General observation.. conservatives are willing to say they are wrong.. LiBERALS??


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
I've been a member of this forum for a short period but during that time I've made a few mistakes which others have caught and when I WAS wrong... I admitted it!

BUT in my short period here and I've obviously haven't read each and every one of the comments, those I did read almost all those that admitted like I did I was wrong.. were other honest conservatives .. not one liberal.
It certainly isn't because Liberals are smarter because most liberals have jobs they hate, bosses they hate to work for so they evidently aren't smarter.

It certainly isn't because they are not wrong because when confronted with the facts.. they just don't reply!

Case in point I've yet to have ANYONE refute the FACTS that the following events are costing the US treasury over $262 billion a year.. liberals especially just moan about not having enough money and conservatives moan about too much being spent!

YET the bust/ 9/11 and worst hurricane SEASONS cost nearly $8 trillion in damages allowing tax payers to reduce their payments by $262 billion a year since 2002!
That means over $2 trillion in tax revenue MISSING!

Why has no one disputed that?
More importantly does the FACT $2 trillion that would have been paid in taxes go way over all your heads? You liberals especially blame Bush and conservatives blame Obama!
But Bush had NOTHING to do with $8 trillion in losses nor did Obama!

So why are ALL of you not retorting these facts.. because in your dinky heads it doesn't make a difference?

Well the BIG BIG difference is idiots everywhere don't seem to understand that $8 trillion in destroyed buildings, lost stock values, lost sales, lost businesses IS not something recouped over night! And instead of BLAMING BUSH or OBAMA for these events Blame Obama at least for not making the business environment more positive instead of more negative.
That is what should be shouldered by Obama!
You just can't tell the people that pay the taxes they aren't doing anything or not enough!
I've been a member of this forum for a short period but during that time I've made a few mistakes which others have caught and when I WAS wrong... I admitted it!

BUT in my short period here and I've obviously haven't read each and every one of the comments, those I did read almost all those that admitted like I did I was wrong.. were other honest conservatives .. not one liberal.
It certainly isn't because Liberals are smarter because most liberals have jobs they hate, bosses they hate to work for so they evidently aren't smarter.

It certainly isn't because they are not wrong because when confronted with the facts.. they just don't reply!

Case in point I've yet to have ANYONE refute the FACTS that the following events are costing the US treasury over $262 billion a year.. liberals especially just moan about not having enough money and conservatives moan about too much being spent!

YET the bust/ 9/11 and worst hurricane SEASONS cost nearly $8 trillion in damages allowing tax payers to reduce their payments by $262 billion a year since 2002!
That means over $2 trillion in tax revenue MISSING!

Why has no one disputed that?
More importantly does the FACT $2 trillion that would have been paid in taxes go way over all your heads? You liberals especially blame Bush and conservatives blame Obama!
But Bush had NOTHING to do with $8 trillion in losses nor did Obama!

So why are ALL of you not retorting these facts.. because in your dinky heads it doesn't make a difference?

Well the BIG BIG difference is idiots everywhere don't seem to understand that $8 trillion in destroyed buildings, lost stock values, lost sales, lost businesses IS not something recouped over night! And instead of BLAMING BUSH or OBAMA for these events Blame Obama at least for not making the business environment more positive instead of more negative.
That is what should be shouldered by Obama!
You just can't tell the people that pay the taxes they aren't doing anything or not enough!

Hey look, the mental retard has come up with a new way to post the same thread he's posted 50 times already.

conservatives are willing to say they are wrong..

Wouldn't it be nice if THAT were true?

cuz, damn, they really REALLY are.

Oh man, you got that right.

There were the trillions lost from the Bush Tax cuts.

[ame=]Town Hallers Embarrass Rep. Over Bush Tax Cuts - YouTube[/ame]

The trillions the Iraq Fiasco cost.

The trillions in the "drugs for votes" scheme.

Possibly trillions more for tens of thousands of young Americans maimed in Iraq.

The list goes on.

But it's all Obama's fault.

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