not of the red-coat tribe-he hath an Indian's wisdom, and his warriors fight as we do-himself is alone exposed. Quick, let your aim be certain, and he dies. Our rifles were levelled, rifles which but for him knew not how to miss-'twas all in vain; a power mightier far than we shielded him from harm. He cannot die in battle.

I am old, and soon shall be gathered to the great council fire of my fathers in the land of shades; but ere I go there is something bids me speak in the voice of prophecy. Listen! The Great Spirit protects that man, and guides his destinies-he will become the chief of nations, and a people yet unborn will hail him as the founder of a mighty empire!” Parson Weems: the hidden George Washington
History by Parson Weems is not history but a series of folk lore. I doubt if it is used even in the lower grades anymore. In those grades it was often used as an introduction to American history and to teach other habits. While I hope it is no longer used, those that learned it as children tend to remember it. Would it hurt if I said the Declaration of Independence was used as propaganda, and Jefferson tried to make it appeal to all groups?
I have no doubt that there is Divine interference in the history of mankind. None at all. The Bible tells us that God sits on His throne, is actively involved in affairs on earth and that He, and He alone, appoints kings and rulers to accomplish HIS purposes. HIS...not ours.

Consequently, there isn't any doubt in my mind that God crafted and wove the person of George Washington to make him the very person He needed him to be for that period of time, to accomplish some purpose.

However, it also must follow He also appoints kings and rulers who are evil, also to fulfill His purposes. The Bible is full of evil rulers used for good purposes, including Pharaoh, Darius, Nebuchadneezar, Herod.

So, if we can rightfully claim divine providence in the life of George Washington, how can we deny divine providence in the life of King George III? Without him, there would be no need for a Washington. Or, divine providence in the lives of Adolph Hitler, Joseph Stalin, Winston Churchill, Franklin Roosevelt. Without all those being present, in their positions, WWII would not have either occurred at all or would have turned out differently. If Washington is an example of divine providence, so are they.

Let's carry that idea right on into today. If we accept divine providence in George Washington, how can we not accept it in the life of Barack Obama as well? If we truly believe George Washington was made by God for His purposes, how can Obama not lay claim to the same thing?
History by Parson Weems is not history but a series of folk lore. I doubt if it is used even in the lower grades anymore. In those grades it was often used as an introduction to American history and to teach other habits. While I hope it is no longer used, those that learned it as children tend to remember it. Would it hurt if I said the Declaration of Independence was used as propaganda, and Jefferson tried to make it appeal to all groups?

“History by Parson Weems is not history but a series of folk lore. “

Well, reggie, folks such as you and I, educated, articulate, well-read, have a way with words…..don’t we?
We select our language with precision….
One man’s ‘folk lore’ is another man’s gospel.

1. Once upon a time there was a despicable terrorist whose aim was to topple the nation and kill Americans. He was a bad man. Some time after he committed his crimes, a good pal of his wanted to run for President of the very same United States of America! But…would Americans vote for a man whose pal committed said crimes, and never even repented?

2. “I didn't get to ask Obama about his relationship with Bill Ayers today, but did ask his chief strategist (and reigning expert on Chicago's political tribes), David Axelrod, about the two men.
"Bill Ayers lives in his neighborhood. Their kids attend the same school," he said. "They're certainly friendly, they know each other, as anyone whose kids go to school together." Ax on Ayers - Ben Smith -

a. See, they’re not really best buds…..they only know each other ‘cause their kids went to school together. That from Barack Obama’s Parson Weems.

3. “Ayer’s son Malik is roughly my age (27), his son Zayd is three years older, and Rhodes Scholar Chesa Boudin, Ayers and wife Bernadine Dohrn's foster son, is also roughly my age.
I know this because I went to summer camp with Malik and Chesa when we were little boys, at Ramapo Country Day Camp right across the Hudson from New York City. Ayers held a teaching post at Columbia that year.
Meanwhile, Obama's daughters Sasha and Malia are 6 and 9, respectively.” Obama and Bill Ayers | World news |

No, there's folk lore for ya'.
Lots of folk lore around Obama, huh?

So, reggie, when you say…’ it was often used as an introduction to American history and to teach other habits.” You had no idea how accurate you were as far a Leftist propaganda and voting habits, true?

"Would it hurt if I said the Declaration of Independence was used as propaganda, and Jefferson tried to make it appeal to all groups?"


