Future in Europe


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Feb 22, 2004
The recent controversy in the Ukraine as well as the bombings in Madrid and other events have me thinking alittle. Western Europe is decaying. Its being weighed down by the socialist ideals in their governments. These ideals weigh the people down in a heavy bondage. We have just seen the people of the Ukraine stand up against socialist pressures. We are watching as Putin looks as though he intends to rebuild the soviet empire with him as the first Czar since the revolution. Meanwhile we fight the terrorists while Europe, for the most part, tries all they can to appease them. This makes me believe that Europe is about to explode with violence and Chaos.

I believe in God above. I know He watches us and protects us. I also know that sometimes He allows us to face trials to strengthen us for the challenges ahead of us. I think Europe is about to be reawakened back to the world we live much like 911 woke us. But i think they may be facing something that will make 911 look like a picnic. Im not saying that God is going to cause such actions or that He caused 911. cause i dont believe that. I do think He allows people to face that consequences of their actions though and i think the Europeans for the most part have slept through this danger to civilization.

We live in interesting times. we are about to see things so great that mankind will never forget our tie and we are about to see things so horrible that will want to throw up just thinking about it. the time will come shortly that Europe will break out in war and terrorist will threaten the security of the European nations as much as they threaten Israel. Likely we may be drawn into such a battle. I hope not but history has a way of repeating itself. Europe is a powderkeg almost ready to explode. I just hope we still have the resolve to be a city on the hill if and when its happens. I think it will be soon.
I can only hope that you are wrong about this. Of course they have been predicting the US will implode for about 250 years.

The question that I have is do you think this will change their socialist views? I think it may just strengthen them. Wait until China starts producing everything that they produce, see how high their tarriffs are. This will start the powderkeg rolling. Tarriffs never solve economic issues, occassionally they will prolong the issue but most times protectionist practices only bring the recession on stronger.
for those who think that Europe is near the Chaos, come here dears and you 'll see.....the european cooperation is a great thing, the french-german alliance is very well, France and UK are nearer, and the "european constitution" has some threads about the european defense. And there is already an "eurocorps", with french and german soliders.

Europe is not about to explose, the EU not at all. MAybe the Blakans, but the european soldiers will be here soon.
padisha emperor said:
for those who think that Europe is near the Chaos, come here dears and you 'll see.....the european cooperation is a great thing, the french-german alliance is very well, France and UK are nearer, and the "european constitution" has some threads about the european defense. And there is already an "eurocorps", with french and german soliders.

Europe is not about to explose, the EU not at all. MAybe the Blakans, but the european soldiers will be here soon.

like they are in darfur?
like they should have been in chechyna?
like they should be in iraq, and in much larger numbers in afghanistan (like they've promised?)

face it, europe is a joke... the US saved bosnia and kosovo while you all doodled around with a thumb up your ass... we'll probably end up saving darfur as well, again, with you guys with a thumb up your ass...
padisha emperor said:
for those who think that Europe is near the Chaos, come here dears and you 'll see.....the european cooperation is a great thing, the french-german alliance is very well, France and UK are nearer, and the "european constitution" has some threads about the european defense. And there is already an "eurocorps", with french and german soliders.

Europe is not about to explose, the EU not at all. MAybe the Blakans, but the european soldiers will be here soon.

Maybe Europe won't explode. Maybe it will just continue to rot.
We haven't even seen the HALF of it. With the economic conditions going the way they are, people practically rioting when some benefit gets cut to save the treasuries from bankruptcy, the influx of Muslim immigrants, Europe is going to crash alot harder than this.

EDIT: I of course forgot the most important thing: Their tendancy to place the blame for their problems on everyone but themselves.
the UE is above all an economical organisation.
in 1957 with the treaty of Rome, it was an economical cooperation...
Afetr, with it evolution, the EEC became the EU more politic, a stronger cooperation, with the EURO....so the first aim of the EU is not the war.

And in Kosovo, my dear, US were a lot, but French were second and british third, in number of soldiers and planes, and I don't know if there is still now US soldiers in Balkans. Because there are a lot of european soldiers....
If you make the war, in it, and go away before the peace ops, it is cowardice : in this kind of wars (kosovo, irak'....) the victory makes no doubt, but the peace is harder to win......
And if the peace is now in Balkans, it is not because the US do it........

But why do you think that Europe will explode ?
In Europe there are the 3rd, 4th, 5th and 6th more mighty country of the world (Germany France UK Italy).
strong alliance (germany and france), and alliance who will be stronger soon (Uk france)......

Why are you, on this board, alwxays speaking of war between France and USA Europe and USA, war between China and USA, chaos in Europe............are you wishing the Apocalypse ? do you want a good war to enjoy yourself ? and why never speaking of :
Are USA going to chaos ?
hmmmmmm....good question....
padisha emperor said:
Why are you, on this board, alwxays speaking of war between France and USA Europe and USA, war between China and USA, chaos in Europe do you want a good war to enjoy yourself?

