Gas prices rise and melting glaciers --what's the connection??


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
Refiners have to buy credits according to The American Clean Energy and Security Act of 2009 (passed in the House June 26, 2009) would amend the Clean Air Act by establishing a “cap-and-trade” system designed to reduce greenhouse gas emissions (GHG) and would cap emissions from refineries and allow trading of emissions permits (“allowances”).
The U.S. Oil Refining Industry: Background in Changing Markets and Fuel Policies

OK.. sol follow this...

The global warming supporters concerned about how "global warming" is causing glaciers to melt and causing rising sea levels..

Seems reasonable doesn't it???

There are 343 quintillion gallons of water in all the oceans.
How many gallons of water does the ocean have

Supposedly all the glaciers in the world were melting 385 billion tons of water.

SO in consideration of concerns about all that water rising sea levels we are paying higher gas prices cause refiners have to pay credits...
The addition of 385 billion tons of water by melting glaciers would add
OK... the equivalent of .000056% of all the water in all the oceans!

This is the same as 23 ounces of water in an 648,000 gallons of an Olympic pool!"]"]

In summary.. we are paying skyrocketing prices for gas because some people convinced politicians to pass a bill that forces refiners to pay for credits (passed on to us..higher prices) BECAUSE of the concern that the OCEANS will have .000056% more WATER!
So all you "independents" (this is NOT for the Obamatrons as they are immuned from truth,facts!!) but you independents that maybe now regretting your Obama vote!

Remember Obama won because people believed what the MSM wrote in glowing terms about Obama!
"Like a god" said Evan Thomas editor of Newsweek!

BUT Obama/supporters are a little prone to exaggeration such as the above comment,
concerned about the oceans rising by .000056%!
SO what do they do? Pass a bill that raises gas prices because refiners have to buy carbon credits!
These same people moan and groan about 50 million people "uninsured" so they pass Obamacare... nevermind that 10 million uninsured WERE NOT citizens, or 14 million already had Medicaid and to hell with those 18 million that could AFFORD health insurance but under age 34 DIDN"T want to buy and yet THEY are counted as part of the 50 million!

So NOW Obamacare has FORCED insurance companies to RAISE the premiums on EVERYONE
because of less then 8 million truly uninsured!

IS there a pattern here you independents??
It is very simple.. the people giving you Obamacare, rising gas prices THINK The ONLY solution is more government!
WHEN in reality with 41,000 NEW regulations alone in 2012 going into affect.. WE ARE BEING

Remember gas prices rising due to refiners paying credits.. credits because we are concerned about 0.000056% rise in water in the OCEANS!!!
Once again, the bill you are referencing was never signed into law.

"Cap and Trade" didn't pass the Senate, and was not signed by the President.

The prospect of declining motor-fuel demand may persuade operators to idle, consolidate, or permanently close refineries.The prospect of declining motor-fuel demand may persuade operators to idle, consolidate, or permanently close refineries.
The U.S. Oil Refining Industry: Background in Changing Markets and Fuel Policies

But east coast refineries do not have the pipeline connections to western Canadian oil, and have historically not had access to the Latin American heavy crudes, so they did not invest in the heavy oil processing equipment. They were stuck relying on expensive light oil imports which squeezed their profit margins and led to their demise.

East Coast refinery shut downs are a symptom of the tar sands oil rush | The Price of Oil
For some reason what I typed before the above quotes didn't appear!

BUT YES you are right... IT DIDN"T PASS! YOU ARE RIGHT!!!
The problem is no one told the refiners!
They made BUSINESS DECISIONS ASSUMING it would pass and gave them reasons to close some of the older refineries that were going to bust their profit margins IF they had to buy credits!

So while THESE refiners didn't have to as you say the bill did pass... THEY can't turn on or off a refinery in case you aren't aware of it in just a few days!
ANY activities such as closing a refinery require years of planning!
And so these refiners USED The assumption they were going to have to buy "credits" put that into their closure equations and now WE ARE PAYING THE PRICE!

MY whole point is YOU can't be messing around tinkering with the economy as Obama has done!
"Credits" "ObamaCare" "Dodd Bill" all major MESSING around with very strong elements of our economy has NOT SOLVED the economic issues BUT delayed and exacerbated the problems!

SO again you are right...BUT IT HAD THE UNINTENDED consequences of CAUSING refiners to close and therefore WE HAVE higher Gas prices.. all because these idiots were concerned about .000056% of the oceans' total water!!!
Global warming is a hoax

It is a hoax that has COST YOU Money right now!

Read above comment about refiners concerns of having to buy "credits" and as result added into their calculations to close refineries!

All because some people evidently got so excited about adding .000056% of waters in the Oceans!
Rising gas prices are crazy. Melting glaciers are even crazier. The whole damn world is going crazy...
Rising gas prices are crazy. Melting glaciers are even crazier. The whole damn world is going crazy...

What must happen is people need to practice more "common sense"!
Again..just a little common sense for example if someone had taken the time
to do a simple calculation i.e. 385 billion tons of glaciers melting constitutes less the
.000056% of the entire OCEANS!

I mean put in context 23 oz. of water in an 648,000 gallon Olympic pool is the
same as all the melted water from 385 billion tons of glaciers into the
343,000,000,000,000,000 gallons of water in the oceans!

