"Free speech and internet trolls"


Diamond Member
Nov 16, 2017
As a moderate, I am delighted to report that the liberal Los Angeles Times (in a January 26, 2018, editorial with the heading that I have used in my thread title) has strongly come out in support of the First Amendment.

The newspaper says that we should continue to support the Supreme Court's current principle that offensive or distressing statements are protected if they also "comment on matters of public concern."

I will let you read the whole editorial yourself. When I first saw the heading, I said to myself: "I won't waste my time. Probably just another liberal newspaper calling for Internet censorship." Then a little voice told me to read it. Boy! Was I in for a pleasant surprise.

I will end by quoting the penultimate paragraph (the emphasis is mine):

People who want to restrict speech on the Internet "assume the internet poses a unique threat to privacy and personal dignity, one that justifies scaling back protections for free speech. It does not. The tests for speech should be the same regardless of where or how it's conveyed. Otherwise, each step forward in technology could ratchet back the freedom to speak in this country, chilling disruptive speakers and technological innovators alike."


Just google these words (use the quotation marks): "Free speech and internet trolls" Press Reader

(I am unable to link. Sorry.)
As a moderate, I am delighted to report that the liberal Los Angeles Times (in a January 26, 2018, editorial with the heading that I have used in my thread title) has strongly come out in support of the First Amendment.

The newspaper says that we should continue to support the Supreme Court's current principle that offensive or distressing statements are protected if they also "comment on matters of public concern."

I will let you read the whole editorial yourself. When I first saw the heading, I said to myself: "I won't waste my time. Probably just another liberal newspaper calling for Internet censorship." Then a little voice told me to read it. Boy! Was I in for a pleasant surprise.

I will end by quoting the penultimate paragraph (the emphasis is mine):

People who want to restrict speech on the Internet "assume the internet poses a unique threat to privacy and personal dignity, one that justifies scaling back protections for free speech. It does not. The tests for speech should be the same regardless of where or how it's conveyed. Otherwise, each step forward in technology could ratchet back the freedom to speak in this country, chilling disruptive speakers and technological innovators alike."


Just google these words (use the quotation marks): "Free speech and internet trolls" Press Reader

(I am unable to link. Sorry.)

Just curious then ...What do you think about the president coming out with FAKE NEWs awards and not mentioning one word about the Russian Fake News Bots still infiltrating our social media?

Just curious then ...What do you think about the president ... not mentioning one word about the Russian Fake News Bots still infiltrating our social media?


Like many other moderates and conservatives, I could NOT care less about alleged Russian interference.

I MIGHT care if the media were reporting the news in an objective manner, but they are not. They are publishing all kinds of nonsense in order to embarrass or, of course, to get the President impeached (and convicted).

The only people who believe the so-called mainstream media are Democrats. No one else does. (And I suspect that even some thoughtful Democrats acknowledge that if Secretary Clinton had been elected, Democrats would never have raised the Russian matter.)

The mainstream media have destroyed the noble profession of impartial and objective journalism. (I am forced to watch only FOX NEWS. Watching CNN and MSNBC makes me sick to my stomach. If I could, I would ask the people who run those last two enterprises: "Have you no decency, Sir/Madam?")

Have a nice day!
As a moderate, I am delighted to report that the liberal Los Angeles Times (in a January 26, 2018, editorial with the heading that I have used in my thread title) has strongly come out in support of the First Amendment.

The newspaper says that we should continue to support the Supreme Court's current principle that offensive or distressing statements are protected if they also "comment on matters of public concern."

I will let you read the whole editorial yourself. When I first saw the heading, I said to myself: "I won't waste my time. Probably just another liberal newspaper calling for Internet censorship." Then a little voice told me to read it. Boy! Was I in for a pleasant surprise.

I will end by quoting the penultimate paragraph (the emphasis is mine):

People who want to restrict speech on the Internet "assume the internet poses a unique threat to privacy and personal dignity, one that justifies scaling back protections for free speech. It does not. The tests for speech should be the same regardless of where or how it's conveyed. Otherwise, each step forward in technology could ratchet back the freedom to speak in this country, chilling disruptive speakers and technological innovators alike."


Just google these words (use the quotation marks): "Free speech and internet trolls" Press Reader

(I am unable to link. Sorry.)

