Fruit Flies - SEX Before Death


Gold Member
May 22, 2011
I have a problem. I am a homeowner, so I don’t anticipate any Liberal input here - not interested in apartment/FEMA trailer problems - govt's got your back there. Having said that – here goes.

As we bring in the harvest from the garden (tomatoes, squash, beans, peppers, watermelon, etc.) and store it in the well-ventilated garden shed we have out back, we’ve been noticing an increase in the amount of these pesky fruit-flies. These little bastards are everywhere.

I purchased a “Fruit Fly Trap” at the local hardware last week – that looks like a tomato. Lots of yellow, orange, green colors – looks pretty deceiving.

You pour the bait in the center of this thing and it instantly attracts these little POS’ – they have a drink, then drop off dead into the small holding tank.

Unfortunately – watching these little bastards die has been an X-Rated spectacular. I guess prior-to taking the last “plunge” into the bait, these things have the need to fuck.

I came home tonight and observed this trap. There were 20+ “couples” fucking on this thing. Then they drop off into the bait and are soon floating, dead.

What sick fuck created this thing?
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shouldnt the true question be...what sick fuck uses this?

Actually - I called in the "bug guy" - TWICE.

First time he sprayed - second time, he dumped stuff down the drains. Helped for awhile - but they returned.

Told me this is a big problem this year for some reason.

Global warming?

Who the hell knows.

Anyhow - I took matters into my own hands. So if that makes me a sick fuck - so be it.

These things will die. That's my goal.

Lighter fluid is next.
good point snuff films..this thread should have a graphic warning....

now if you want to talk bug fucking......

check into bedbugs and their fucking.....

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