George W. Bush offers tepid endorsement of Romney

You know Frank, now that I've thrown off that false dichotomy of "Left-Right" and "Democrat-Republican" I see things a lot differently now.

It just seems to me that Obama is getting all the same negative press that Bush got leading up to the election, like it's all staged. You know none of them f*ckers say anything "off the cuff".

By the time the November elections are here we're supposed to look at Romney as a "Savior" and Obama as the "Failure". Sound familiar?

It's a re-do of 2008.
George W. Bush offers tepid endorsement of Romney

That's not surprising.​

Mitt's Massachusetts Economy

1. Ranked 47th in job growth
2. Suffered the second-largest labor force decline in the nation
3. Lost 14 percent of its manufacturing jobs
4. Experienced “below average” economic growth and was “often near the bottom”
5. Piled on more debt than any other state


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