Fundamentalist Pathologies


Gold Member
Oct 22, 2016
Chestnut's "Born Again in Brazil" is available on the internet for a price. That price is church-and-state identity and location surveillance:

Born Again in Brazil

The prisoner will first be identified, which by default identifies the geographical location. This is less than surprising for us, because the Clinton mafia links to the Pentecostal mafia and the CIA in Bedford Township, Michigan. Chestnut's book documents faith healing vs science in Zika country, though its publication in 1997 is much too out-of-date to verify faith healing statistics concerning Zika virus.
Spiritual healing based on forgiveness for therapy and recovery counseling
is consistent with science and natural healing processes of the mind and body.

If by faith healing you mean declaring people to be healed without going through any spiritual
changes to unblock the natural healing process, that generally fails and/or is abused to cause harm or even death.

Read Dr. Francis MacNutt's book on HEALING that explains the difference.
One method works with science and medicine to save lives.
the other REJECTS science and medicine and can cause damage and death.
Christianity's theft of what the Tin Man always already has is the problem that MacNutt's book does not cover: the signifier-signified. That's why it is impossible to say there was spirituality-assisted healing, because all humans (are [italics]) meaning, even before theology molests them.
Christianity's theft of what the Tin Man always already has is the problem that MacNutt's book does not cover: the signifier-signified. That's why it is impossible to say there was spirituality-assisted healing, because all humans (are [italics]) meaning, even before theology molests them.

The spiritual healing process IS based on what God already has designed the mind and body to do.

The assistance comes in identifying the unnatural man made blocks to this default healing.
So once the blockages are diagnosed, then the people can agree to forgive and/or receive
prayer to forgive these blocks. then spiritually these are removed (or demons attached
can be sent back to the Lord and release the person).

the point IS for the person to return to their NATURAL default state
BEFORE the unnatural blocks were imposed or carried down from previous generations.

It DOES recognize and use the natural state as the default.
the Christian part is teaching forgiveness as the key to unblock the natural process that already exists,
like you point out! badger2

otherwise some people think you have to fix the problem first before you forgive it.
with this process, sometimes we have to forgive the problem first
before it can be fixed.
#4: You are mistaken and quite mad. God neither designed the mind nor the body. God is death, that fact also being a young shooter's or bomber's problem. Once one accepts #4's first sentence, all the other ones make perfectly good sense. That is religion's deception and molestation we are referring to. In this case the Tin Man should boycott forgiveness.
#4: You are mistaken and quite mad. God neither designed the mind nor the body. God is death, that fact also being a young shooter's or bomber's problem. Once one accepts #4's first sentence, all the other ones make perfectly good sense. That is religion's deception and molestation we are referring to. In this case the Tin Man should boycott forgiveness.

Dear badger2 If you are using God to mean death or spiritual change,
what term do you use to mean Life and the Life process, laws of Nature,
that INCLUDE both birth and death and all changes in between?

We need to agree to use the same terms, if we are going to talk about the same things.
What do you call the natural process of sustaining Life and health?
There is no problem in defining life-death. There is a problem in description or attribution of immortality to god. That is why radical atheism differs from traditional atheism: it questions the desire for god and immortality.

Because all humans are always already meaning, theology has a real problem attempting to infiltrate what no signifier can describe whilst simultaneously injecting its signifiers of fear, guilt, troubled spirit, salvation, immaculate conception, 666 protection-racketism, etc.. That is why on the Revelation 12 thread, we have already posted on the arrogance (and stupidity) of religion's 'disregard for the limitations of all cognition.'

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