Gay Men: The Democrats' Reserve Army of Histrionics

I am a Democrat Party Liberal and I have NO PROBLEM whatsoever with us homesexuals bearing the same responsibilites as heteos.

And so you learn that conservatives and liberals can agree at times. I hope you don't lose your membership card for that! My particular brand of conservatism extends to not having cards or any "rules" beyond The U.S. Constitution - which appears to say nothing about gays, lesbians, transgendered or even cross-dressers. In the absence of that latter, I would advocate passports and driver licenses being structured to provide space for two photographs, one in each mode of dress. Also instead of "M" or "F" having both appear with check boxes beside them either or both of which might be checked according to the holder's desire.

Seriously....I'm not playing with your head on that!
Nothing like a Republican or a Right Wing site with "Think" somewhere in the title. I'm pretty sure Eisenhower was the last time right wingers really thought anything through using "data", "research" and "information".

Now it's all about "gut feeling" and "intuition" and because, "I talk with God".

There used to be a magazine called "Out". Plenty of people were "outed", but only those who worked to damage other gays. Get it? Gays who wanted to stay in the closet and who didn't work to hurt other gays were left alone.

Leave the gays alone and they will leave you alone. Fighting against gay's having equal rights is NOT leaving them alone. If you don't know any, if they no impact on your life in any way, leave them alone.

Homosexuals already have equal rights. What leftists in general and queer activists in particular want is to tyrannize others, impose, push around. What they will get is the escalation of a cultural civil war to an armed one.

Just saying.

We don't have the civil right to marry.

That's right. There never has been such a thing as civil rights protections imposed by the federal government against the concerns of private property and individual free association based on sexual behavior contrary to nature's physiology and reproduction, nor should there be. It's absurd and tyrannical. The government officially recognizes heterosexual marriage for necessary and obvious reasons. One has nothing to do with the other. It is not a legitimate comparison under natural or constitutional law. The state does not have any legitimate right to recognize or force the people to accept the legitimacy of that which is contrary to nature.

No one's stopping you from "marrying". You're demanding what you're not entitled too in a free society. You represent the ruination of liberty. You're a selfish, self-centered, fascist thug.

I don't pull any punches with lefty. I know what his agenda is. Queer activists have every intention of using the goverment to impose the acceptance of their morality in every sector of our society, public and private.
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