Gay Marriage Proposal

It is you who has made it a matter of absolutes throughout this entire discussion. You began with the premise that it was somehow only about liberty and that's the state and no positive action or function outside of somehow making men free through it's very existence

How about making reply's about what I actually said instead of constructing some absolute strawman and then arguing that.

What I've said is it's about liberty and freedom tempered by a compelling government interest for treating like situated groups in a similar fashion and that the government should not create invidious and capricious laws with no basis. As yet no compelling government interest has been presented which justifies treating law abiding, tax paying, US citizen, infertile, non-related, consenting, adults in a same-sex couple differently then law abiding, tax paying, US citizen, infertile, non-related, consenting, adults in a same-sex couples in different sex couples.

So far the "there is no discrimination" argument has been tried.

Then there was the social engineering and government definition of family argument.

Then there was the it's government job to fix social ill's argument.

Then there was the it's governments responsibility to ensure society remains static and does not change.

All lacking government compelling interests.

What makes people change their mind? Purposefully or not, children pick up on their parents’ beliefs and tend to follow them for the beginning of their life. Occasionally, around the teenage age, some kids transition into a revolt stage and completely change their views on the world. I believe this is mostly due to frustration in something which their parents believe; they have always taken it for granted but now that they have become more educated, they begin to question their beliefs and if unable to come up with an answer that they can rest upon, they choose to find their own way. My civic issue this semester will be gay marriage. I believe that by the time a child reaches his mid-teenage years, he will have picked up on his parent’s reaction to gay marriage. My curiosity about what makes a person change his mind sparked from an article I read from the Los Angeles Times titled,“Obama’s family influenced his gay-marriage shift.” The article explains that even when Obama’s position was in an early state of evolution, Michelle Obama “went out of her way to invite gay, lesbian, transgendered and bisexual couples to the events she sponsored for military families.”

Obama writes,“There have been times where Michelle and I have been sitting around the dinner table and we’re talking about their friends and their parents, and Malia and Sasha, it wouldn’t dawn on them that somehow their friends’ parents would be treated differently. It doesn’t make sense to them and frankly, that’s the kind of thing that prompts a change in perspective,” I thought it interesting that when Barack Obama, our president, was thinking about his position on gay marriage (one of the most controversial topics currently in our nation), he thought of his young daughter. In a way, their thoughts are the most valuable—bear with me, but they are not “corrupted” by society. They are clear and pure; they see their friends and their parent’s just as normal families. To them, a man a woman, two men, or two women in love with one another are perfectly capable of raising a loving and healthy family. Sometimes I think it amazing how much we can learn from kids.

To begin my blogging over the semester I chose to look into some of the arguments that others use in order to opposite same-sex marriage. Most of quite similar and repetitive; the American Society for the Defense of Tradition, Family and Property (TFP) was formed to “resist, in the realm of ideas, the liberal, socialist and communist trends of the times and proudly affirm the positive values of tradition, family and private property.” They argue that marriage is naturally a covenant between a man and a woman and that it violates natural law. While biologically it is true that a man and a woman are needed to produce children, if children can not understand why gay parents would be treated differently, it is really that “natural?” It definitely is not built into us—rather, picked up from society. Also, for the matter of nature, Bruce Bagemihl, a distinguished Canadian biologist and linguist, shows that homosexual behavior has been observed in close to 1,500 species, ranging from primates to gut worms, and is well documented for 500 of them. The TFP also write that “it is in the child’s best interests that he be raised under the influence of his natural father and mother.” As for that matter, I urge all to watch Zach Wahls address this issue (Speech). The people writing this article never had experience being raised by gay parents. They have no basis behind their thoughts, they are simply unsupported beliefs.

Thanks for reading this! Looking forward to what you have to say.

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