Gay-Marriage Pitfall?

SO we see sophism at work by Polichich trying to say that having donated sperm and having offspring by gays is a pitfall. The child has to be supported no matter whom receives the donated sperm if not handled through the proper channels to rid the donor of financial obligation of the child. It is a twist of fate by law and not sexual orientation.

1. Must I be the one to teach you in each and every thread, drop-draws???

A hidden or unsuspected danger or difficulty.
A covered pit used as a trap.

Since the folks in the article didn't anticipate the danger they were putting themselves into, it is a pitfall.

2. "Polichich trying to say that having donated sperm and having offspring by gays is a pitfall."

Seems that you are attempting to paint yourself as the brilliant mind that has been able to uncover my deceptive argument.

Actually, the only painting you could be involved in would be putting yourself in that picture of dogs playing poker.

3. honest....have you ever seen me have difficulty in expressing my viewpiont?

Or ever trying to hide what I believe?


4. "having offspring by gays" is the subject of both the article and the dilemma being explored in same.
You understand that, don't you?

....I shouldn't take anything for granted.

I don’t want to say you’re stupid…..let’s just say you’ve got bad luck when it comes to thinking.

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