Merely have one wonder what you make of the folk lore attendant to the current occupant of the White House.

Some even put forth the nonsense that he's competent.

Also true?
Merely have one wonder what you make of the folk lore attendant to the current occupant of the White House.

Some even put forth the nonsense that he's competent.

Also true?

Competent or not...WAS he chosen by God, like George Washington was? Why, or why not?
I have no doubt that there is Divine interference in the history of mankind. None at all. The Bible tells us that God sits on His throne, is actively involved in affairs on earth and that He, and He alone, appoints kings and rulers to accomplish HIS purposes. HIS...not ours.

Consequently, there isn't any doubt in my mind that God crafted and wove the person of George Washington to make him the very person He needed him to be for that period of time, to accomplish some purpose.

However, it also must follow He also appoints kings and rulers who are evil, also to fulfill His purposes. The Bible is full of evil rulers used for good purposes, including Pharaoh, Darius, Nebuchadneezar, Herod.

So, if we can rightfully claim divine providence in the life of George Washington, how can we deny divine providence in the life of King George III? Without him, there would be no need for a Washington. Or, divine providence in the lives of Adolph Hitler, Joseph Stalin, Winston Churchill, Franklin Roosevelt. Without all those being present, in their positions, WWII would not have either occurred at all or would have turned out differently. If Washington is an example of divine providence, so are they.

Let's carry that idea right on into today. If we accept divine providence in George Washington, how can we not accept it in the life of Barack Obama as well? If we truly believe George Washington was made by God for His purposes, how can Obama not lay claim to the same thing?

"The Bible tells us that God sits on His throne, is actively involved in affairs on earth and that He, and He alone, appoints kings and rulers to accomplish HIS purposes."

History by Parson Weems is not history but a series of folk lore. I doubt if it is used even in the lower grades anymore. In those grades it was often used as an introduction to American history and to teach other habits. While I hope it is no longer used, those that learned it as children tend to remember it. Would it hurt if I said the Declaration of Independence was used as propaganda, and Jefferson tried to make it appeal to all groups?

“History by Parson Weems is not history but a series of folk lore. “

Well, reggie, folks such as you and I, educated, articulate, well-read, have a way with words…..don’t we?
We select our language with precision….
One man’s ‘folk lore’ is another man’s gospel.

1. Once upon a time there was a despicable terrorist whose aim was to topple the nation and kill Americans. He was a bad man. Some time after he committed his crimes, a good pal of his wanted to run for President of the very same United States of America! But…would Americans vote for a man whose pal committed said crimes, and never even repented?

2. “I didn't get to ask Obama about his relationship with Bill Ayers today, but did ask his chief strategist (and reigning expert on Chicago's political tribes), David Axelrod, about the two men.
"Bill Ayers lives in his neighborhood. Their kids attend the same school," he said. "They're certainly friendly, they know each other, as anyone whose kids go to school together." Ax on Ayers - Ben Smith -

a. See, they’re not really best buds…..they only know each other ‘cause their kids went to school together. That from Barack Obama’s Parson Weems.

3. “Ayer’s son Malik is roughly my age (27), his son Zayd is three years older, and Rhodes Scholar Chesa Boudin, Ayers and wife Bernadine Dohrn's foster son, is also roughly my age.
I know this because I went to summer camp with Malik and Chesa when we were little boys, at Ramapo Country Day Camp right across the Hudson from New York City. Ayers held a teaching post at Columbia that year.
Meanwhile, Obama's daughters Sasha and Malia are 6 and 9, respectively.” Obama and Bill Ayers | World news |

No, there's folk lore for ya'.
Lots of folk lore around Obama, huh?

So, reggie, when you say…’ it was often used as an introduction to American history and to teach other habits.” You had no idea how accurate you were as far a Leftist propaganda and voting habits, true?

"Would it hurt if I said the Declaration of Independence was used as propaganda, and Jefferson tried to make it appeal to all groups?"


Merely have one wonder what you make of the folk lore attendant to the current occupant of the White House.

Some even put forth the nonsense that he's competent.

Also true?

Well I agree with the 238 noted historians that rated Obama, based on his first two years in office, as a better than average president, in fact 15th. out of 43. Those same 238 noted historians rated Bush as America's fifth worst president so that was frosting not folklore.
History by Parson Weems is not history but a series of folk lore. I doubt if it is used even in the lower grades anymore. In those grades it was often used as an introduction to American history and to teach other habits. While I hope it is no longer used, those that learned it as children tend to remember it. Would it hurt if I said the Declaration of Independence was used as propaganda, and Jefferson tried to make it appeal to all groups?

