Gay Marital Law Imminent USA 2009!

Hi DevNell:

Thank Gawd for the gay agenda. A purse in a pot for everyone including telletubbies! :redface: :clap2:

You have demonstrated how somebody can scoff and mock at God (Acts 13:41) and actually prophesy about the coming destruction of the USA as we know it. Never think for one minute that this Openly Gay Agenda taking hold in the USA is a mere coincidence, because in reality you are looking looking at just one symptom of a dying American Empire very much on life support. The Word of the Living God you mock, says,

"Professing to be wise, they became fools, and exchanged the glory of the incorruptible God for an image in the form of corruptible man and of birds and four-footed animals and crawling creatures. Therefore God gave them over in the lusts of their hearts to impurity, so that their bodies would be dishonored among them. For they exchanged the truth of God for a lie, and worshiped and served the creature rather than the Creator, who is blessed forever. Amen. For this reason God gave them over to degrading passions; for their women exchanged the natural function for that which is unnatural, and in the same way also the men abandoned the natural function of the woman and burned in their desire toward one another, men with men committing indecent acts and receiving in their own persons the due penalty of their error. And just as they did not see fit to acknowledge God any longer, God gave them over to a depraved mind, to do those things which are not proper, being filled with all unrighteousness, wickedness, greed, evil; full of envy, murder, strife, deceit, malice; they are gossips . . . and although they know the ordinance of God, that those who practice such things are WORTHY OF DEATH, they not only do the same, but also give hearty approval to those who practice them." Romans 1:22-32.
Scripture is very clear that those engaged in the "indecent acts" are under the influence of a 'depraved mind' given to them by GOD HIMSELF, "to do those things which ARE NOT PROPER." Men and immortal men (man + woman + angel combined) and angels will look back in time into 'this present evil age' (Gal. 1:4) and see that the Great American Empire collapsed under its own weight of lawlessness, lasciviousness and absolute corruption from the very top presidential puppets to the very least among us starting threads applauding the Gay Rights Bowel Movement.

Everyone be very clear that "the cowardly and unbelieving and abominable and murderers and 'immoral persons' and sorcerers and idolaters and 'all liars,' their part will be in the 'lake that burns with fire and brimstone, which is the Second Death." Rev. 21:8.

America is embracing this Gay Rights Bullony, because the USA is also 'worthy of death' that is just around the corner . . .


Oh American is dying, all right, on that you and I agree, T.

But I don't think that gays are killing it. They have no power to kill this nation and no reason to want to kill it, either.

The worship of MAMMON is killing this nation.

The GOLDEN CALF is the god of America which we worship (sotto voce) every time we screw the working people on behalf of the obscenely wealthy insiders.

Put that in your Biblical perspective pipe and smoke it.

Remember what pissed off Moses when he first came down off the mountain, T?

What were the people worshipping?

Get it?
Hi Editec:

Oh American is dying, all right, on that you and I agree, T.

But I don't think that gays are killing it. They have no power to kill this nation and no reason to want to kill it, either.

No, Editec. This 'Gay Rights Bowel Movement' Bullony is only one 'symptom' of a dying USA Empire that is already on the slippery slope towards destruction. Yes, we can agree that idolatry is another factor, but that is the topic of another discussion. :0)


Seems to me that every time an Empire is on the decline different people gravitate toward different types of excesses...excesses in sexuality, excesses in materialism, excesses all seeking to fill that hole in their hearts that come of living in a society gone insane.

I'm not REMOTELY your kind of Christian, I'm one of those christians your preachers probably warned you about who won't fall into lockstep with the dogma they're preaching.

But we both see that something's fundamentally not right, and we probably both intuit that what's really wrong with America is the sickness of heart that this society not only encourages, but DEMANDS of us, if we are to be allowed to play in the big leagues.

There are good people of all persuasions, Terral.

Oh you or I might find something about them to object to, but if we could see them in their totality, rather than merely focusing on their flaws, we'd discover that most people are fairly stand-up folks in the aggegate.

Christians don't frighten me...insane Christians frighten me.

Jews don't frighten me...insane Jews frighten me.

Moslems don't frighten me...insane Moslems frighten me.

Pick any subset of humanity which seems like the other to you doesn't fighten me the insane of that subset surely do.

The reason I don't sign onto you conspiracies is because there is more than enough unrefuteable evidence to support the theory that the conspiracy that is really killing this nation is up front and open to our review.

Hence, I do not need to look for secret cabals because the cabals are obvious and quite PROUD of what they're doing.

All one need do is look at the laws and policies of our nation to KNOW that a conspiriacy is afoot that is killing this nation.

I realize that I am not using the word conspiracy in the standard way that most people think of it.

To most people conspiracies MUST be secret and illegal, too. That's how the LAW defines them.

