Gay&Trans sex ed to be taught to 5 year olds in UK opting out is illegal


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
The UK Conservative government is set to announce plans for the introduction of lessons on homosexuality and transgenderism for primary school students, despite an official petition against the move, signed by over 100,000.
Gay & Trans Sex Ed To Be Taught to FIVE-YEAR-OLDS in UK — Opting Out Is ILLEGAL

Because the leftist are sexually clipped lunatics who want to make screwing kids legal all by putting it under the umbrella of the ever popular fun loving groups LGBTQ+ . dumbasses really don't know what the plus is for.
Mandatory indoctrination. Why not just give everyone little Chairman Mao hats and send them to work farms instead of pretending they aren't systematically trying to warp the minds of vulnerable little children?
The UK Conservative government is set to announce plans for the introduction of lessons on homosexuality and transgenderism for primary school students, despite an official petition against the move, signed by over 100,000.
Gay & Trans Sex Ed To Be Taught to FIVE-YEAR-OLDS in UK — Opting Out Is ILLEGAL

Because the leftist are sexually clipped lunatics who want to make screwing kids legal all by putting it under the umbrella of the ever popular fun loving groups LGBTQ+ . dumbasses really don't know what the plus is for.
Good, with all the inbreeding of those still on the island what better way to keep that population down than teach kids not to have more kids. But of course with all those newly indoctrinated Brits going to the gay side, and the Muslim Mayor of London, we could see a few of those younglings being taught how to fly without wings. I heard that the tower of London would be a nice place for that.

If faggots are born that way why do they have to teach it to kids?


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