French socialist win the their Presidential election on May 6


Senior Member
Sep 10, 2010
will cause Obama to lose in Nov. (He may anyway)

The socialist has vowed to deep-six the bailout agreement in Europe - which will rattle the world makets -incl the US stock markets.

Then the US economy will go into a tailspin.
Its true that although President Obama pulled us and most of the world financial markets out of the fire last time, he will not be able to do that again. The variables are completely different this time and NO US PRESIDENT could do it.

Add that to Mitten's plans to sink this country, to turn us into a petty cash fund for the 1% and if the pubs win the election, our country is a goner.
Its true that although President Obama pulled us and most of the world financial markets out of the fire last time, he will not be able to do that again. The variables are completely different this time and NO US PRESIDENT could do it.

Add that to Mitten's plans to sink this country, to turn us into a petty cash fund for the 1% and if the pubs win the election, our country is a goner.

Obama had better be praying that Sarkowzy pulls off a huge upset on May 6. Nobody thinks he has a chance.
The US prez election in Nov will be decided in France on May 6.

Not looking good for Obama.
Bottom-line: Hollande has vowed to "re-negoitiate" the hard-fought bailout treaty.

Wil wreck the already terrible world economy.

And lead to Obamas defeat in Nov.
Bottom-line: Hollande has vowed to "re-negoitiate" the hard-fought bailout treaty.

Wil wreck the already terrible world economy.

And lead to Obamas defeat in Nov.
So, the French are so weak that they can wreck the world economy and change the outcome of the US election?
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Bottom-line: Hollande has vowed to "re-negoitiate" the hard-fought bailout treaty.

Wil wreck the already terrible world economy.

And lead to Obamas defeat in Nov.
So, the French are so weak that they can wreck the world economy and change the outcome of the US election?

PATHETIC GREECE has been a drag on the world economy since forever.....................

Who were the morons who awarded Greece the Olympics over more deserving nation - all about a pean to the original Greek Olympics.
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