Fukushima radiation is perfectly safe for ya! - Nothing to see here


Agent P
Sep 15, 2008
Little Rock, AR
Interesting read:

EPA to raise limits for radiation exposure while Canada turns off fallout detectors

But even the EPA's sleight-of-hand magic isn't fooling very many people this time around. Even the most TV-obsessed, CNN-watching news zombie has by now figured out that too much radiation is bad for you. After all, the media has been screaming at people about the dangers of sunlight radiation for years, insisting that the mere act of sunlight touching your skin could kill you from skin cancer.

And yet, thanks to the EPA's magically-morphing numbers, even though sunlight radiation might kill you, Fukushima radiation is perfectly safe for ya!


(I've been channeling Chris and Old Rocks lately. Scary!)
Interesting read:

EPA to raise limits for radiation exposure while Canada turns off fallout detectors

But even the EPA's sleight-of-hand magic isn't fooling very many people this time around. Even the most TV-obsessed, CNN-watching news zombie has by now figured out that too much radiation is bad for you. After all, the media has been screaming at people about the dangers of sunlight radiation for years, insisting that the mere act of sunlight touching your skin could kill you from skin cancer.

And yet, thanks to the EPA's magically-morphing numbers, even though sunlight radiation might kill you, Fukushima radiation is perfectly safe for ya!


(I've been channeling Chris and Old Rocks lately. Scary!)

Two differnet forms of radiation, with different results. If you morph the EPA guidlines for ionizing raditiation expousre over to UV exposure we all would have to live inside pitch black lead boxes.

The amount of raditation making its way over the pacific is really insignificant.
And I do not expect that to change. However, for the Japanese, there is still a strong possibility this may turn into an even larger catastrophe. And the danger from radiation is like a crap shoot. Being exposed to higher levels of radiation only increases the odds of various cancers, it does not gaurentee that any certain person will get a cancer. A crap shoot that could involve tens of millions of Japanese, if they do not get control of those reactors.
Interesting read:

EPA to raise limits for radiation exposure while Canada turns off fallout detectors

But even the EPA's sleight-of-hand magic isn't fooling very many people this time around. Even the most TV-obsessed, CNN-watching news zombie has by now figured out that too much radiation is bad for you. After all, the media has been screaming at people about the dangers of sunlight radiation for years, insisting that the mere act of sunlight touching your skin could kill you from skin cancer.

And yet, thanks to the EPA's magically-morphing numbers, even though sunlight radiation might kill you, Fukushima radiation is perfectly safe for ya!


(I've been channeling Chris and Old Rocks lately. Scary!)

It's AMAZING!!! They did some testing on our coast as the earliest possible radiation could have made it here and found the levels a thousand or more times normal..BUT COMPLETELY SAFE!!! Since then ..NOTHING!!! You cannot find a scap of data on the internet for radiation levels over the last two weeks and everyone but the lobotomized knows that radiation is ACCUMULATIVE!!! They say they are going to wait and see how much shows up in MILK from cows. I say if you eat tuna fish stock up NOW. You may not want to buy or eat any in about three months. Not until it has detoxed for about 10,000 years anyway..:lol: :lol: :lol:
Tell it to the Japanese displaced from their homes...
Why Fukushima isn't Chernobyl, despite rise in crisis level
April 12, 2011 - Japan's prime minister is urging the public not to panic after the government boosted the severity level of the crisis at Fukushima to the highest rating, the same level as the 1986 Chernobyl disaster.
Japan on Tuesday raised the severity rating at the stricken Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant to level 7, the most serious on the international scale and the same rating that was given 25 years ago to Chernobyl, as aftershocks close to the facility heighten safety concerns. Experts are not agreed, however, as to the extent of the radiation leaks and whether it can yet be said to be as bad as the 1986 disaster in Ukraine.

The Nuclear Safety Commission of Japan and the Nuclear Industrial Safety Agency (NISA) held a joint press conference today to announce they were raising the rating at Fukushima from its current level 5 to level 7. A little more than one month has passed since a magnitude 9.0 earthquake struck the northeast coast of Japan and triggered a 30-foot tsunami that first damaged the plant.

The International Nuclear and Radiological Event Scale defines a level 7 accident as a "major release of radioactive material with widespread health and environmental effects."

