Gay Marriage, Beastiality, and Red Equal Signs


Flaming Libs/Koranimals
May 1, 2012
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Gay Marriage, Beastiality, and Red Equal Signs

March 29, 2013
By Carly Hill


I’m afraid that the gay community is being very short sighted in their fight for these “equal rights.” On his show, last night, Mark Levin posed the question: Which is more important – liberty or equality? His very question implies the underlying truth that you can’t have both. You can’t have “equality” for all people, living by all sorts of moral standards. Equality for gays means death to religious freedom. It means no equality for parents who want to raise their children to believe that the Bible is the Word of God.

I mean, all you have to do to understand the flaw in this “equality” argument is take it a step further. Let’s talk beastiality. There may be a community of people who truly believe that it is holy and beautiful and right to marry and have relations with animals.

You might think, “Who cares what someone does in their bedroom? Doesn’t affect me!” Ok, so maybe a person’s private choices won’t affect you, but they will MAJORLY affect you if the federal government gets involved and starts telling you that beastiality is normal and acceptable – therefore telling you that if you don’t run your business and raise your kids in a way that “tolerates” it, you’re a hate-monger.


My first goal should be to help people see Jesus. Once they do, the Holy Spirit will do His job in convicting them of their sin. If they continue to live in sin, once they have trusted Him, then yes – Matthew 18 tells me to confront them. But, saying “God hates you!” isn’t going to show anyone the Light of the Gospel. It’s going to turn them away from it.

I don’t believe that the people with red equal signs as profile pictures are the enemy. I believe that they are believing a lie from the enemy – that there is no ultimate truth and that everyone’s idea of morality is acceptable in the eyes of God. With this understanding, my goal isn’t to rid the internet of red equal signs. My goal is to point people to the One who will change their heart.

Read more: Gay Marriage, Beastiality, and Red Equal Signs ? Patriot Update
What about relatives marrying each other? Like mother/son, father/daughter, brother/ sister, brother /brother, sister/mommy and so forth. Those okay?

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