From The "Are They 'Nuts' File: Attacking Obama Too Dangerous


Silver Member
Aug 4, 2011
(Here's the guy who's in the process of swiping one sixth of the American economy, who wanted to go to Japan and apologize to the people of Hiroshima and Nagasaki for our use of the atomic bombs to mercifully end that war, who wants to give all Mexicans citizenship and the right to vote in our elections, who stole from the rest of the country to give to his 'goombahs' in the UAW, who wants to take the bank accounts and the assets of people who have worked all their lives to provide for themselves and give it to his friends in #OWS, who wants to annul the Constitution, who has visions of his being appointed president for life, who conspired to run 2,000 automatic weapons into Mexico for the purpose of removing America's right to bear arms and they want us to keep quiet and not pick on him? That's almost as if General Holland M Smith told the Third, Fourth, and Fifth Marines on the morning of February 19th, 1945 to go easy on Iwo Jima's Japanese defenders. If the defenders didn't agree to surrender when the Marines asked politely the Marines were to ask the Japanese if they could borrow their ceremonial swords and fall on it themselves. Obama received a pass from the entire media during all of 2008, and this time the opposition is to do it themselves again? Are they nuts?)

"Republicans on a private Republican National Committee conference call with allies warned Tuesday that party surrogates should refrain from personal attacks against President Barack Obama, because such a strategy is too hazardous for the GOP.

"We're hesitant to jump on board with heavy attacks" personally against President Obama, Nicholas Thompson, the vice president of polling firm the Tarrance Group, said on the call. "There's a lot of people who feel sorry for him."

Recent polling data indicates that while the president suffers from significantly low job approval ratings, voters still give "high approval" to Obama personally, Thompson said.

Voters "don't think he's an evil man who's out to change the United States" for the worse--even though many of the same survey respondents agree that his policies have harmed the country, Thompson said. The upshot, Thompson stressed, is that Republicans should "exercise some caution" when talking about the president personally."

On private call, Republicans say attacking Obama personally is too dangerous: Yahoo News exclusive | The Ticket - Yahoo! News
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(He may be right, the party that is too dumb to live)

"I took some grief on the recent NR cruise by telling the group that I thought Mitt Romney would lose to Barack Obama rather handily. That for some mysterious reason Obama continues to have relatively strong personal-approval numbers and a substantial, reliable base, which Romney doesn’t. As a typical standard-issue Republican, Romney wouldn’t have the heart or the courage to take the fight to the president, but instead would debate around the edges, and lose…

Gee, if Obama’s personal-approval numbers are still high, why would you want to take them down? Let them stay there, lest the Democrat-Media Complex accuse you of being a blue meanie.

Remember, GOP: principles, not policies. Principles, not policies. Principles, not policies.

It’s not Obama’s policies that are the problem, it’s Obama and everything he represents and stands for. Engage the president on the deepest, most potent level, or join John McCain and Bob Dole on the ash heap of history.

Really, this party is too dumb to live"

» “Really, this party is too dumb to live” - Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion
Romney will lose this election if he sticks to the same old republican song and dance, He will also lose this election if he resorts to personal smears. I do not see a successful winning strategy other than an October surprise. I fully expect one to be manufactured.
Obama will be re-elected. That has already been decided by the powers that be. They all work for the same Bosses in the end. Everyone should check out 'The Obama Deception.' They're all on the same team.
Take off the tin foil hat there Pauli...

To the OP... you're so full of shit on every talking point you brought up... Just a bitter man that can't stand a black man in office.

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