Ahh, I dunno. Probly just wishful thinking on my part. A man can daydream, can't he?

The USA going to chaos? If the USA is descending into Chaos, Europe is in the middle of the End Times.
theim said:
We haven't even seen the HALF of it. With the economic conditions going the way they are, people practically rioting when some benefit gets cut to save the treasuries from bankruptcy, the influx of Muslim immigrants, Europe is going to crash alot harder than this.

EDIT: I of course forgot the most important thing: Their tendancy to place the blame for their problems on everyone but themselves.

That Muslim problem you mention is certainly becoming much more problematic.

The Van Gogh murder: "All it took was a film and a murder to turn centuries of Dutch tolerance into fear and intolerance. "

Bringing Turkey into the EU has sparked some real concern about the immigrating Muslim populations.

German Chancellor Gerhard Shroeder has spoken of "parallel societies" with regard to the 3.5 million Muslims in Germany. The Germans watched on TV as an incendiary speech was delivered by an imam in a Berlin mosque promising that "the German non-believers would burn in hell." This week, German police raided dozens of apartments and offices attributed to the Al Aqsa organization, which funnels financial donations to Hamas.

France has the biggest Muslim population in Europe with almost five million Muslims. The huge uproar about the headscarves is indicative of the religious tensions.

Spain is reconsidering its views about Muslims especially after the train bombings which killed almost 200.

The anti-semitism in Europe is becoming worse and is becoming a problem for Europe as well as the Jews as the multi-culturalism causes more problems.

France has the biggest Muslim population in Europe with almost five million Muslims. The huge uproar about the headscarves is indicative of the religious tensions.

Because France had a lot of colonies in muslims countries. But the problem of the headscarves is not so big as it appears.

In fact, only a few minority refuse to don't wear it at school. maybe between 400 and 600 people.......about maybe 1 millions muslim girls..........not a lot, really.
padisha emperor said:
Because France had a lot of colonies in muslims countries.

So is France is still an imperialist power or shouldn't it's immigrants adjust to Western Civilization while living in the West?

I think the problem is that France has ignored the non-assimilation of its immigrants for far too long.
France don't ignore it
but France allow tghe people to follow their life style
not a dictatorship, dear.
It is written in the French Constitution of the Vth republic

But for the headscarves, it hurts the princip of secularity at school

and for the non assimilation....USA are good at it...
UAS allow the communautarism, France refuse it : Franceaccpet only ONE people, undivisible.
I think that in USA lot of community are not integrate in the society.
padisha emperor said:
France don't ignore it
but France allow tghe people to follow their life style
not a dictatorship, dear.
It is written in the French Constitution of the Vth republic

But for the headscarves, it hurts the princip of secularity at school

and for the non assimilation....USA are good at it...
UAS allow the communautarism, France refuse it : Franceaccpet only ONE people, undivisible.

Is the banning of headscarves and the gathering of its Muslim community into isolated housing developments a lesson we should take from the French? :funnyface

I think that in USA lot of community are not integrate in the society.

That would be presumptious of you, given France's severe problems in this regard towards its own immigrants. For information on how successful America is in assimilating its immigrants, refer to the study made from this report:


Living next to the Texas-Mexico border gives one a different view of life than is experienced by most Americans. On one side of the Rio Grande are millions of Mexicans willing to risk anything to cross that ribbon of muddy water. North of the riverbank is another population made up of citizens, legal residents and undocumented workers. Ethnically, 90% of this population is Hispanic.

If you remove the divisiveness of politics and ask people how they view themselves or those around them, most will say they are Americans. Many will say they are Texans. Few, if any, claim allegiance to Mexico or any Latin American country.

The culture here is also unique. From food to festivals we all call it Tex-Mex. The richest in culture, customs and traditions of both nations have been blended into a way of life, which might seem strange to some, but proves to be very rewarding for those of us who make our homes in the Rio Grande Valley.

Now view this cultural assimilation by both Hispanic and Anglo along the U.S. border with what exists in countries experiencing immigration by Muslims.

France has seen a large Muslim immigration, primarily from Algeria, Senegal and Mali. These people have never been totally accepted by the French citizenry. The Muslim population is estimated at 4 to 5 million in a country of 56 million people.

The country has seen an explosion of mosques, with numbers now in excess of 1,200. With a growing resentment toward the immigrants, these mosques increase the anxiety about Muslims felt by the French Christian community. The large number of young Muslims who claim no allegiance to France, but instead claim to be Islamists further heightens this anxiety.

France does have a radical*Muslim problem. This militant version of Islam is not being imported, but is increasingly homegrown. It includes not only Muslims on the fringe of French society, but hundreds of highly educated and westernized French Muslims who are becoming intoxicated with the holy-war ideology being preached throughout western Europe. When asked, most will deny any involvement or assimilation into French culture.

