Funny Things You Did As A Child


Diamond Member
Sep 30, 2019
My sis and I used to sing songs into the fan because it made our voices sound funny.

We also used to open a can of frozen concentrated OJ and eat it by the spoonfull like it was a frozen treat.

Mom thought she could hide cookies from us by putting them in a coffee can in the freezer...silly mom :)
When I was a kid I loved eggnog..but it was a special..and expensive..treat reserved for the holidays. That didn't keep me from sneaking to the fridge late at night and guzzling a gulp or two. My sisters..I had 4...thought this was unfair and devised sweet sister Martha hid herself on top of the refrigerator and waited for me--she had all the kids waiting in the hall to watch my comeuppance!
As I brought the carton up to my mouth, Martha screamed and jumped at me! I lost it! I was so petrified with fear that I stood there..with the eggnog pouring down my face..coming out my nose, my ears--while the kids howled with laughter!

Best joke I ever had pulled on me....and the story is still a family staple 50+ years later!
Yeah, did the fan trick.

Ate raw bacon. Ate dog treats. Milk-Bones were the best.

My room was filled with books, monsters and anatomical science models.

Never ordered from the kid's menu. Always got swordfish or oysters or steamed clams or Coq au Vin or something.

I was very fast. Used to pick honeybees off flowers by their wings and toss them at friends.

Used to lip-sync singers for the family - Bobby Darrin, and Barbara Streisand spazzing out and crossing her eyes.

Stayed up till 3:00 AM Saturday nights watching monster movies. The next-door neighbor lady thought that was just terrible.
I bullied all the smart kids.
Then I became one.
Now I just bully the dumb ones.
I put my dog behind me on my bicycle seat and her front paws over my shoulders. We used to ride around the neighborhood like that. My uncle passed us and was laughing so hard he started swerving.

That's all I got.
I once made an evil trap...I turned the shower head outwards & pulled up the shower thingy so who-ever turned on the water got sprayed :)
On April fools I swapped the salt with the sugar bowl. The prank backfired though when my mom took a drink of her coffee, she immediately, and violently spit/coughed it out.
I was sitting across the table from her, and ended up wearing the majority of it...
We would all wake up at about 1:00 am on Christmas morning, we were too excited to sleep so we would all (5 of us) go sit on the stairs...but we wouldn't dare go down to the tree.

My brothers & sisters would send me in (I was the youngest) to my folks room to ask them to wake up so we could see if santa came dads answer was ALWAYS "maybe in an hour".

So we'd all sit there for another hour & they would send me in again..."Maybe in an hour" :)
I was, let's say Playful, I'm still, my parents were exhausted with my pranks, my father said ok we send her on the Good sister place , god pray for us :laugh:
But hey, the sisters would have had difficulties with me too, I think.:th_yourecute:
Little I wanted to hang around with my dad so I was hiding his keys car right before he wants to leave for work :badgrin:, and I said please i Don't feel good Papa comes to help me from my room .:lol:

I was, let's say Playful, I'm still, my parents were exhausted with my pranks,

My mom would pull out her "magic wand".

I'd say that's not a magic wand it's a wooden spoon...

She'd reply...No! It's a magic wand...because it turns bad little boys into good little boys :)
cut the TV cord with scissors while it was plugged in and somehow did not get zapped
cut the TV cord with scissors while it was plugged in and somehow did not get zapped

Oh dayum! Your guardian angel was lookin' out for you on that one!
maybe the scissors had plastic handles --I don't know..I remember seeing the sparks
.I was with my family a few days ago and we were wondering why I did it!!!!????
maybe to ''get back'' at one of my brothers/etc
I was, let's say Playful, I'm still, my parents were exhausted with my pranks,

My mom would pull out her "magic wand".

I'd say that's not a magic wand it's a wooden spoon...

She'd reply...No! It's a magic wand...because it turns bad little boys into good little boys :)
LOL, My Grandpa Paul Emile always took my defense.:)
and my Grandma Roseanne she bought me a dress with a prison design with the headbands on it :badgrin: because i had stole some lillte money for her :dev2:.:lol:
I had a pet bearded dragon lizard who liked sitting on my shoulder as I walked uptown. The tourists often just stared at us. It ran away one day.

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