Severity rating raised
The Japanese raised the disaster threat level from an international "Level Five" to the maximum "Level Seven" today. The radiation in the ocean near Japan WILL be absorbed by plankton and the sardines that eat plankton ..Sardines is what TUNA FISH eat. I am buying tuna NOW. Six months down the road.....not so much. If they want to check for radiation levels I suggest they check the snow on our Washington Olympic Mountains. They get more rain and snow directly from the air and water near Japan than anywhere. They don't call it the Olympic National Rain Forest for nothing.
The Japanese raised the disaster threat level from an international "Level Five" to the maximum "Level Seven" today. The radiation in the ocean near Japan WILL be absorbed by plankton and the sardines that eat plankton ..Sardines is what TUNA FISH eat. I am buying tuna NOW. Six months down the road.....not so much. If they want to check for radiation levels I suggest they check the snow on our Washington Olympic Mountains. They get more rain and snow directly from the air and water near Japan than anywhere. They don't call it the Olympic National Rain Forest for nothing.

It's looking bad, Hug-man. Good suggestions.
While I do not expect us to get major radiation from this, were the #3 reactor to go into a full meltdown, that would change the whole equation. This is getting to be like a very bad nightmare. It just doesn't end. I really feel for the Japanese people that have lived in that area. Even in the best of scenerios, they will not likely ever be able to go home.
I would like to re state that radiation is accumulative. A 1/1000 lethal dose in one day may be considered safe. A thousand days..3 years.. of such a dose will kill you. One must keep in mind that we get "radiated" every day and MUCH worse on sunny days. This new contamination is on top of what we already receive. The "normal" radiation levels kill millions of people every year from a variety of cancers. This is no joke. This new radiation exposure, if it goes on as long as they expect, WILL kill Americans here in America.
And, since you cannot take any one case of cancer and prove that it was caused by radiation, you will be called an alarmist. Look how long it took to stop the use of asbestos. Even though the connection between asbestos and various diseases was established just after the beginning of the 21st century. Even today, there are many on this board that claim that asbestos is safe.
I would like to re state that radiation is accumulative. A 1/1000 lethal dose in one day may be considered safe. A thousand days..3 years.. of such a dose will kill you. One must keep in mind that we get "radiated" every day and MUCH worse on sunny days. This new contamination is on top of what we already receive. The "normal" radiation levels kill millions of people every year from a variety of cancers. This is no joke. This new radiation exposure, if it goes on as long as they expect, WILL kill Americans here in America.

You're 100% correct bro. ~BH
Interesting read:

EPA to raise limits for radiation exposure while Canada turns off fallout detectors

But even the EPA's sleight-of-hand magic isn't fooling very many people this time around. Even the most TV-obsessed, CNN-watching news zombie has by now figured out that too much radiation is bad for you. After all, the media has been screaming at people about the dangers of sunlight radiation for years, insisting that the mere act of sunlight touching your skin could kill you from skin cancer.

And yet, thanks to the EPA's magically-morphing numbers, even though sunlight radiation might kill you, Fukushima radiation is perfectly safe for ya!


(I've been channeling Chris and Old Rocks lately. Scary!)

That really doesn't surprise you , now does it??? Fixing the problem the same way we Fix the Illegal Problem with Amnesty. ;) Hot air rises! ;) I bet we can fix the CO2 problem by holding our breath too. :):):)
I would like to re state that radiation is accumulative. A 1/1000 lethal dose in one day may be considered safe. A thousand days..3 years.. of such a dose will kill you. One must keep in mind that we get "radiated" every day and MUCH worse on sunny days. This new contamination is on top of what we already receive. The "normal" radiation levels kill millions of people every year from a variety of cancers. This is no joke. This new radiation exposure, if it goes on as long as they expect, WILL kill Americans here in America.
Huggy nails it! People seem to think that radiation will just "wash off" like dust and dirt. I start to explain that radiation bio-accumulates and I can see their eyes just glaze over.
I would like to re state that radiation is accumulative. A 1/1000 lethal dose in one day may be considered safe. A thousand days..3 years.. of such a dose will kill you. One must keep in mind that we get "radiated" every day and MUCH worse on sunny days. This new contamination is on top of what we already receive. The "normal" radiation levels kill millions of people every year from a variety of cancers. This is no joke. This new radiation exposure, if it goes on as long as they expect, WILL kill Americans here in America.
Huggy nails it! People seem to think that radiation will just "wash off" like dust and dirt. I start to explain that radiation bio-accumulates and I can see their eyes just glaze over.

You forget radiation is also self limiting for isotopes with low half lives. The primary iodine isotope has a half life of 8 days, not good while its decaying, but after a few months it is pretty much gone.

oh and here's mr jason for bringing this thread back to life.


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