Just curious then ...What do you think about the president coming out with FAKE NEWs awards and not mentioning one word about the Russian Fake News Bots still infiltrating our social media?


Where are they and what are they doing?
As a moderate, I am delighted to report that the liberal Los Angeles Times (in a January 26, 2018, editorial with the heading that I have used in my thread title) has strongly come out in support of the First Amendment.

The newspaper says that we should continue to support the Supreme Court's current principle that offensive or distressing statements are protected if they also "comment on matters of public concern."

I will let you read the whole editorial yourself. When I first saw the heading, I said to myself: "I won't waste my time. Probably just another liberal newspaper calling for Internet censorship." Then a little voice told me to read it. Boy! Was I in for a pleasant surprise.

I will end by quoting the penultimate paragraph (the emphasis is mine):

People who want to restrict speech on the Internet "assume the internet poses a unique threat to privacy and personal dignity, one that justifies scaling back protections for free speech. It does not. The tests for speech should be the same regardless of where or how it's conveyed. Otherwise, each step forward in technology could ratchet back the freedom to speak in this country, chilling disruptive speakers and technological innovators alike."


Just google these words (use the quotation marks): "Free speech and internet trolls" Press Reader

(I am unable to link. Sorry.)

Just curious then ...What do you think about the president coming out with FAKE NEWs awards and not mentioning one word about the Russian Fake News Bots still infiltrating our social media?


Where are they and what are they doing?

Here I will give you a few things to read Bear..but first will explain

The Russian trolls opened up thousands of fake accounts on Twitter ( little harder to do on Facebook , but they managed to do it there as well.)
The Russian trolls opened up fake websites to look American..these fake stories spread across social media and yes, we got quite a few links here and other political forums..

They sent out fake news and the million bots sent you to these fake stories anytime that you typed in a certain word ( like Clinton )

These Bots and Fake accounts are still sending out fake news so be careful ..Twitter and Facebook hired 30,000 people to hunt them and kick them off.

Below is very scary

Also they found thousand of Russian accounts commenting on our government website telling congress to get rid of neutral internet .. and the congress got rid of it by the comments made thinking that is what Americans want...This is very very scary.

Twitter: Russian Bots Retweeted Trump 470,000 Times

Twitter admits far more Russian bots posted on election than it had disclosed

Read Democrats' letter to Facebook and Twitter about #releasethememo
As a moderate, I am delighted to report that the liberal Los Angeles Times (in a January 26, 2018, editorial with the heading that I have used in my thread title) has strongly come out in support of the First Amendment.

The newspaper says that we should continue to support the Supreme Court's current principle that offensive or distressing statements are protected if they also "comment on matters of public concern."

I will let you read the whole editorial yourself. When I first saw the heading, I said to myself: "I won't waste my time. Probably just another liberal newspaper calling for Internet censorship." Then a little voice told me to read it. Boy! Was I in for a pleasant surprise.

I will end by quoting the penultimate paragraph (the emphasis is mine):

People who want to restrict speech on the Internet "assume the internet poses a unique threat to privacy and personal dignity, one that justifies scaling back protections for free speech. It does not. The tests for speech should be the same regardless of where or how it's conveyed. Otherwise, each step forward in technology could ratchet back the freedom to speak in this country, chilling disruptive speakers and technological innovators alike."


Just google these words (use the quotation marks): "Free speech and internet trolls" Press Reader

(I am unable to link. Sorry.)

Just curious then ...What do you think about the president coming out with FAKE NEWs awards and not mentioning one word about the Russian Fake News Bots still infiltrating our social media?


Where are they and what are they doing?

Here I will give you a few things to read Bear..but first will explain

The Russian trolls opened up thousands of fake accounts on Twitter ( little harder to do on Facebook , but they managed to do it there as well.)
The Russian trolls opened up fake websites to look American..these fake stories spread across social media and yes, we got quite a few links here and other political forums..

They sent out fake news and the million bots sent you to these fake stories anytime that you typed in a certain word ( like Clinton )

These Bots and Fake accounts are still sending out fake news so be careful ..Twitter and Facebook hired 30,000 people to hunt them and kick them off.

Below is very scary

Also they found thousand of Russian accounts commenting on our government website telling congress to get rid of neutral internet .. and the congress got rid of it by the comments made thinking that is what Americans want...This is very very scary.

