Gas Prices Then and Now


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
[ame=]YouTube - Gas Price Hypocrisy[/ame]

"Under Bush, high gas prices were bad, but, somehow, high gas prices under Obama are a good thing."
The problem didn't really begin with Bush or Obama. I can remember a time in my life when gas was 29 cents a gallon. It has crept up ever since then. I long for the good old days.
War is also OK now.
As is the US military.
Invading countries unlawfully is also OK now.
Taking numerous vacations and golf outings is also OK now.
Blindly supporting the President when he screws up is also OK now.
The problem didn't really begin with Bush or Obama. I can remember a time in my life when gas was 29 cents a gallon. It has crept up ever since then. I long for the good old days.

I remember when it hit 1.00 a gallon in 78 or 79. I thought the end of the world had come.

"A dollar a gallon for gas! Unheard of!!!!!"

Yeah - the good old days.
War is also OK now.
As is the US military.
Invading countries unlawfully is also OK now.
Taking numerous vacations and golf outings is also OK now.
Blindly supporting the President when he screws up is also OK now.

Bush has been out of office for over 2 years now. Get over it!!! :cool:
The problem didn't really begin with Bush or Obama. I can remember a time in my life when gas was 29 cents a gallon. It has crept up ever since then. I long for the good old days.

I remember when it hit 1.00 a gallon in 78 or 79. I thought the end of the world had come.

"A dollar a gallon for gas! Unheard of!!!!!"

Yeah - the good old days.

I know, Just before I got my license & a car the price of gas nearly doubled & the speed limit was cut. I felt robbed.
The problem didn't really begin with Bush or Obama. I can remember a time in my life when gas was 29 cents a gallon. It has crept up ever since then. I long for the good old days.

I remember when it hit 1.00 a gallon in 78 or 79. I thought the end of the world had come.

"A dollar a gallon for gas! Unheard of!!!!!"

Yeah - the good old days.

It also fell to $1.00 in 1999. 40% of that was taxes. It was being sold at well below cost.
Oil companies dropped like flies, hundreds of thousands lost jobs in that industry, domestic production fell and imports climbed.
The problem didn't really begin with Bush or Obama. I can remember a time in my life when gas was 29 cents a gallon. It has crept up ever since then. I long for the good old days.

I remember when it hit 1.00 a gallon in 78 or 79. I thought the end of the world had come.

"A dollar a gallon for gas! Unheard of!!!!!"

Yeah - the good old days.

It also fell to $1.00 in 1999. 40% of that was taxes. It was being sold at well below cost.
Oil companies dropped like flies, hundreds of thousands lost jobs in that industry, domestic production fell and imports climbed.

Domestic oil production has dropped for the past 40 years. It does not matter who we put into office. They all make us more dependent on foreign oil.
Yeah back when gas was .40/gal I could buy a brand new car for 3K.
And 3.00/hr was big money.
The avg home was about 15K.
McDonalds had a commercial where you could get a CB, drink and fries and change back from your dollar....
The problem didn't really begin with Bush or Obama. I can remember a time in my life when gas was 29 cents a gallon. It has crept up ever since then. I long for the good old days.

Inflation, bub.

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It does make up a big part of real inflation - but money supply is a big driver. But our Government Overlords exclude it from the officially reported inflation stats.

Actual inflation, if calculated with the method in place in 1978 is approx. 10%. The government is reporting less than 3%.

Alternate Inflation Charts
The problem didn't really begin with Bush or Obama. I can remember a time in my life when gas was 29 cents a gallon. It has crept up ever since then. I long for the good old days.

i remember it at 27 cents. when I started driving it was 33 cents and my father couldn't believe how much it had risen in the last few years.
YouTube - Gas Price Hypocrisy

"Under Bush, high gas prices were bad, but, somehow, high gas prices under Obama are a good thing."

what amazes me more is somehow high gas prices under obama are still bush's fault :eek:

The same people that blamed Bush for high gas prices said when they went up under Obama that the Presdident has nothing to do with them. When they started coming down recently, the same ones that said a President can't control them want to give Obama credit for the reduction.

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