Full Disclosure


Platinum Member
Mar 1, 2009
I just wanted to let everyone know that I voted this morning on the way to work.

That's all.
That sure is not a full disclosure.

but about as much full disclosure as we get from any politician I suppose.

I think.
I'll vote mid-morning for Brown, Boxer; all Democrats except for two races where I'll vote for the Green Party Candidate.
[notice sammie boy above is still focused on all male genitalia, one sick puppy is he].
I voted for independent, democrat, republican, and unopposed candidates.

I was going to write in Divecon for governor, but I wasn't sure if Divecon was his first name or his last name.
I voted this morning already. xotoxi has at least one write-in vote for our county treasurer.
I'll vote mid-morning for Brown, Boxer; all Democrats except for two races where I'll vote for the Green Party Candidate.
[notice sammie boy above is still focused on all male genitalia, one sick puppy is he].

ahhhhhhh yes the putrid effervescence of a Bay Area straight ticket voter:cow:....I am in awe of your intellectual Independence...:bs1:
I never vote for unopposed candidates. If they are too lazy to go and vote for themselves they should lose.

What would happen if an unopposed candidate got zero votes?
I voted this morning already. xotoxi has at least one write-in vote for our county treasurer.

If nominated, I will accept; if elected, I will serve.

Remember...I am a democrat, so making me the county treasurer will likely result in corruption, fraud, and embezzlement.
I never vote for unopposed candidates. If they are too lazy to go and vote for themselves they should lose.

What would happen if an unopposed candidate got zero votes?

Why don't you axe Saddam Hussein or Kim Jong Il?
I never vote for unopposed candidates. If they are too lazy to go and vote for themselves they should lose.

What would happen if an unopposed candidate got zero votes?

Why don't you axe Saddam Hussein or Kim Jong Il?

Drive it to the absurd?

I was speaking of in the USofA.

It is a valid question. Anyone know the answer?
Do they still "win" without any votes?
Haven't voted yet, not sure when I'm going to. I hurt my achilles tendon in my right foot and it hurts to drive. Actually, it hurts to do just about anything. Any suggestions for a cure? Might wait until hubs gets home so he can drive. We'll see.
I'm still trying to decide if i will vote.

All I have to choose from is a dimocrat and a repugnantcan.

Some choice.
Haven't voted yet, not sure when I'm going to. I hurt my achilles tendon in my right foot and it hurts to drive. Actually, it hurts to do just about anything. Any suggestions for a cure? Might wait until hubs gets home so he can drive. We'll see.

Take a half-grown possum, skin him and put him into a pot of boiling water. Important to not put him in until the water is already boiling. As he cooks, there will be a white foamy head that rises to the top of the boiling water. Using a wooden spoon, skim this foam off of the top of the boiling water and put it into a glass container. This foam will congeal just like jello in about two hours. After it congeals and cools down, take a handfull of the possum salve and rub it on your right foot and right ankle maybe all the way up to your right knee. It will feel really really good and it will cure your foot in about four hours. Trust me. I've watched medical shows on tv.:eusa_whistle:
Haven't voted yet, not sure when I'm going to. I hurt my achilles tendon in my right foot and it hurts to drive. Actually, it hurts to do just about anything. Any suggestions for a cure? Might wait until hubs gets home so he can drive. We'll see.

sorry no ideas on a cure. It is pretty much like politics and the 2 party system, no matter who wins it is going to suck for a while.
Haven't voted yet, not sure when I'm going to. I hurt my achilles tendon in my right foot and it hurts to drive. Actually, it hurts to do just about anything. Any suggestions for a cure? Might wait until hubs gets home so he can drive. We'll see.

Take a half-grown possum, skin him and put him into a pot of boiling water. Important to not put him in until the water is already boiling. As he cooks, there will be a white foamy head that rises to the top of the boiling water. Using a wooden spoon, skim this foam off of the top of the boiling water and put it into a glass container. This foam will congeal just like jello in about two hours. After it congeals and cools down, take a handfull of the possum salve and rub it on your right foot and right ankle maybe all the way up to your right knee. It will feel really really good and it will cure your foot in about four hours. Trust me. I've watched medical shows on tv.:eusa_whistle:

If that were to really work, I'd do it. Blarg!

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