“History by Parson Weems is not history but a series of folk lore. “

Well, reggie, folks such as you and I, educated, articulate, well-read, have a way with words…..don’t we?
We select our language with precision….
One man’s ‘folk lore’ is another man’s gospel.

1. Once upon a time there was a despicable terrorist whose aim was to topple the nation and kill Americans. He was a bad man. Some time after he committed his crimes, a good pal of his wanted to run for President of the very same United States of America! But…would Americans vote for a man whose pal committed said crimes, and never even repented?

2. “I didn't get to ask Obama about his relationship with Bill Ayers today, but did ask his chief strategist (and reigning expert on Chicago's political tribes), David Axelrod, about the two men.
"Bill Ayers lives in his neighborhood. Their kids attend the same school," he said. "They're certainly friendly, they know each other, as anyone whose kids go to school together." Ax on Ayers - Ben Smith -

a. See, they’re not really best buds…..they only know each other ‘cause their kids went to school together. That from Barack Obama’s Parson Weems.

3. “Ayer’s son Malik is roughly my age (27), his son Zayd is three years older, and Rhodes Scholar Chesa Boudin, Ayers and wife Bernadine Dohrn's foster son, is also roughly my age.
I know this because I went to summer camp with Malik and Chesa when we were little boys, at Ramapo Country Day Camp right across the Hudson from New York City. Ayers held a teaching post at Columbia that year.
Meanwhile, Obama's daughters Sasha and Malia are 6 and 9, respectively.” Obama and Bill Ayers | World news |

No, there's folk lore for ya'.
Lots of folk lore around Obama, huh?

So, reggie, when you say…’ it was often used as an introduction to American history and to teach other habits.” You had no idea how accurate you were as far a Leftist propaganda and voting habits, true?

"Would it hurt if I said the Declaration of Independence was used as propaganda, and Jefferson tried to make it appeal to all groups?"


Merely have one wonder what you make of the folk lore attendant to the current occupant of the White House.

Some even put forth the nonsense that he's competent.

Also true?

Well I agree with the 238 noted historians that rated Obama, based on his first two years in office, as a better than average president, in fact 15th. out of 43. Those same 238 noted historians rated Bush as America's fifth worst president so that was frosting not folklore.

Bet you agree with the Nobel Peace Prize folks as well....
I have no doubt that there is Divine interference in the history of mankind. None at all. The Bible tells us that God sits on His throne, is actively involved in affairs on earth and that He, and He alone, appoints kings and rulers to accomplish HIS purposes. HIS...not ours.

Consequently, there isn't any doubt in my mind that God crafted and wove the person of George Washington to make him the very person He needed him to be for that period of time, to accomplish some purpose.

However, it also must follow He also appoints kings and rulers who are evil, also to fulfill His purposes. The Bible is full of evil rulers used for good purposes, including Pharaoh, Darius, Nebuchadneezar, Herod.

So, if we can rightfully claim divine providence in the life of George Washington, how can we deny divine providence in the life of King George III? Without him, there would be no need for a Washington. Or, divine providence in the lives of Adolph Hitler, Joseph Stalin, Winston Churchill, Franklin Roosevelt. Without all those being present, in their positions, WWII would not have either occurred at all or would have turned out differently. If Washington is an example of divine providence, so are they.

Let's carry that idea right on into today. If we accept divine providence in George Washington, how can we not accept it in the life of Barack Obama as well? If we truly believe George Washington was made by God for His purposes, how can Obama not lay claim to the same thing?

"The Bible tells us that God sits on His throne, is actively involved in affairs on earth and that He, and He alone, appoints kings and rulers to accomplish HIS purposes."


"By me kings reign, and princes decree justice. By me princes rule, and nobles, even all the judges of the earth (Pro. 8:15-16 KJV).

"Let every soul be subject unto the higher powers. For there is no power but of God: the powers that be are ordained of God (Ro. 13:1 KJV)."

What do you think that means?

Here...maybe this will help:

Or, this:
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I have no doubt that there is Divine interference in the history of mankind. None at all. The Bible tells us that God sits on His throne, is actively involved in affairs on earth and that He, and He alone, appoints kings and rulers to accomplish HIS purposes. HIS...not ours.

