Funny how Alex Jones knew about 9/11 happening


Diamond Member
Mar 1, 2008
I always find it funny of the 9/11 official conspiracy theory apologists around here that defend the official version to no end, how they ignore the fact that Alex Jones knew
9/11 was going to happen saying it was going to happen two months before it actually did happen.He knew they were going to happen yet somehow the government did not know and people around here call Alex Jones the nutcase.:cuckoo: Dont see how he is so loony seeing how he knew the events were going to happen and tried to warn authoritys and they did not want to listen to him. Granted he comes across nutty in his shows but there are many level heads out there such as David Ray Griffith for instance that dont get all nutty like he does and yet people call them loonys as well.:rolleyes:

Alex Jones as you can see in this video below,not only predicted that 9/11 would happen,but also said on his radio show back then telling the american people not to believe what you hear from the government,that everybody listening because of his false flag terrorist operations he talked about on his show,to know it was the government behind it like they usually always are.Video below shows it all.Of course most people here wont watch it.but its there to look it below.

[ame=]YouTube - 9/11 - The Road To Tyranny (Part 1)[/ame]
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Alex Jones?

Really? The man who on 9/11 Memorial days in NY went up to Servicemen interrupted them during lunch and start babbling about the War and how the Government planned 9/11?

Yeah.. He's a smart fellow, not to mention he knew about 9/11 all along!

You back up? Go back into your hole.
This is something I posted over on malcontents good thread I thought needs to be posted here as well since the OCTA'S like Tom Clancy wont watch the video.

yeah its kinda funny how neither Bush or his buddy Clinton ever had any interest in Bin Laden or terrorism. Like Eots showed with his link,FBI counter terrorism expert John O Neil when he was begging his superiours in the FBI to look at his leads,they just turned a blind eye to it and ignored him and when two different countries offered to extradict Bin Laden to the United States under Clinton,he told his top brass to lay off of Bin Laden and to let him go.And as everybody knows,the first nine months when Bush got sworn into office,he ignored warnings from other countrys there were going to be terrorists attacks.He had no interest in them.Only taking his long vacations he was on in Texas. Pretty convient for Bush and Clinton how O'Neil died on 9/11. just a coincidence most people around here will chalk it up to.
Alex Jones?

Really? The man who on 9/11 Memorial days in NY went up to Servicemen interrupted them during lunch and start babbling about the War and how the Government planned 9/11?

Yeah.. He's a smart fellow, not to mention he knew about 9/11 all along!

You back up? Go back into your hole.

alex has many first responders and service men that fully support him.. dont pretend otherwise

Toto,Im STILL waiting for an answer from you on who you all three decided on who was right and who was wrong between you, Ditzcon and Elvis on The JFK assassination? you have admitted you dont accept that fairy tale of the warren commissions that oswald was the lone assassin like they do.That there was more than one shooter involved.STILL waiting for an answer from you on who decided which was right?:lol:

Toto,Im STILL waiting for an answer from you on who you all three decided on who was right and who was wrong between you, Ditzcon and Elvis on The JFK assassination? you have admitted you dont accept that fairy tale of the warren commissions that oswald was the lone assassin like they do.That there was more than one shooter involved.STILL waiting for an answer from you on who decided which was right?:lol:

9/11 inside nutjob

I have no opinion of the Warren Commission. Whatever the other posters think does not matter to me.

