George Soros Promotes Vote Fraud


Let's go swimmin'!
May 3, 2011
My house
Article: Soros Backing Blocking Voter Fraud Prevention Efforts ~


Take a look at the press releases from progressive organizations that deny voter fraud is a serious problem and the organization that appears to be out in front these days is the George Soros funded Advancement Project. The group, founded in 1999 by civil rights attorneys, describes itself as “a policy, communications and legal action group committed to racial justice.” It has offices in Washington D.C. and Los Angeles. Shortly after the disputed 2000 Bush/Gore election the group released a report, “America’s Modern Poll Tax: How Structural Disenfranchisement Erodes Democracy.” It concluded that the ballot irregularities in Florida were “pervasive across the nation” and prevented minorities from voting.
During the 2004 election, Advancement Project attorneys tried to block Republican efforts to protect the integrity of the ballot. They claimed Republicans were prohibited from implementing ballot security programs by a 1982 federal court consent decree in the case DNC v. RNC. That same year Republicans challenged the authenticity of tens of thousands of voter registrations in Ohio and other key battleground states. The Advancement Project responded by filing lawsuits in Ohio and Florida to prevent those states from implementing voter security measures.
What does the American public do to assure votes are counted accurately and omuerta-oath precinct chairmen aren't screwing their districts out of a true count in favor of liberalism, that isn't popular on tv or anywhere else in America, but for some astonishing reason, riddles the voting precincts with anguishing recounts when Democrats don't win, whining that Republicans are mean while they cheat their party to the top.
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Becki,I apologize to you,and the board for this comment.
he is the godfather of global communism and islamifacism.
For deaths globally directly or indirectly by the millions who support democracy.
I support his untimely death.
Article: Soros Backing Blocking Voter Fraud Prevention Efforts ~


Take a look at the press releases from progressive organizations that deny voter fraud is a serious problem and the organization that appears to be out in front these days is the George Soros funded Advancement Project. The group, founded in 1999 by civil rights attorneys, describes itself as “a policy, communications and legal action group committed to racial justice.” It has offices in Washington D.C. and Los Angeles. Shortly after the disputed 2000 Bush/Gore election the group released a report, “America’s Modern Poll Tax: How Structural Disenfranchisement Erodes Democracy.” It concluded that the ballot irregularities in Florida were “pervasive across the nation” and prevented minorities from voting.
During the 2004 election, Advancement Project attorneys tried to block Republican efforts to protect the integrity of the ballot. They claimed Republicans were prohibited from implementing ballot security programs by a 1982 federal court consent decree in the case DNC v. RNC. That same year Republicans challenged the authenticity of tens of thousands of voter registrations in Ohio and other key battleground states. The Advancement Project responded by filing lawsuits in Ohio and Florida to prevent those states from implementing voter security measures.
What does the American public do to assure votes are counted accurately and omuerta-oath precinct chairmen aren't screwing their districts out of a true count in favor of liberalism, that isn't popular on tv or anywhere else in America, but for some astonishing reason, riddles the voting precincts with anguishing recounts when Democrats don't win, whining that Republicans are mean while they cheat their party to the top.

It's clear the left wants no safeguards in place to protect the integrity of our voting process. Also, a global company located in Spain, with ties to Soros, will be counting our votes. SCYTL will be taking over a lot of vote counting for SOE. Critics worry that it won't be accurate or honest considering there will be no chain of custody for electronic votes, no recounts and no statistics for each district. We vote and trust this foreign company to give us accurate results.
Clementine they don't want safeguards.if there were,Obama never would have won 08,and would lose a landslide now.
Becki,I apologize to you,and the board for this comment.
he is the godfather of global communism and islamifacism.
For deaths globally directly or indirectly by the millions who support democracy.
I support his untimely death.

I am reporting you to the FBI.
I support Obama's impeachment and imprisonment for crimes against this country,the legal way him and buffett.
Soros isn't even a us official or a us citizenhes the mastermind behind our destruction I didn't say I was going to do it,but if someone did soros in,it wouldn't be any loss to me,and the financier of communism and the destruction of democracy would be gone.
Soros is also a foreigner,where him and buffett both created the scam where they claimed bush devaluated the dollar,whereas both of them sold BILLIONS of us currency and not only dumped billions,but invested AGAINST the dollar to the Chinese Yuan in the international currency trade market,thereby they created the dollar devaluation and then tried to blame BUSH for it UN 2004.
He also was a part of the Russian conglomerate as a Hungarians citizen fighting aganat Hungary itself when it broke away from the Communist bloc.
Hes not a us citizen or official.
Old cock,read my links,you'll see the crimes buffett and Obama created.
when I worked for HSBC,Warren buffett was head of HELZBERG. diamonds,and mined diamonds in south Africa using slaved Africans under the supervision of alwueda groups hired to oversee the productivity.
#80 George Soros -

The World's Billionaires
#80 George Soros
03.08.07, 6:00 PM ET

©Getty Images/Nicolas Kamm
Age: 76

Fortune: self made

Source: hedge funds

Net Worth: $8.5 bil

Country Of Citizenship: United States

Residence: Westchester, New York , United States, North America

Industry: Finance

Marital Status: divorced, 5 children

Education: London School of Economics, Bachelor of Arts / Science

Born in Hungary; family evaded capture by the Nazis 1940s. Studied at London School of Economics; founded Quantum Fund. Accused of "breaking" the British pound in 1992 with protégé Stanley Druckenmiller; short position netted him $1 billion. Lost several hundred million investing in Russian telecom firm Svyazinvest. Closed Quantum 2000, now manages Quantum Endowment. Committed philanthropist has given away $5 billion since 1991 via Open Society Institute and other foundations. Spent $27 million trying to unseat Bush in 2004. Author of The Alchemy of Finance (1987) published most recent tome, The Age of Fallibility, last September: explores the consequences of the war on terror.
Look up history.
its proven,plus he works with Putin very closely.
read my link.proof comes out your ears.

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