Consequently, there isn't any doubt in my mind that God crafted and wove the person of George Washington to make him the very person He needed him to be for that period of time, to accomplish some purpose.

However, it also must follow He also appoints kings and rulers who are evil, also to fulfill His purposes. The Bible is full of evil rulers used for good purposes, including Pharaoh, Darius, Nebuchadneezar, Herod.

So, if we can rightfully claim divine providence in the life of George Washington, how can we deny divine providence in the life of King George III? Without him, there would be no need for a Washington. Or, divine providence in the lives of Adolph Hitler, Joseph Stalin, Winston Churchill, Franklin Roosevelt. Without all those being present, in their positions, WWII would not have either occurred at all or would have turned out differently. If Washington is an example of divine providence, so are they.

Let's carry that idea right on into today. If we accept divine providence in George Washington, how can we not accept it in the life of Barack Obama as well? If we truly believe George Washington was made by God for His purposes, how can Obama not lay claim to the same thing?

"The Bible tells us that God sits on His throne, is actively involved in affairs on earth and that He, and He alone, appoints kings and rulers to accomplish HIS purposes."


"By me kings reign, and princes decree justice. By me princes rule, and nobles, even all the judges of the earth (Pro. 8:15-16 KJV).

"Let every soul be subject unto the higher powers. For there is no power but of God: the powers that be are ordained of God (Ro. 13:1 KJV)."

What do you think that means?

Here...maybe this will help:

Romans 13 - A Christian’s Obligation to Government

Or, this:

Blue Letter Bible - Commentaries - Matthew Henry - Matthew Henry Commentary on the Whole Bible

Actually, I thought you'd go for Daniel 2:21

The premise that God chooses our leaders implies that said are the best, and that is why chosen.

I don't see that as the proper interpretation.

King Saul was chosen to replace the Prophet Samuel (1 Samuel 9:15-17)...

...and the reason was that the people demanded same. Was Saul chosen for his goodness...Rather, God allows free will.

The point was that the secular Saul was allowed by God to teach the people a lesson. And while Saul was supported early on (1 Samuel 10:23-24) “Long live the king!”....his failures taught the people a lesson about the people's judgment vs. God's.
Get it....chosen to make a point.

Which brings us to Barack Obama.....
Actually, I thought you'd go for Daniel 2:21

The premise that God chooses our leaders implies that said are the best, and that is why chosen.

I don't see that as the proper interpretation.

King Saul was chosen to replace the Prophet Samuel (1 Samuel 9:15-17)...

...and the reason was that the people demanded same. Was Saul chosen for his goodness...Rather, God allows free will.

The point was that the secular Saul was allowed by God to teach the people a lesson. And while Saul was supported early on (1 Samuel 10:23-24) “Long live the king!”....his failures taught the people a lesson about the people's judgment vs. God's.
Get it....chosen to make a point.

Which brings us to Barack Obama.....

Maybe so, but that does not negate the fact that he is there as the Will of God and that opposing him represents nothing less than opposing God's Will. No, that doesn't mean you can't have an opinion or work against his policies, but it DOES mean that you cannot refuse to accept him as President of the United States or work to remove him outside the law. Or to belittle him, cast aspersions on him, ridicule him, defame him, lie about him. For a believer, that's forbidden to do to ANYONE, including Barack Obama.

And, by the way, if Obama is there as an act of judgment against us, please note that it isn't the secularist's or the liberals or the conservatives or abortion or drugs or out of wedlock births or sexual sins which has brought judgment upon us. It is The Church! The body of believers who have fallen away from God who are responsible. (See: II Chronicles 7:14 and note how that verse begins.)

One more thought: He may not be there as an act of judgment, but to simply prepare the way for end-times prophesies to be fulfilled. Or, he may be there to bring America to new heights of power and prestige. We don't know, can't know, because God isn't telling us. But, we MUST accept His Will in faith that He knows what he's doing.

Also notice that Jesus himself never said one, single disparaging word about arguably the most evil empire in world history: Rome. Instead of fighting against Rome, instead of leading a rebellion, He submitted to Roman authority without question, even unto the point of death, and commanded His followers to do likewise. How dare we have a different standard than Christ himself?
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Actually, I thought you'd go for Daniel 2:21

The premise that God chooses our leaders implies that said are the best, and that is why chosen.

I don't see that as the proper interpretation.

King Saul was chosen to replace the Prophet Samuel (1 Samuel 9:15-17)...

