From the Ex Files...

Mr. H.

Diamond Member
Aug 19, 2009
A warm place with no memory.
So I finally got hold of my youngest boy today. His cell phone went south a few weeks ago.

He told me that he "bought" his mom's old phone and switched the SIM cards.

"Bought" as in the bitch SOLD it to him? An old cell phone?

Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck that.

The truth IS out there.
I loved that show. Until they ruined it with the alien crap. But before then? The icky guy in the sub that turned into a leech looking thing, the Peacock Boys and their mother they kept under the bed, etc etc etc. Some great all gone.
So I finally got hold of my youngest boy today. His cell phone went south a few weeks ago.

He told me that he "bought" his mom's old phone and switched the SIM cards.

"Bought" as in the bitch SOLD it to him? An old cell phone?

Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck that.

The truth IS out there.

Your x "sold" your boy a phone?

At 31 my mom gave me a phone, er wanted to give me a phone (her old one) and she refused to allow me to pay for it.

Well she agreed to let me take her out for something to eat, but a mother selling her son a phone, a kid??
My ex is well behaved, as far as I know. We have had no contact since the divorce, so that's nice.

But, man oh man, do I have stories about my current guy's ex. It would raise the hairs on most folks necks.
Soon after the D, she had a garage sale. I picked up a couple of Audubon prints for 25 cents.
Must have paid $30 a piece for those.

For years she refused to loan me the videos and photos that I took of the kids since they were infants.

I once dropped off the youngest who got his shirt wet, so I put one of mine on him.
There it was on the porch, two weeks later, rotting away.

The truth... is out there.
Soon after the D, she had a garage sale. I picked up a couple of Audubon prints for 25 cents.
Must have paid $30 a piece for those.

For years she refused to loan me the videos and photos that I took of the kids since they were infants.

I once dropped off the youngest who got his shirt wet, so I put one of mine on him.
There it was on the porch, two weeks later, rotting away.

The truth... is out there.

It's enough to make you never want to procreate again.

What is it with women when you've had a child with them and then split up? Every one of my buddies that have children and broke up with the mother have stories about the horrible things their ex has done to them or is still trying to do to them. I have some stories of my own as well. I realize that there are some good women who aren't like that but the overwhelming majority of them lose their fucking minds after a break up.
back up the fucking short bus here:

first of all gentlemen.....there are two sides to all these stories.....

the selling the kidlet the cell she that hard up for money....

and here is another guys know i love you both....but why the hell are yall picking women who are so nasty or whatever you want to deem them? and another thing....if they are such evil women.....

why are you allowing your kids to live with them...simple as that......dont sit here and bitch about what ho's they are etc how they are so evil and then let your kids live with them......
and what about the things men do paulie?

how many women kill their kids to keep the husband from seeing think of the men who kill kids in custody disputes....just saying....

why dont yall stay fucking with the mother of your kids.....i just dont get that....divorce is just too damned easy ...staying married is hard work...raising kids is even harder work
Soon after the D, she had a garage sale. I picked up a couple of Audubon prints for 25 cents.
Must have paid $30 a piece for those.

For years she refused to loan me the videos and photos that I took of the kids since they were infants.

I once dropped off the youngest who got his shirt wet, so I put one of mine on him.
There it was on the porch, two weeks later, rotting away.

The truth... is out there.

what? did you expect her to laundry your damn shirt? why didnt you get videos in divorce settlement? you didnt see the kids for 2 weeks? i got a lot of questions.....
and what about the things men do paulie?

how many women kill their kids to keep the husband from seeing think of the men who kill kids in custody disputes....just saying....

why dont yall stay fucking with the mother of your kids.....i just dont get that....divorce is just too damned easy ...staying married is hard work...raising kids is even harder work

Well I don't have any doubts that there are men who get crazy, but every guy friend of mine who has a child with an ex has been dragged through hell by the ex, and they're all good guys. Mothers keeping children from fathers out of nothing but spite, restraining orders out of spite, etc.

I think it happens a lot more in NJ because in this state it's almost impossible for a father to win custody of a child. They just don't take kids away from the mother in this state. My old boss couldn't even get his daughter from his ex wife and he had drug dirt on her.
Divorce was 17 years ago.
Youngest boy is actually 23 now.
Admittedly, my side of the story ain't pretty- yeah I was the "bad guy", but one who was on the receiving end of 13 years of spousal abuse.
Yet, law is law and the male parental unit is almost invariably the one who gets reamed with respect to finance and custody.
Ex is quite stable monetarily.
Thread was started half way into a pint of Jim Beam and I was in a mood.
Nuff sed. :D
So I finally got hold of my youngest boy today. His cell phone went south a few weeks ago.

He told me that he "bought" his mom's old phone and switched the SIM cards.

"Bought" as in the bitch SOLD it to him? An old cell phone?

Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck that.

The truth IS out there.

Wow, talk about a business woman. :clap2:
if she has money she should not be charging the kidlet......

sorry i was so harsh.....i just get sick of parents bashing each other....i also speak up for men when their ex's are bashing them....i just dont get people slam together for a few years and drop a few kids....then suddenly hate each other...

but on the days when i refer to my husband as my ex husband...*i want him to get use to the sound of that term* i do understand.....its hard living with anyone...after 30 years there are days when we both wonder what the hell happened to our lives...then there are days we cant imagine not being with one another....but once we started a family...we were committed to giving our child the best life we could...and that meant a stable home....we always put the interest of our child above our own.....we could live to regret that.....never know....

what i love about this age....this is gonna sound so can see the grown children and see some are not the kids of who the mom claims the dad is....
mr. h. i am so sorry, sometimes i need to remember not to post everything i think....especially since it was not well thought out....i am sorry for my ad hoc reaction...
if she has money she should not be charging the kidlet......

sorry i was so harsh.....i just get sick of parents bashing each other....i also speak up for men when their ex's are bashing them....i just dont get people slam together for a few years and drop a few kids....then suddenly hate each other...

but on the days when i refer to my husband as my ex husband...*i want him to get use to the sound of that term* i do understand.....its hard living with anyone...after 30 years there are days when we both wonder what the hell happened to our lives...then there are days we cant imagine not being with one another....but once we started a family...we were committed to giving our child the best life we could...and that meant a stable home....we always put the interest of our child above our own.....we could live to regret that.....never know....

what i love about this age....this is gonna sound so can see the grown children and see some are not the kids of who the mom claims the dad is....

My son's mother did horrible things to me through the court system that I'd rather not mention publicly, and I have every reason to hate her guts. She still does fucked up things every now and then, sometimes I don't think she even realizes that shes doing something fucked up...but somehow I don't hate her, in fact I still have some kind of feeling for her because she's the mother of my child and we do have memories together.
seems kids are always the pawns.....that is what is so shocking....and i have seen it from both sides...

but we need to respect mr h. and let the thread die.....

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