But because some people don't seem to have ANY common sense, we are now paying more at the gas pump .. why because of idiotic concern about "GLOBAL WARMING"!!!
Oceans turning acidic...
Study: Human activity affecting oceans
March. 1, 2012 -- Earth's oceans may be turning acidic faster from human carbon emissions than during four major extinctions in the last 300 million years, U.S. researchers say.
A study by scientists at Columbia University is the first to survey the geologic record for evidence of ocean acidification and life extinctions over such a vast time period, a Columbia release reported Thursday. It compared human-caused emissions to natural pulses of carbon that have sent global temperatures soaring in Earth's past.

"What we're doing today really stands out," Barbel Honisch, a paleoceanographer at Columbia's Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory, said. "We know that life during past ocean acidification events was not wiped out -- new species evolved to replace those that died off. But if industrial carbon emissions continue at the current pace, we may lose organisms we care about -- coral reefs, oysters, salmon."

Oceans absorb excess carbon dioxide from the air that reacts with seawater to form carbonic acid, but if CO2 goes into the oceans too quickly, it can deplete carbonate ions that corals, mollusks and some plankton need for reef and shell-building, the researchers said. It may take decades before ocean acidification's effect on marine life shows itself, but the study highlights the extreme effect human activity has had on marine chemistry, experts said.

"These studies give you a sense of the timing involved in past ocean acidification events -- they did not happen quickly," Richard Feely, an oceanographer at the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration who was not involved in the study, said. "The decisions we make over the next few decades could have significant implications on a geologic timescale."

Great Lakes ice melting too...
Great Lakes show massive ice loss, study says
Mar 13, 2012 - Journal of Climate study attributes shrinking ice cover to global warming
Most of the water in the Great Lakes hasn't frozen over this year — largely because of a warmer-than-usual winter — and a new study shows the lakes have been losing ice cover for 40 years. Lake Superior is the coldest of the Great Lakes. Yet only a thin layer of ice surrounds a cargo ship in the Thunder Bay, Ont., harbour. Past the breakwall, there's no ice at all. Thunder Bay Port Authority CEO Tim Heney, a 20 year-veteran in his industry, said the lack of ice is remarkable. “It's the first time I ever remember the water being open right into Thunder Bay,” Heney said. “I've never seen this before."

According to a new study published in the Journal of Climate, the Great Lakes have lost more than two-thirds of their ice cover over the last four decades. Lake Erie and Lake St. Clair lost the least (50 per cent), while Lake Ontario has lost the most ice (88 per cent). That's more than even the study's lead author, ice climatologist Jia Wang, expected. "It's really, really huge,” he said.

Adam Cornwell, an assistant professor of geography at Lakehead University, said Wang's findings are consistent with other climate research — all of which sends a powerful message. "What's happening on the Great Lakes is an immediate reminder that our climate is changing and the expectations that we've had in the past aren't going to hold true for the future,” Cornwell said. “And one of those expectations is a season of ice cover on the Great Lakes."

The study noted that ice cover varies from year to year, depending on whether cold or warm systems are passing through. But it attributes the overall ice decrease to global warming — a factor that can affect fish and marine plants. The impact isn't just environmental, according to the study. Ships could be forced to navigate lower water levels as less ice results in more evaporation. “We could be changing to a regime even just over the next 30 years where ice-free seasons happen more often than not,” Cornwell said.

OK..OK!!! All that ICE is melting!!!

AGAIN.. put this in perspective OK???

A) "scientists" overestimated all the glaciers ice melt by 90% (using Himalaya ice melt overestimation)..
B) So even if there was 200 billion tons of glaciers (adjusting for overestimation of 385 billion!)
Add Great Lakes ICE melt of 100 billion (wild eyed guess by the way!!!)
C) 300 billion tons of ice/great lakes melting into ALL the oceans is the same as if you
pour a glass of water into a 648,000 gallon Olympic sized pool!

Seriously.. do you understand .. all that melted ice equals the same thing relatively to a glass of water in a swimming pool!
Folks... specifically you independents that may now doubt your Obama vote...

Consider YOU are paying more for GAS directly because Obama's EPA's concern about melting ice that would add the equivalent of a glass of water to a swimming pool.. i.e. 300 billion tons of melting ice in
into 10,976,000,000,000,000,000 (10.9 quintillion) tons of water!

And partially because the EPA wants refineries to reduce the melting of ice YOU are paying 83% more for gas then 3 years ago!

THINK folks... this is the direct result of EPA concerned about the equal of dumping a glass of water into a swimming pool!
Glaciers aren't melting. They are calving. Meaning it is pretty damn COLD.

It is liberal ignorance that wants to equate melting with calving. Calving of glaciers takes years of being pretty damn cold. A warm year or two could set natural calving back by several years.
Glaciers aren't melting. They are calving. Meaning it is pretty damn COLD.

It is liberal ignorance that wants to equate melting with calving. Calving of glaciers takes years of being pretty damn cold. A warm year or two could set natural calving back by several years.

And it still is literally a drop in the bucket!

Even using the excited global warming number of 300 billion tons of melting ice is a literal drop in the OCEANS!

So where is the 20 foot rise in sea levels going to occur if the glaciers melt 300 billion tons a year?

MY point is hyperbole.. lack of common sense, is glaringly on display here!

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