...and the reason was that the people demanded same. Was Saul chosen for his goodness...Rather, God allows free will.

The point was that the secular Saul was allowed by God to teach the people a lesson. And while Saul was supported early on (1 Samuel 10:23-24) “Long live the king!”....his failures taught the people a lesson about the people's judgment vs. God's.
Get it....chosen to make a point.

Which brings us to Barack Obama.....

Maybe so, but that does not negate the fact that he is there as the Will of God and that opposing him represents nothing less than opposing God's Will. No, that doesn't mean you can't have an opinion or work against his policies, but it DOES mean that you cannot refuse to accept him as President of the United States or work to remove him outside the law. Or to belittle him, cast aspersions on him, ridicule him, defame him, lie about him. For a believer, that's forbidden to do to ANYONE, including Barack Obama.

And, by the way, if Obama is there as an act of judgment against us, please note that it isn't the secularist's or the liberals or the conservatives or abortion or drugs or out of wedlock births or sexual sins which has brought judgment upon us. It is The Church! The body of believers who have fallen away from God who are responsible. (See: II Chronicles 7:14 and note how that verse begins.)

One more thought: He may not be there as an act of judgment, but to simply prepare the way for end-times prophesies to be fulfilled. Or, he may be there to bring America to new heights of power and prestige. We don't know, can't know, because God isn't telling us. But, we MUST accept His Will in faith that He knows what he's doing.

Also notice that Jesus himself never said one, single disparaging word about arguably the most evil empire in world history: Rome. Instead of fighting against Rome, instead of leading a rebellion, He submitted to Roman authority without question, even unto the point of death, and commanded His followers to do likewise. How dare we have a different standard than Christ himself?

"DOES mean that you cannot refuse to accept him as President of the United States or work to remove him outside the law. Or to belittle him, cast aspersions on him, ridicule him, defame him, lie about him. For a believer, that's forbidden to do to ANYONE, including Barack Obama."

Of course I accept him as President....

....the rest of the paragraph is total nonsense.

I render to Caesar that which is Caesars.
We don't live in a theocracy, nor do I wish to do so.
Of course I accept him as President....

....the rest of the paragraph is total nonsense.

Is it?

"Neither murmur ye, as some of them also murmured, and were destroyed of the destroyer."--I Cor 10:10

"Wherefore putting away lying, speak every man truth with his neighbour: for we are members one of another."--Eph 4:25

"Let no corrupt communication proceed out of your mouth, but that which is good to the use of edifying, that it may minister grace unto the hearers."--Eph 4:29

"Let all bitterness, and wrath, and anger, and clamour, and evil speaking, be put away from you, with all malice:

And be ye kind one to another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, even as God for Christ's sake hath forgiven you."--Eph 4: 31-32

Or, in a negative sense:

"Now the works of the flesh (Note: As opposed to the works of the Spirit) are manifest, which are these; Adultery, fornication, uncleanness, lasciviousness,

Idolatry, witchcraft, hatred, variance, emulations, wrath, strife, seditions, heresies,"---Gal 5:19-20

Would you like for me to explain the Greek definitions of the highlighted words?

We don't live in a theocracy, nor do I wish to do so.

Neither do I.
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Of course I accept him as President....

....the rest of the paragraph is total nonsense.

Is it?

"Neither murmur ye, as some of them also murmured, and were destroyed of the destroyer."--I Cor 10:10

"Wherefore putting away lying, speak every man truth with his neighbour: for we are members one of another."--Eph 4:25

"Let no corrupt communication proceed out of your mouth, but that which is good to the use of edifying, that it may minister grace unto the hearers."--Eph 4:29

"Let all bitterness, and wrath, and anger, and clamour, and evil speaking, be put away from you, with all malice:

And be ye kind one to another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, even as God for Christ's sake hath forgiven you."--Eph 4: 31-32

Or, in a negative sense:

"Now the works of the flesh (Note: As opposed to the works of the Spirit) are manifest, which are these; Adultery, fornication, uncleanness, lasciviousness,

Idolatry, witchcraft, hatred, variance, emulations, wrath, strife, seditions, heresies,"---Gal 5:19-20

Would you like for me to explain the Greek definitions of the highlighted words?

We don't live in a theocracy, nor do I wish to do so.

Neither do I.

I never lie.

Beyond that, any post that insists that every word in the Bible be followed ....let's simply say is 'silly' and leave it at that.

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