

Senior Member
Aug 28, 2003
Aiken, SC
I just finished my last class for the semester. Next week, I have 3 exams, then I have a month off!!!!!!!!!!! I'll be seeing some of you soon!
While I have to teach until the 19th, I too will finish my own classes next Thurs. I can't wait!
23 is last for me until the 2nd of January!!! Good enough for me!!!
Well, I got one exam next wed. and 2 next friday, then after that, I don't go back til January 12th.
Originally posted by Dan
Well, I got one exam next wed. and 2 next friday, then after that, I don't go back til January 12th.
You can come up here and work for me during the break...I gotta lot of work to do.
I would, but there's a lot of stuff I've been wanting to do when I come up there. Sorry!
hahahahah, another words Moi, get someone else to do the cleaning.

I'll come up and help!!! if it means I get to watch my Nephew???
Dan, what could you possibly want to do that is more important than working with me?

Janeen...come on up...I have a nice room just for you cook a lot better than I do.
Ok guys, I teach middle school social studies by day. On Thursdays go to Master's class, not to mention I have 2 kids away at school, a senior in high school, and my 84 year old father-with failing kidneys and heart living with me.

Do I need a break! Finals due next week. Best news came yesterday. Our PTA organization decided to give each teacher a day off before Christmas! Mine is this Monday, which is the reason I have time now to post.

So Moi, how much if I come and help out? (Just kidding.)
Are you in Pittsburg? (Not a raving sports fan, sorry). Bit of a drive from Chicago area. But thanks, if you lived down the block I'd take it, and send the kid to do it! lol
Ok guys, I teach middle school social studies by day.

My God, woman, you're insane! I think back to when my friends and I were most annoying, and it was definitely middle school years. I think all kids should be locked up from ages 13 to 15-16. Am I the only one who hated middle school? I kinda hated school altogether, but middle school was really bad.
LOL Perhaps my problem is that I hated elementary and high school, but liked middle school.

Younger kids 'falling in love' with teachers and each other made me ill and still does.

High schoolers invented love, sex, drugs, and rock and roll-then and now! I should watch this though, since I'm going to be applying for high school for next year! Yet, doesn't change a thing, my own kids as proof, not to mention myself.

Middle school kids are hormonal. They push the envelope. Yet, they want you to like them, high school kids don't. A kid that is super annoying, will get upset when you make it clear that you really think they are not worth getting upset with. They can become desperate.

Had a boy today, start crying reading "Bless the Beasts and Children", seems he really connected with one of the main characters. Could be for any number of reasons. Point is, they are vunerable.
High school RULED!! Was definatley my best 4 years of school. Could it be that I went to a Catholic Grammar school from 4-8 grades??? LOL
Hey, Catholic schools have been known to make men of greater men than thou. lol

We are tough!:tank:
After reading this a few times...still cant decided wehter that was a compliment or an insult!!! :)
Compliment, as a survivor of the Catholic school system, (1-6), and a teacher in the same, anyone that comes through it sane, is a survivor. Those that haven't run that gamut, well, they are wussies.
Ok. Well thank you! :) I think thats why I enjoyed high School so much. There was FREEEEDOM!!! LOL

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