Twitter: Russian Bots Retweeted Trump 470,000 Times

Twitter admits far more Russian bots posted on election than it had disclosed

Read Democrats' letter to Facebook and Twitter about #releasethememo
The Russians are getting us to argue with each other and opening the political divide by using social media to argue BOTH sides of controversial topics. It is the divisiveness -- creating stalemate like that we have been seeing in Congress -- that the Russians are aiming for. They are succeeding.
It is so obvious here that Russians have influenced us whether we know it or not. Listen to the discussions (if you can call some of them that) and all you hear is the need to divide. Nothing about the actual topic at all. That's our enemies talking.
As a moderate, I am delighted to report that the liberal Los Angeles Times (in a January 26, 2018, editorial with the heading that I have used in my thread title) has strongly come out in support of the First Amendment.

The newspaper says that we should continue to support the Supreme Court's current principle that offensive or distressing statements are protected if they also "comment on matters of public concern."

I will let you read the whole editorial yourself. When I first saw the heading, I said to myself: "I won't waste my time. Probably just another liberal newspaper calling for Internet censorship." Then a little voice told me to read it. Boy! Was I in for a pleasant surprise.

I will end by quoting the penultimate paragraph (the emphasis is mine):

People who want to restrict speech on the Internet "assume the internet poses a unique threat to privacy and personal dignity, one that justifies scaling back protections for free speech. It does not. The tests for speech should be the same regardless of where or how it's conveyed. Otherwise, each step forward in technology could ratchet back the freedom to speak in this country, chilling disruptive speakers and technological innovators alike."


Just google these words (use the quotation marks): "Free speech and internet trolls" Press Reader

(I am unable to link. Sorry.)

Just curious then ...What do you think about the president coming out with FAKE NEWs awards and not mentioning one word about the Russian Fake News Bots still infiltrating our social media?


Where are they and what are they doing?

Here I will give you a few things to read Bear..but first will explain

The Russian trolls opened up thousands of fake accounts on Twitter ( little harder to do on Facebook , but they managed to do it there as well.)
The Russian trolls opened up fake websites to look American..these fake stories spread across social media and yes, we got quite a few links here and other political forums..

They sent out fake news and the million bots sent you to these fake stories anytime that you typed in a certain word ( like Clinton )

These Bots and Fake accounts are still sending out fake news so be careful ..Twitter and Facebook hired 30,000 people to hunt them and kick them off.

Below is very scary

Also they found thousand of Russian accounts commenting on our government website telling congress to get rid of neutral internet .. and the congress got rid of it by the comments made thinking that is what Americans want...This is very very scary.

Twitter: Russian Bots Retweeted Trump 470,000 Times

Twitter admits far more Russian bots posted on election than it had disclosed

Read Democrats' letter to Facebook and Twitter about #releasethememo
The Russians are getting us to argue with each other and opening the political divide by using social media to argue BOTH sides of controversial topics. It is the divisiveness -- creating stalemate like that we have been seeing in Congress -- that the Russians are aiming for. They are succeeding.
It is so obvious here that Russians have influenced us whether we know it or not. Listen to the discussions (if you can call some of them that) and all you hear is the need to divide. Nothing about the actual topic at all. That's our enemies talking.

Once again how? You guys act like we never hated lefties before.
As a moderate, I am delighted to report that the liberal Los Angeles Times (in a January 26, 2018, editorial with the heading that I have used in my thread title) has strongly come out in support of the First Amendment.

The newspaper says that we should continue to support the Supreme Court's current principle that offensive or distressing statements are protected if they also "comment on matters of public concern."

I will let you read the whole editorial yourself. When I first saw the heading, I said to myself: "I won't waste my time. Probably just another liberal newspaper calling for Internet censorship." Then a little voice told me to read it. Boy! Was I in for a pleasant surprise.

I will end by quoting the penultimate paragraph (the emphasis is mine):

People who want to restrict speech on the Internet "assume the internet poses a unique threat to privacy and personal dignity, one that justifies scaling back protections for free speech. It does not. The tests for speech should be the same regardless of where or how it's conveyed. Otherwise, each step forward in technology could ratchet back the freedom to speak in this country, chilling disruptive speakers and technological innovators alike."


Just google these words (use the quotation marks): "Free speech and internet trolls" Press Reader

(I am unable to link. Sorry.)

