From 2009 - 2011 Democrats had a chance:


Platinum Member
May 27, 2014
From 2009 - 2011 Democrats failed to fix a system they deem to be broken and now cry over Trump Regime enforcing U.S. Laws when it come to illegal immigration.

In 2011 after Democrats lost the 2010 mid-term election and the House turn Tea Party Red President Obama then demanded the opposition party to hand him some form of Immigration Reform while knowing it would never happen!

So why did he do this?

Simple, wedge issue that he was hoping would stir the base and get some Hispanic\Latino voters to swing the 2012 election in the favor of Democrats, but of course it failed as usual.

So now we sit and read daily how Trump Regime is now the New Nazi Germany and the separation of children from their parents is a Human Rights violation and yet I have not seen those same people slam countries like Mexico and El Salvador for not cleaning up their country so their people will want to stay...

No, instead you read how America is Nazi Germany and how America Immigration Laws are unfair but when Democrats had the chance to fix the problems they punt with the hope no one would notice they never had any intentions to fix this issue!

Yes, I would like to see some form of Immigration reform that does not grant Amnesty and would fix the system but in today environment it will never happen.

So as you on the left proclaim America is now the New Nazi Germany please take a moment and Remember Andrew Jackson, Woodrow Wilson, and FDR because they were worst than Trump and yet they are hero's in the Democratic Party.
At the rate the Ds are going the Rs will have the votes to get a reform bill through both houses of congress that president Trump will sign.

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