Game of Death: Capitalism Celebrity(?)


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
This seedy capitalism-parable was inspired by the ambition-labyrinth 'hypnosis' films Game of Death, Priest, King of New York, Celebrity, and Raw Deal.



Tom Cruise (the American movie superstar) didn't know his ex-wife Katie Holmes (star of Batman Begins) was actually a superhuman, a heroine named Wonder Woman (after whom all the comic books and cartoons and movie were 'modelled' after!). Katie kept her identity a secret from Tom, and she was amused at all the fanfare surrounding the characterization of her incredible superhuman identity. Katie realized all the 'invisible fame' was merely 'virtual praise.' Katie was interested in investigating a terrible underworld labyrinth in Moscow involving a mysterious castle which was rumored to have all kinds of strange doors, behind which lay rooms containing Satanic forces and real demons destroying any semblance of democracy. Katie wanted to tell Tom about this mission but remained content there were all kinds of comic books and movies about 'Wonder Woman' to keep her ex-beau 'satisfied.' She proceeded with her democratic crusade and attempt to dismantle this 'evil Russian castle of doors.'


When Katie opened the first door, she encountered a nefarious evil, a warlock named Kingpin who informed her that each room contained a challenge or riddle, and if she failed, she would be pulverized. Katie requested that all renumerations be made for her ex-beau Tom in case she was destroyed, and Kingpin promised her Tom would be fine. Kingpin explained that this first room was merely an introduction and that all other ensuing rooms would be fraught with unimaginable demonic hell-fire. In fact, each door following this first one would require a complete focus and faith in democracy to open, and if there was any hesitation or spiritual 'doubt,' the door would slam (while Katie was numbed to a state of frozen fear) on her hands, perhaps even pulverizing her hand 'cleanly' off her wrist. Katie ('Wonder Woman') realized that she would have to enter each following room with great conviction and then deal with whatever was hidden inside. However, she realized she had the sufficient 'courage.'


The first door was hard and heavy and began to quickly slam before Wonder Woman (Katie) gathered her senses and used her telekinetic powers to keep the door pried open as she entered the room. Inside this first room was a demonic 'replica-image' of her ex-beau (Tom Cruise!) who demanded to know the secret of romance in a world completely blindsided by Wall Street and commerce. Wonder Woman meditated and thought seriously before answering (correctly), "Patience." Wonder Woman (WW) then entered the next room which contained a demonic little girl who could fight like hell, requiring WW to use her magic-lasso to tie up the 'demonic lassie.' The third room was a giant African man who was armed with a very bloody axe who demanded to know if WW thought the demonic little girl WW tied up with her magic lasso was his daughter. WW realized this African psycho was playing a mind-game and told him "Dark-skinned warriors never pity the young, for ambition reigns in their heart more than 'democratic etiquette'!" before gouging out his eyes with his claws, leaving him swinging his axe blindly and wildly.


Wonder Woman came out of that terrible series of doors in that evil castle, so the warlock Kingpin confronted her once more to congratulate her. Kingpin made WW promise him that she would never tell her ex-beau Tom Cruise about her little 'crusade,' and if she honored this promise (ensuring her that Satan himself would watch to see if she 'spilled her secret'), Tom would be safe forever and that her special crusade on 'behalf' of democracy would not be left on the shoulders of any other warrior, crusader, politician, priest, patriot, or civilian or celebrity (such as Tom!). WW promised she'd keep the secret of this evil Russian 'dungeon' a 'perfect secret' but demanded to know the real 'purpose' of this 'underworld lair.' Kingpin licked his lips with an eerie kind of mischief and told her, "Only the innocent can be saved from condemnation, and that requires the unfettered conviction of capitalism's 'gorgeous servants' you. Go in peace and never bitch!" Democracy and capitalism were safe...again...for now...all thanks to Katie Holmes ('Wonder Woman').



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