Well, recent concentrations of corporate power over the net and the Web along with recent Court rulings means private companies, very large and anti-American ones, will be deciding what is allowed and what isn't, and all of them are 110% PC fascist in political ideology, so they will be censoring mostly moderates and right wingers. We already see this happening on some message boards and most 'news' outlets, and it will get more intense.
As a moderate, I am delighted to report that the liberal Los Angeles Times (in a January 26, 2018, editorial with the heading that I have used in my thread title) has strongly come out in support of the First Amendment.

The newspaper says that we should continue to support the Supreme Court's current principle that offensive or distressing statements are protected if they also "comment on matters of public concern."

I will let you read the whole editorial yourself. When I first saw the heading, I said to myself: "I won't waste my time. Probably just another liberal newspaper calling for Internet censorship." Then a little voice told me to read it. Boy! Was I in for a pleasant surprise.

I will end by quoting the penultimate paragraph (the emphasis is mine):

People who want to restrict speech on the Internet "assume the internet poses a unique threat to privacy and personal dignity, one that justifies scaling back protections for free speech. It does not. The tests for speech should be the same regardless of where or how it's conveyed. Otherwise, each step forward in technology could ratchet back the freedom to speak in this country, chilling disruptive speakers and technological innovators alike."


Just google these words (use the quotation marks): "Free speech and internet trolls" Press Reader

(I am unable to link. Sorry.)

Just curious then ...What do you think about the president coming out with FAKE NEWs awards and not mentioning one word about the Russian Fake News Bots still infiltrating our social media?


Where are they and what are they doing?

Here I will give you a few things to read Bear..but first will explain

The Russian trolls opened up thousands of fake accounts on Twitter ( little harder to do on Facebook , but they managed to do it there as well.)
The Russian trolls opened up fake websites to look American..these fake stories spread across social media and yes, we got quite a few links here and other political forums..

They sent out fake news and the million bots sent you to these fake stories anytime that you typed in a certain word ( like Clinton )

These Bots and Fake accounts are still sending out fake news so be careful ..Twitter and Facebook hired 30,000 people to hunt them and kick them off.

Below is very scary

Also they found thousand of Russian accounts commenting on our government website telling congress to get rid of neutral internet .. and the congress got rid of it by the comments made thinking that is what Americans want...This is very very scary.

Twitter: Russian Bots Retweeted Trump 470,000 Times

Twitter admits far more Russian bots posted on election than it had disclosed

Read Democrats' letter to Facebook and Twitter about #releasethememo
The Russians are getting us to argue with each other and opening the political divide by using social media to argue BOTH sides of controversial topics. It is the divisiveness -- creating stalemate like that we have been seeing in Congress -- that the Russians are aiming for. They are succeeding.
It is so obvious here that Russians have influenced us whether we know it or not. Listen to the discussions (if you can call some of them that) and all you hear is the need to divide. Nothing about the actual topic at all. That's our enemies talking.

Once again how? You guys act like we never hated lefties before.

No matter how thoroughly the fake Russian stuff gets proven to be rubbish, these Democrats are never going to let it die and dream up new rubbish on the same scale; they have too much vested in the Big Lie now.
I'm probably on a watch list as I shared this meme and the spoofs those two young Russians did on Pelosi and the others....oh' well that's life. Everyone an their brother around the globe puts out shit at election time pushing for whatever agenda suits them. That is not hacking an election anymore than the fake poll shit that was claimed by the young Turks to be American polls when it was actually London polls. You lil' pandering sniveling, lying ass dems who believe that others should go without for you can keep your high priced homes and send your kids to college while forcing others into you insurance scams deserved every bit of what you got in the last election. Thing is many of you are still doubling down on stupid so your party's future is still not looking to bright at the moment.

As a moderate, I am delighted to report that the liberal Los Angeles Times (in a January 26, 2018, editorial with the heading that I have used in my thread title) has strongly come out in support of the First Amendment.

The newspaper says that we should continue to support the Supreme Court's current principle that offensive or distressing statements are protected if they also "comment on matters of public concern."

I will let you read the whole editorial yourself. When I first saw the heading, I said to myself: "I won't waste my time. Probably just another liberal newspaper calling for Internet censorship." Then a little voice told me to read it. Boy! Was I in for a pleasant surprise.