I have some great swampland, er, I mean "real estate" to sell you.
You truthers base much of your evidence on the PNAC report right? You know the jew ridden think tank that said that America needs a new pearl harbour to ferment disdain for Islam leading to a long planned invasion of Iraq? If you morons haven't read that then you have no business posting in this forum. But if you have answer me this: Why would we have wasted time blaming Osama and committed half ass to Afghanistan when we could have just as easily skipped that folly and blamed it on Sadham? If Iraq was the goal, then why did they bother pinning it on Al Quaida? It makes no sense hence you make no sense.
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There is no conspiracy. Just keep watching cable news, voting, and paying your taxes. Be a good soldier, keep your mouth shut, and most importantly learn as little as possible about subjects that truly matter.
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Remember the X-Files? They had a spin off called the Lone Gunmen. Their very first episode was about a government conspiracy to fly a plane into the world trade center. This was well before 9/11. The show didn't even last 6 weeks before someone took it off the air. The X-Files then had an episode which killed off the Lone Gunmen just to be sure they couldn't bring their show back.
Remember the X-Files? They had a spin off called the Lone Gunmen. Their very first episode was about a government conspiracy to fly a plane into the world trade center. This was well before 9/11. The show didn't even last 6 weeks before someone took it off the air. The X-Files then had an episode which killed off the Lone Gunmen just to be sure they couldn't bring their show back.

9/11 inside nutjob thinks The X-Files was a documentary.
Remember the X-Files? They had a spin off called the Lone Gunmen. Their very first episode was about a government conspiracy to fly a plane into the world trade center. This was well before 9/11. The show didn't even last 6 weeks before someone took it off the air. The X-Files then had an episode which killed off the Lone Gunmen just to be sure they couldn't bring their show back.

9/11 inside nutjob thinks The X-Files was a documentary.

Just think it was funny, everyone in the government saying no one ever thought a plane would run into the WTC when I'd seen the episode on TV before it happened. Obviously it was thought of before 9/11.

Toto,Im STILL waiting for an answer from you on who you all three decided on who was right and who was wrong between you, Ditzcon and Elvis on The JFK assassination? you have admitted you dont accept that fairy tale of the warren commissions that oswald was the lone assassin like they do.That there was more than one shooter involved.STILL waiting for an answer from you on who decided which was right?:lol:

9/11 inside nutjob

I have no opinion of the Warren Commission. Whatever the other posters think does not matter to me.

I have some great swampland, er, I mean "real estate" to sell you.

you cant deny that you said you dont believe in that other fairy tale commission,the warren commission,your not denying it obviously have just as much of an interest in that as I do in 9/11, its just unfortunately,those threads die down very quickly unlike the 9/11 ones. oh and since your buddies Elvis and Ditzcon who DO accept the OTHER fairy tale commission that says Oswald killed Kennedy,you should make that offer to them.THEY believe in anything.You at least dont believe in THAT fairy tale commission,they'll be over anxous as hell to give you their money.:lol:
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Remember the X-Files? They had a spin off called the Lone Gunmen. Their very first episode was about a government conspiracy to fly a plane into the world trade center. This was well before 9/11. The show didn't even last 6 weeks before someone took it off the air. The X-Files then had an episode which killed off the Lone Gunmen just to be sure they couldn't bring their show back.

9/11 inside nutjob thinks The X-Files was a documentary.

Just think it was funny, everyone in the government saying no one ever thought a plane would run into the WTC when I'd seen the episode on TV before it happened. Obviously it was thought of before 9/11.

There goes Toto putting words in my mouth and lying as always.I never said anything like that.Toto is too dense and too much in denial to grasp at it that the elite were boasting from the x files of what they were going to do on 9/11:cuckoo:
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There is no conspiracy. Just keep watching cable news, voting, and paying your taxes. Be a good soldier, keep your mouth shut, and most importantly learn as little as possible about subjects that truly matter.

as always,the OCTA'S are so dense around here,they dont even know what a conspiracy is.they dont get it that even if you accept the version of the 9/11 commission,it was STILL a conspiracy.:cuckoo::lol::lol::lol: half the OCTA's everywhere are that dense that they dont even know what a conspiracy is.I dont know how many hundreds of times I have had to try and explain that to them.:lol:
4 people.
Alex Jones
Gerald Celente
Peter Schiff
Ron Paul.
Facts are facts and murkins are sheep.
If they're not in your "book'..........prolly don't own are indeed murkin.
Toss in Naomi Klein, John Perkins and commie Noam Chomsky for good measure.

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