Gary Johnson – “Libertarian” Candidate – is Out of His Element


Defend Liberty
Aug 27, 2008
In an interview with the Daily Caller, presumptive Libertarian Party nominee for president Gary Johnson tries heartily to describe his foreign policy…or at least a foreign policy. Plainly put, the man is confused.

He says he supports U.S. military intervention in Uganda to root out the Lords Resistance Army and kill its leader, Joseph Kony. He thinks the drone war in Pakistan and Yemen creates more enemies than it eliminates, but doesn’t want to take drone strikes off the proverbial “table.” He wants to “completely withdraw our military presence” from Afghanistan, but wants to keep our military bases there. In fact, U.S. military bases should be maintained throughout the Middle East, he says, even though America faces “no military threats.” He supports “humanitarian intervention.” He wants to cut military and defense budgets by 43 percent, but only reduce national security spending to 2003 levels, “and just wring out the excess.”

Johnson is putting forth an image of himself of a former New Mexico governor who is outside the political establishment and serious about cutting spending. But evidently, the man hasn’t a clue what he is talking about with regards to foreign policy. His musings about war and intervention are little more than guesswork, wading his way through what he supposes is the libertarian position, while making clear he is no non-interventionist.

Gary Johnson – “Libertarian” Candidate – is Out of His Element « Blog

As long as the Libertarian Party keeps running frauds like Bob Barr and Gary Johnson they are unworthy of the support of actual libertarians.
In an interview with the Daily Caller, presumptive Libertarian Party nominee for president Gary Johnson tries heartily to describe his foreign policy…or at least a foreign policy. Plainly put, the man is confused.

He says he supports U.S. military intervention in Uganda to root out the Lords Resistance Army and kill its leader, Joseph Kony. He thinks the drone war in Pakistan and Yemen creates more enemies than it eliminates, but doesn’t want to take drone strikes off the proverbial “table.” He wants to “completely withdraw our military presence” from Afghanistan, but wants to keep our military bases there. In fact, U.S. military bases should be maintained throughout the Middle East, he says, even though America faces “no military threats.” He supports “humanitarian intervention.” He wants to cut military and defense budgets by 43 percent, but only reduce national security spending to 2003 levels, “and just wring out the excess.”

Johnson is putting forth an image of himself of a former New Mexico governor who is outside the political establishment and serious about cutting spending. But evidently, the man hasn’t a clue what he is talking about with regards to foreign policy. His musings about war and intervention are little more than guesswork, wading his way through what he supposes is the libertarian position, while making clear he is no non-interventionist.

Gary Johnson – “Libertarian” Candidate – is Out of His Element « Blog

As long as the Libertarian Party keeps running frauds like Bob Barr and Gary Johnson they are unworthy of the support of actual libertarians.

This guy just lost my vote and he did have a chance at it.
Wow...And I thought I liked him.

Side note...It's now little wonder to me why he was shut out of the primary debates, as we would've drawn away some of the fire from Dr. Paul.

So did I when he first started running. He was a great Governor of New Mexico at any rate, but then he started talking about how we need Guantanamo Bay and giving off this nonsensical foreign policy.
A lot of clueless people call themselves "Libertarians" without even having a firm understanding of what the term means. It's becoming cliche.
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However admirable libertarians’ uncompromising adherence to their political dogma may be, they need to acknowledge this will forever relegate them to the Nation’s political fringe, and eventually extinction.
However admirable libertarians’ uncompromising adherence to their political dogma may be, they need to acknowledge this will forever relegate them to the Nation’s political fringe, and eventually extinction.


The "fringe" isn't looking too bad, frankly.
Wow. I guess he is off the list. I hadn't followed him too much as i waited to see what happens with Paul, but I guess now it's obvious he is the Bob Barr of 2012.
However admirable libertarians’ uncompromising adherence to their political dogma may be, they need to acknowledge this will forever relegate them to the Nation’s political fringe, and eventually extinction.

Sorry, giving up when things get tough is a Democratic party trait. Adversity just makes Libertarians work harder. I do realize that work is a hard concept for Liberals to understand though so take your time.
Wow. I guess he is off the list. I hadn't followed him too much as i waited to see what happens with Paul, but I guess now it's obvious he is the Bob Barr of 2012.

It's looking increasingly like there's going to be nobody to vote for come November.
Wow. I guess he is off the list. I hadn't followed him too much as i waited to see what happens with Paul, but I guess now it's obvious he is the Bob Barr of 2012.

It's looking increasingly like there's going to be nobody to vote for come November.

Yeah... I'm more or less coming around to your criticism of Johnson. It's possible he's just trying too hard to sound 'moderate', but some of his recent comments don't add up.

Anyway - there's always someone to vote for. We can still write in Paul. And the Libertarian party hasn't 'settled' on Johnson yet.
Wow. I guess he is off the list. I hadn't followed him too much as i waited to see what happens with Paul, but I guess now it's obvious he is the Bob Barr of 2012.

It's looking increasingly like there's going to be nobody to vote for come November.

I'll just write Paul in. Better than caving in ideologically to the party paradigm.

That's always an option, though I'm not sure if it's even worth going to the polls at all. The Senate race in my state is uninteresting with Sherrod Brown going up against Josh Mandel, and my Congressional race is boring too.
Wow. I guess he is off the list. I hadn't followed him too much as i waited to see what happens with Paul, but I guess now it's obvious he is the Bob Barr of 2012.

It's looking increasingly like there's going to be nobody to vote for come November.

Yeah... I'm more or less coming around to your criticism of Johnson. It's possible he's just trying too hard to sound 'moderate', but some of his recent comments don't add up.

Anyway - there's always someone to vote for. We can still write in Paul. And the Libertarian party hasn't 'settled' on Johnson yet.

The Libertarian Party seems to have a thing for Republican castoffs. I think they're of the opinion that it makes them more "mainstream." I wouldn't bet against Johnson for the LP nod.
Well, me being in the nanny police state of all police states (except Israel), me casting a vote for an independent is abotu as useful as tits on a boar. I'll still exercise my voting rights though.

NY will overwhelmingly vote for the Obama and the other seats are lame choices too.

Better to at least conduct due diligence so when Obama or Romney fuck us over big time, I can at least say I stayed true to my conscience and voted the one I felt best of the crop.

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