funding for arctic studies.

Old Rocks

Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2008
Portland, Ore.
Much has been made of the fact that much of the Arctic studies has been funded by various governments. The implications being that this indicates a 'One World Conspriracy' or resurgence of 'Commies'.

Yet, the most effective series of studies was put into motion and funded by an American venture capitalist.

Gary Comer founded Land's End, a wildly successful direct mail clothing empire. He was also a transoceanic sailor, and in 2001, without the services of a government icebreaker, sailed the Northwest Passage. His was the first private venture to do the Passage in a single season. Not ony that, but he did the passage in sixteen days and eight hours.

Comer recognized that something in the Arctic was changing very quickly when he could do in just over a fortnight what had taken 3 years to do a century ago. Comer a short time later sold Land' End and began visiting scientists to try to understand what he had observed. At Philip Conkling's suggestion, Comer contacted Wallace Broecker at Columbia University's Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory. Together they founded the Comer Fellows Progarm in Adrupt Climate Change Research. Comer invested tens of millions of dollars in this program, recruiting many scientists involved in this field of study. During the summers of 2002, 2003, 2004, and 2006, Comer's ship, the Turmoil, made voyages of study to the Arctic.

Much of what we understand of the Arctic came from these voyages. Gary Comer was extroidinerly successful as a businessman, and wonderfully successful in expanding our knowledge.
Imagine if such funding were being provided by Koch Industries. :lol:

Koch Industries did provide funding for a study that verified what the vast majority of scientists have been stating for the last forty years.

Exclusive: Berkeley temperature study results “confirm the reality of global warming and support in all essential respects the historical temperature analyses of the NOAA, NASA, and HadCRU” « Climate Progress

To repeat, Climatologist Ken Caldeira sent me the following email message for publication this weekend (and he had rechecked this message before I ran it):

I have seen a copy of the Berkeley group’s draft paper, which of course would be expected to be revised before submission.

Their preliminary results sit right within the results of NOAA, NASA, and HadCRU, confirming that prior analyses were correct in every way that matters. Their results confirm the reality of global warming and support in all essential respects the historical temperature analyses of the NOAA, NASA, and HadCRU.

Their analysis supports the view that there is no fire behind the smokescreen put up by climate science deniers.

The goal of the Berkeley Earth Surface Temperature Study was to assemble some clever scientists and statisticians “to resolve current criticism of the [global] temperature analyses, and to prepare an open record that will allow rapid response to further criticism or suggestions.” For a study supposedly aimed at boosting credibility in the surface temperature data record, however, its flaws in conception and operation were beyond head-exploding:

It was co-chaired by Richard Muller (author of widely debunked books, blog posts and Wall Street Journal op-eds). Muller himself has actually worked to undermine credibility in well-established science and doesn’t have a great grasp of basic climate science (see here) or energy (see “here).
Muller got co-funding for the study from the Charles G. Koch Charitable Foundation! It’s hard to imagine a more irresponsible and anti-scientific person than Charles Koch. CP and CAP have long detailed the role of the billionaire brothers of Koch Industries, Charles and David Koch, in destroying American prosperity. We now know Koch Industries outspends Exxon Mobil on climate energy disinformation.
No more northwest passage to have to worry about...
Arctic Ocean may be ice-free within 30 years: scientists
Wed, Jul 13, 2011 - Sea ice in the Arctic is melting at a record pace this year, suggesting warming at the north pole is speeding up and a largely ice-free Arctic can be expected in summer months within 30 years.
The area of the Arctic Ocean at least 15 percent covered in ice is this week about 8.5 million square kilometers — lower than the previous record low set in 2007 — according to satellite monitoring by the US National Snow and Ice Data Center (NSIDC) in Boulder, Colorado. In addition, new data from the University of Washington Polar Science Center show that the thickness of Arctic ice this year is also the lowest on record.

In the past 10 days, the Arctic Ocean has been losing as much as 150,000km2 of sea a day, NSIDC director Mark Serreze said. “The extent [of the ice cover] is going down, but it is also thinning. So a weather pattern that formerly would melt some ice, now gets rid of much more. There will be ups and downs, but we are on track to see an ice-free summer by 2030. It is an overall downward spiral,” he said.

Global warming has been melting Arctic sea ice for the past 30 years at a rate of about 3 percent per decade on average. However, the two new data sets suggest that, if current trends continue, a largely ice-free Arctic in summer months is likely within 30 years. That is up to 40 years earlier than was anticipated in the last Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change assessment report. Sea ice, which is at its maximum extent in March and its lowest in September each year, is widely considered to be one of the “canaries in the mine” for climate change, because the poles are heating up faster than anywhere else on Earth. According to NSIDC, air temperatures last month were between 1°C and 4°C warmer than average over most of the Arctic Ocean.

The findings support a recent study in the journal Science that suggested water flowing from the Atlantic into the Arctic Ocean is warmer today than at any time in the past 2,000 years and could be one of the explanations for the rapid sea ice melt now being observed. Computer simulations performed by NASA suggest that the retreat of Arctic sea ice will not continue at a constant rate. Instead the simulations show a series of abrupt decreases, such as the one that occurred in 2007, when a “perfect storm” of weather conditions coincided and more ice was lost in one year than in the previous 28 years combined.

Arctic Ocean may be ice-free within 30 years: scientists - Taipei Times
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Funny Rocks posts this up yesterday. For some reason, I was thinking about some of the shit that is posted up in here.
I think that some people have an obsession with general curiosity.....and tend to gravitate to science......will spend any amount of time and money and energy studying and evaluating ONLY the most popular and fantastic stuff out there. Think of all the confused people out there setting up expeditions to go find Big Foot. Its the same thing with this curiosity with this global warming stuff. Its fascinating.

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