Muslim immigration to Germany has been primarily from Turkey. Since 1990 there has been an increase in Muslim asylum seekers from Iran, Afghanistan and Pakistan. This has grown that immigrant population to about 2.5 million.

In Germany, Muslim youth are following an Iranian concept, which is known as "the new holy-war community of believers." It recognizes no national or ethnic identity. It even shows disdain for traditional Islamic values. This new doctrine is one, which The Weekly Standard calls," a belief that suicide and murder become sacred acts of believers who want to bring about a purifying Apocalypse."

Holland has seen a thirty-year experiment in trying to develop a tolerant multicultural society fail. Government officials claim their worst mistake was to encourage Muslim children to speak Turkish, Arabic or Berber in elementary school, instead of Dutch. The resultS 850,000 Muslims who have failed to assimilate into the nation¹s culture, import spouses from their home countries, are creating militant enclaves, actively preach Jihad and work to built a terrorist networks in this nation of only 16 million people.

Our most important ally Great Britain has not been immune to a growing Muslim presence. In 1951 there were only 23,000 Muslims in the country. Fifty years later that figure had expanded to 2 million. In addition to a documented Muslim immigrant population made up primarily of Pakistanis, Indians and Bangladeshis, there has been a large influx of undocumented Arabs and Somalis whose numbers are disputed.

That these are true asylum seekers is suspect.....

You can't compare USA and France : USa allow the community, France refuse it and say that there is ONE french people.
the federal structure of the United States makes that this communautarism is possible, but maybe it is too strong.

Look at France : you say there are big troubles.
For the french hostages's crisis, the whole french population was behind the Government. the french muslims walk down the streets to protest and to claim the liberation of the french hostages. National unity.
answer to karl marx and dillo (from the thread tsunami)

karl marx said :
We're the outlaw?!?!?!? That implies that there is a law that we are breaking, does it not? But what law are we breaking? Saddam Hussein was involved with activities that broke UN resolutions, but the Security Council was on Saddam's payroll including China and FRANCE. The United States was merely enforcing the resolutions of the United Nations and at the same time taking action to protect its interests and its national security.

So the US is an outlaw and you look down at us? But Saddam, well! He was good enough for your government.... never mind that he was breaking every UN resolution... never mind that your government was helping him do it..... never mind that your government was complicit in genocide, and complicit in one of the largest mass extermination of human beings since the Nazi Holocaust.....

The Chirac government doesn't seem much better than the Vichy government when it comes to collaborating with genocidal megalomaniacs....

Whiwh rules ? which laws ?
the international laws, guy.
USA are IN the UNO. they siogn the San fransisco treaty. they belong to this organisation. And they have to follow ther rules of it, because they agreed with the treaty-constitution of the UNO.
And outlaws also with some international rules, USA were in violation of the highly important principe of ingerence.
There is some excepetion to this principe, but Iraq crisis was not one of the.

USA is the mighty country of the world, but it doesn't mean that USA is free from the rules between the sovereign States and the international organizations....

UAS protect their interests and national security with Iraq's attack ?
whow !
2 possibility :
- the USA's territory is really bigger than I believed...Didn't know that Iraq was a part of the USA....
- the US conception of "prevention" is different from the conception of any other country. : the attack of this contry was probably not the PRIORITY for the US security.
Other countries are most threatening the USA....

If the USA doesn't respect the international laws.....
without laws, no society..>> "ubi societas, ibi jus"

As the mighty country of the planet, the job of USA should be the protection and the regulation of the world, instead of the choas and the deorganization of societies.

And on't compare the actual french government and president with the Vichy government.
padisha emperor said:
answer to karl marx and dillo (from the thread tsunami)

karl marx said :

Whiwh rules ? which laws ?
the international laws, guy.
USA are IN the UNO. they siogn the San fransisco treaty. they belong to this organisation. And they have to follow ther rules of it, because they agreed with the treaty-constitution of the UNO.
And outlaws also with some international rules, USA were in violation of the highly important principe of ingerence.
There is some excepetion to this principe, but Iraq crisis was not one of the.

USA is the mighty country of the world, but it doesn't mean that USA is free from the rules between the sovereign States and the international organizations....

UAS protect their interests and national security with Iraq's attack ?
whow !
2 possibility :
- the USA's territory is really bigger than I believed...Didn't know that Iraq was a part of the USA....
- the US conception of "prevention" is different from the conception of any other country. : the attack of this contry was probably not the PRIORITY for the US security.
Other countries are most threatening the USA....

If the USA doesn't respect the international laws.....
without laws, no society..>> "ubi societas, ibi jus"

As the mighty country of the planet, the job of USA should be the protection and the regulation of the world, instead of the choas and the deorganization of societies.

And on't compare the actual french government and president with the Vichy government.

IF there was a law broken why doesn't the UNO punish the US ? Maybe you should dicuss it with them and not the people who supposedly broke a law.

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