Byut the word means TO BREATHE TOGETHER and the people who have systematically destroyed this nation do that openly enough that anyone willing to look at what they are doing can easily see it.
satanic homosexuals indeed are the world power elite



Why does Terral post scripture like it matters?

huh ?...anyway ..question for you...why are our world elite occultist and homosexuals...why does it matter

I repeat, why does he post scripture like it matters?

he would have to answer that but I was interested in knowing why you think the world elite
gather to engage in occult ceremony's and homosexual sex..and why you belive that matters to them...can you do that ?
huh ?...anyway ..question for you...why are our world elite occultist and homosexuals...why does it matter

I repeat, why does he post scripture like it matters?

he would have to answer that but I was interested in knowing why you think the world elite
gather to engage in occult ceremony's and homosexual sex..and why you belive that matters to them...can you do that ?

My guess would be that they like homosexual sex and are into the occult.

If someone posted some occult books as a source in a debate about homosexuality I would dismiss them as well and ask why they are posting it like it mattered.
I repeat, why does he post scripture like it matters?

he would have to answer that but I was interested in knowing why you think the world elite
gather to engage in occult ceremony's and homosexual sex..and why you belive that matters to them...can you do that ?

My guess would be that they like homosexual sex and are into the occult.

If someone posted some occult books as a source in a debate about homosexuality I would dismiss them as well and ask why they are posting it like it mattered.

regardless of your personal feelings on spirit the fact remains that this play that has been prophisized is playing itself out...and those systems of control appear to take it all very seriously... it is the foundation of their actions and agenda. and.some of us have a desire and feel compelled to try and understand..
he would have to answer that but I was interested in knowing why you think the world elite
gather to engage in occult ceremony's and homosexual sex..and why you belive that matters to them...can you do that ?

My guess would be that they like homosexual sex and are into the occult.

If someone posted some occult books as a source in a debate about homosexuality I would dismiss them as well and ask why they are posting it like it mattered.

regardless of your personal feelings on spirit the fact remains that this play that has been prophisized is playing itself out...and those systems of control appear to take it all very seriously... it is the foundation of their actions and agenda. and.some of us have a desire and feel compelled to try and understand..

Ah ... I just realized what forum this was in ... makes sense now.
My guess would be that they like homosexual sex and are into the occult.

If someone posted some occult books as a source in a debate about homosexuality I would dismiss them as well and ask why they are posting it like it mattered.

regardless of your personal feelings on spirit the fact remains that this play that has been prophisized is playing itself out...and those systems of control appear to take it all very seriously... it is the foundation of their actions and agenda. and.some of us have a desire and feel compelled to try and understand..

Ah ... I just realized what forum this was in ... makes sense now.

weak...just a way of avoiding the reality
regardless of your personal feelings on spirit the fact remains that this play that has been prophisized is playing itself out...and those systems of control appear to take it all very seriously... it is the foundation of their actions and agenda. and.some of us have a desire and feel compelled to try and understand..

Ah ... I just realized what forum this was in ... makes sense now.

weak...just a way of avoiding the reality

It's the truth ... if I realized it was a conspiracy theory thread from jump I wouldn't have bothered posting in it.
Ah ... I just realized what forum this was in ... makes sense now.

weak...just a way of avoiding the reality

It's the truth ... if I realized it was a conspiracy theory thread from jump I wouldn't have bothered posting in it.

that just shows how programed you thinking is...the bohemian grove and the activities that take place there and the political and spiritual implications. of this reminds the same wherever it is is a matter of public record that you simply can not deal with
weak...just a way of avoiding the reality

It's the truth ... if I realized it was a conspiracy theory thread from jump I wouldn't have bothered posting in it.

that just shows how programed you thinking is...the bohemian grove and the activities that take place there and the political and spiritual implications. of this reminds the same wherever it is is a matter of public record that you simply can not deal with

Try a matter of public record that I know nothing about instead.
Ah ... I just realized what forum this was in ... makes sense now.

weak...just a way of avoiding the reality

It's the truth ... if I realized it was a conspiracy theory thread from jump I wouldn't have bothered posting in it.

thats something I have noticed the mods do around here.automatically dismiss a conspiracy and only see what they want to see like the conspiracy FAIRY TALE that 9/11 was carried out by muslims.:cuckoo:
It's the truth ... if I realized it was a conspiracy theory thread from jump I wouldn't have bothered posting in it.

that just shows how programed you thinking is...the bohemian grove and the activities that take place there and the political and spiritual implications. of this reminds the same wherever it is is a matter of public record that you simply can not deal with

Try a matter of public record that I know nothing about instead.

well maybe you should educate yourself on the systems of control and discover where your views and opinions really come from......or not..


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