Free to Good Home


Platinum Member
Jul 20, 2011
Don't harsh my zen, Jen!
Oh, darn it! I was hoping this was for real!!!!

Mine just ran away, and I wanted to replace him - the house is so empty and quiet now : (

While I was hoping for one that was a bit older, actually - a two year old would've been OK.
It's the over-18 "child".....he's leaving home. Any day now. This has been going on for over week now, LOL! It's always something, so I've made his favorite meal, his second-favorite, third-favorite, etc, etc - now we are getting down to 'whatever' for dinner.
However, we are down to only one kitton so I am looking for another furry lap-warmer : ))
I don't put animals on the same level as Humans so I see no problem putting it to sleep or giving it to a Korean family who would probably eat it. I saw many dogs in the open air markets when I was in Korea. It's no big deal.

My sister told me this story of a Korean guy who said to her; "Yeah, I like uh Irish Settah. It make uh too meal!"
BDBoop: Have you considered a bath in iced tea? NOT joking here - the tannic acid seems to help soothe sunburn.
Sorry to be smiling, BDB. I spent most of last weekend at a beautiful lake in Clay County, Florida. I saw maybe two hours of sun, Debby was slowly rolling in; this weekend, nothing but sun, all day, yesterday and today. I got a better tan walking to a friend's house today than all of last weekend. If it doesn't upset your stomach, aspirin helps a sunburn also.

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