George Soros says there 'isn’t all that much difference' between Romney and Obama


Diamond Member
Jul 11, 2004


By Toby Harnden

Last updated at 12:32 AM on 28th January 2012

This isn't exactly the kind of endorsement the Romney campaign is looking for. It's probably even less welcome than the purported nod for Newt Gingrich from crooked GOP congressman Randy 'Duke' Cunningham sent from his jail cell.

Speaking in Davos, gathering place for the global elites and upscale chattering classes, billionaire investor George Soros - loathed by conservative activists for his 'zillion-dollar left-wing radical agenda machine' - seemed to be pretty much OK with the notion of a Romney presidency.

Read more: George Soros says there 'isn't all that much difference' between Romney and Obama | Mail Online
Soros doesn't want his guy to have to run against Romney so he does this little song and dance. Just watch how Soros' tune changes if Romney gets the nomination...Mitt will go from the same as Obama to the same as W. as fast as MoveOn.Org can crank up the PR machine.
The more conservative members of this board have been saying the same thing for weeks.
This is freaking hilarious. Here is Soros saying the SAME thing that the tea party assholes have been saying all along and all the sudden he is full of shit.
Good, Soros is worried. This is a positive thing for Mitt.
The Nazi Soros should be worried as he is a cause for much of what is going on in the world.

You gotta ask yourself.... why would Soros say that? Answer, because he would prefer the nominee not to be Romney. He can't buy Romney - Romney don't need the money. :lol:
True. Soros is the greedy one...and oddly? He's an anethma...extreme manipulator.

Note also his words among the left carry alot of weight and sadly? Too many are eager to follow him in his path as he along with others threaten to destroy the free world.

Soros is an extreme leftist that learned well from his Nazi masters.
Do you mean they are both on Soros payroll? We know Obama is for sure. Soros was grousing a year or so ago about how dissappointed he was with the job Obama was doing after all the money he spent getting him the job.

As heard during the 2008 campaign:
Woman screaming "HE's going to pay for my groceries!!!"
Man questioning "Where's HE going to get the money?"
Woman screaming "From HIS stash!!!!!!"

How Obama Got Elected... Interviews With Obama Voters - YouTube
So between the two we have a conservative democrat for certain and maybe a moderate republican........ maybe.
Maybe we should get Soros to employ this reverse psychology for other things, he could come out against all sorts of things and republicans will automatically be for the opposite. We could pass the entire liberal agenda in a year if he became all conservative, all the time.
Soros wins either way. He knows that. The Global Elites win with both Candidates. When are people gonna figure out that they all work for the same bosses? The two Harvard boys will now pretend to hate each other in the coming Election. Just like the two Yale Skull & Bones boys, Bush & Kerry, pretended to hate each other in their Election. It's all just one big club, and you're not allowed to join.
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I did not realize that so many people demonize Soros to this day. I have read that he hasn't contributed to any Democratic candidates since 2008, that he stepped back from the 2010 fiasco entirely.

I guess Soros is like Acorn, just a convenient short name that the Republicans can remember and hate, because if there is one thing that I have come to realize about Republicans as individuals it is this, they can not survive without hate. It is the vehicle by which they transfer their own self-loathing to others I suppose, but whatever the reason, if they can not find someone to hate they cease to exist.
So between the two we have a conservative democrat for certain and maybe a moderate republican........ maybe.
Romney's plan is so obvious. Paint himself as far to the right as possible. Once nominated, appeal to more conservative democrats knowing that right wingers will not vote for Obama.

He always looks like an actor playing the president. It worked for Reagan but I doubt it will work for Romney.
The two Harvard boys are really gonna pull one over on the American People. Just another rig-job in the end. The only real winners will be the Global Elite assholes like George Soros.
Flopper, I'll be honest with you, I've got to agree with old George. Romney's about the same as Obama. The thing that would scare me about Romney though is that he is far to willing to bend the strong pressure, and he would surly get that from his own Party. With him in charge the Republicans might well push through all sorts of nonsense. Put Romney in the White House with a Democratic House and a Senate with 61 Democrats plus Bernie and I could sleep OK at night.
George Soros says there 'isn’t all that much difference' between Romney and Obama

Hint. Obama Swallows. ;)
Flopper, I'll be honest with you, I've got to agree with old George. Romney's about the same as Obama. The thing that would scare me about Romney though is that he is far to willing to bend the strong pressure, and he would surly get that from his own Party. With him in charge the Republicans might well push through all sorts of nonsense. Put Romney in the White House with a Democratic House and a Senate with 61 Democrats plus Bernie and I could sleep OK at night.
Romney is hitting all the conservative hot button, slash government spending, repeal Obamacare, add new defense programs, anti-abortion, birth control by abstinence, prayer in schools as a local decision, opposition to same sex marriage, etc,... However, the real agenda will be set by events to which he has no control just as was the case with Bush and Obama.

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