funny animal pics for points !!! noobs less than 50 post'em if you got'em !!!


Active Member
it can be difficult to get that rep started so let's help those newbees !!

to post a pic...

1. find it somewhere on the internet
2. yahoo/google/bing have image searches etc
3. after the pic shows in a window then
4. put the mouse (heh) over the pic
5. right clik the mouse get popup
6. clik the "properties" at bottom of popup
7. scroll mouse over entire "address/URL"
8. type ctrl-C (this saves the address in cut/paste buffer)
9. click post reply for this thread :)
10. type a polite begging message
11. 2 ways to add a pic to post
12. clik the little yellow with mountains & sun icon at top of post,
then type ctrl-V to copy the addr/url saved from step 8
13. or clik "manage attachments" button towards bottom of this screen
14. difference is step 12 uses link from wherever you got pic, while step
13 loads the pic to forum servers, so if link fades, the pic will still work
15. and finally watch those points pile in !!!

hope this works :)


  • $funny-cat-picture-cute-kitty-pic-kitten-looking-in-mirror-seeing-a-lion.jpg
    24.8 KB · Views: 55
  • $lolcatsdotcomclu5vrpst727hzii.jpg
    30.3 KB · Views: 45
  • $the-laughing-funny-cat.jpg
    26.5 KB · Views: 94

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