I will end by quoting the penultimate paragraph (the emphasis is mine):

People who want to restrict speech on the Internet "assume the internet poses a unique threat to privacy and personal dignity, one that justifies scaling back protections for free speech. It does not. The tests for speech should be the same regardless of where or how it's conveyed. Otherwise, each step forward in technology could ratchet back the freedom to speak in this country, chilling disruptive speakers and technological innovators alike."


Just google these words (use the quotation marks): "Free speech and internet trolls" Press Reader

(I am unable to link. Sorry.)

Just curious then ...What do you think about the president coming out with FAKE NEWs awards and not mentioning one word about the Russian Fake News Bots still infiltrating our social media?


Where are they and what are they doing?

Here I will give you a few things to read Bear..but first will explain

The Russian trolls opened up thousands of fake accounts on Twitter ( little harder to do on Facebook , but they managed to do it there as well.)
The Russian trolls opened up fake websites to look American..these fake stories spread across social media and yes, we got quite a few links here and other political forums..

They sent out fake news and the million bots sent you to these fake stories anytime that you typed in a certain word ( like Clinton )

These Bots and Fake accounts are still sending out fake news so be careful ..Twitter and Facebook hired 30,000 people to hunt them and kick them off.

Below is very scary

Also they found thousand of Russian accounts commenting on our government website telling congress to get rid of neutral internet .. and the congress got rid of it by the comments made thinking that is what Americans want...This is very very scary.

Twitter: Russian Bots Retweeted Trump 470,000 Times

Twitter admits far more Russian bots posted on election than it had disclosed

Read Democrats' letter to Facebook and Twitter about #releasethememo
The Russians are getting us to argue with each other and opening the political divide by using social media to argue BOTH sides of controversial topics. It is the divisiveness -- creating stalemate like that we have been seeing in Congress -- that the Russians are aiming for. They are succeeding.
It is so obvious here that Russians have influenced us whether we know it or not. Listen to the discussions (if you can call some of them that) and all you hear is the need to divide. Nothing about the actual topic at all. That's our enemies talking.

Once again how? You guys act like we never hated lefties before.
How? Have you read this thread or looked at the links directly above?
And hate is a pretty big word to use on people who disagree with you politically. If that's really where you are, it would be good for you to take a giant step backward. It ain't worth it, my friend.
Just curious then ...What do you think about the president coming out with FAKE NEWs awards and not mentioning one word about the Russian Fake News Bots still infiltrating our social media?


Where are they and what are they doing?

Here I will give you a few things to read Bear..but first will explain

The Russian trolls opened up thousands of fake accounts on Twitter ( little harder to do on Facebook , but they managed to do it there as well.)
The Russian trolls opened up fake websites to look American..these fake stories spread across social media and yes, we got quite a few links here and other political forums..

They sent out fake news and the million bots sent you to these fake stories anytime that you typed in a certain word ( like Clinton )

These Bots and Fake accounts are still sending out fake news so be careful ..Twitter and Facebook hired 30,000 people to hunt them and kick them off.

Below is very scary

Also they found thousand of Russian accounts commenting on our government website telling congress to get rid of neutral internet .. and the congress got rid of it by the comments made thinking that is what Americans want...This is very very scary.

Twitter: Russian Bots Retweeted Trump 470,000 Times

Twitter admits far more Russian bots posted on election than it had disclosed

Read Democrats' letter to Facebook and Twitter about #releasethememo
The Russians are getting us to argue with each other and opening the political divide by using social media to argue BOTH sides of controversial topics. It is the divisiveness -- creating stalemate like that we have been seeing in Congress -- that the Russians are aiming for. They are succeeding.
It is so obvious here that Russians have influenced us whether we know it or not. Listen to the discussions (if you can call some of them that) and all you hear is the need to divide. Nothing about the actual topic at all. That's our enemies talking.

Once again how? You guys act like we never hated lefties before.
How? Have you read this thread or looked at the links directly above?
And hate is a pretty big word to use on people who disagree with you politically. If that's really where you are, it would be good for you to take a giant step backward. It ain't worth it, my friend.

I also feel that many protests are peaceful, but there are paid off people thrown in to disrupt and discredit as well..

I once marched in the wall street protest up in San Francisco about 7 years ago .. thousands of Peaceful people marched in that protest..

I went home and saw on the news a few hours later people causing chaos and destruction.. so the opposition focuses on that and not the cause.


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