"Free College Tuition" is NOT a pipe-dream


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2015
As expected, some right wingers on this forum are ridiculing Sanders' call for free college tuition......Of course, the low intelligence of some right wingers is legendary and, as usual, they mistake the term "free" as just another socialistic "give-away."

First, right wingers should realize that throughout the civilized world, college tuition IS free (except for books and lodging expenses.) Haw can the rest of the world do this? Simple, first one has to determine if free tuition is an investment in the most precious resource a country has....and that is a better economic future through educating its youth.

Second, YES tuition would be paid through an increase in state taxation; after all, most universities are sitting on land grants and universities' charter clearly spell out that they exist for the be betterment of the community, along with the need for both teaching and research.

Third, (and this is something that conservatives SHOULD like if they exercised their brain cells a bit more); that is, tenure for professors may be soon a thing of the past.....part-time/adjunct faculty is on the rise, and THAT should drastically cut down on the very expensive staffing of colleges and universities. The cost of a tenured professor's teaching of 2 or 3 classes could translate to the hiring of 5 part-timers to teach about 15 or so classes.

Fourth, tuition could also be drastically reduced if universities get off their insane quest for college sports. Coaches in such institutions make an average of 3 times the salary of the institution's president or provost. This insanity causes tuitions to be raised for ALL other students to basically subsidize jocks and the athletic staff.

Finally, free tuition should be granted FIRST to students who major in fields that can readily benefit all of the taxed society....Need more doctors? Offer free tuition at medical schools; Need more information technology graduates? the same applies; Need more engineers? Same........

Free tuition must have the caveats of a student's high grades, discipline at matriculation, completion and commitment to pay back to the society that subsidized (and invested in) such free tuition.
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As expected, some right wingers on this forum are ridiculing Sanders' call for free college tuition......Of course, the low intelligence of some right wingers is legendary and, as usual, they mistake the term "free" as just another socialistic "give-away."

First, right wingers should realize that throughout the civilized world, college tuition IS free (except for books and lodging expenses.) Haw can the rest of the world do this? Simple, first one has to determine if free tuition is an investment in the most precious resource a country has....and that is a better economic future through educating its youth.

Second, YES tuition would be paid through an increase in state taxation; after all, most universities are sitting on land grants and universities' charter clearly spell out that they exist for the be betterment of the community, along with the need for both teaching and research.

Third, (and this is something that conservatives SHOULD like if they exercised their brain cells a bit more); that is, tenure for professors may be soon a thing of the past.....part-time/adjunct faculty is on the rise, and THAT should drastically cut down on the very expensive staffing of colleges and universities. The cost of a tenured professor's teaching of 2 or 3 classes could translate to the hiring of 5 part-timers to teach about 15 or so classes.

Fourth, tuition could also be drastically reduced if universities get off their insane quest for college sports. Coaches in such institutions make an average of 3 times the salary of the institution's president or provost. This insanity causes tuitions to be raised for ALL other students to basically subsidize jocks and the athletic staff.

Finally, free tuition should be granted FIRST to students who major in fields that can readily benefit all of the taxed society....Need more doctors? Offer free tuition at medical schools; Need more information technology graduates? the same applies; Need more engineers? Same........

Free tuition must have the caveats of a student's high grades, discipline at matriculation, completion and commitment to pay back to the society that subsidized (and invested in) such free tuition.

First, right wingers should realize that throughout the civilized world, college tuition IS free

Well, if we only let the top 10% of H.S. graduates go to college, we could be more like the rest of the world.
Of course with mostly white and Asian college students, liberal's tiny heads would explode.
No more affirmative action students actually sounds like a good idea.
As expected, some right wingers on this forum are ridiculing Sanders' call for free college tuition......Of course, the low intelligence of some right wingers is legendary and, as usual, they mistake the term "free" as just another socialistic "give-away."

First, right wingers should realize that throughout the civilized world, college tuition IS free (except for books and lodging expenses.) Haw can the rest of the world do this? Simple, first one has to determine if free tuition is an investment in the most precious resource a country has....and that is a better economic future through educating its youth.

Second, YES tuition would be paid through an increase in state taxation; after all, most universities are sitting on land grants and universities' charter clearly spell out that they exist for the be betterment of the community, along with the need for both teaching and research.

Third, (and this is something that conservatives SHOULD like if they exercised their brain cells a bit more); that is, tenure for professors may be soon a thing of the past.....part-time/adjunct faculty is on the rise, and THAT should drastically cut down on the very expensive staffing of colleges and universities. The cost of a tenured professor's teaching of 2 or 3 classes could translate to the hiring of 5 part-timers to teach about 15 or so classes.

Fourth, tuition could also be drastically reduced if universities get off their insane quest for college sports. Coaches in such institutions make an average of 3 times the salary of the institution's president or provost. This insanity causes tuitions to be raised for ALL other students to basically subsidize jocks and the athletic staff.

Finally, free tuition should be granted FIRST to students who major in fields that can readily benefit all of the taxed society....Need more doctors? Offer free tuition at medical schools; Need more information technology graduates? the same applies; Need more engineers? Same........

Free tuition must have the caveats of a student's high grades, discipline at matriculation, completion and commitment to pay back to the society that subsidized (and invested in) such free tuition.

So in your world the States would pay for this, isn't that contrary to all the dem proposals?
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Before we engage in casual badinage, perhaps you should FIRST explain how such tuition would be "free".

I think that throughout my O/P I have pointed out that "free" means subsidized by taxes.....

..........many European countries like Germany already offer free college, though "free" is a relative term since tax payers absorb that cost.

But those European countries often differ greatly from the US in substantive ways. Their college enrollment percentages, for example, are much lower than in America.

Europe also traditionally has higher taxes than the US, which allows those countries to offer additional social services.

How do European countries afford free college - Business Insider
Before we engage in casual badinage, perhaps you should FIRST explain how such tuition would be "free".

I think that throughout my O/P I have pointed out that "free" means subsidized by taxes.....

..........many European countries like Germany already offer free college, though "free" is a relative term since tax payers absorb that cost.

But those European countries often differ greatly from the US in substantive ways. Their college enrollment percentages, for example, are much lower than in America.

Europe also traditionally has higher taxes than the US, which allows those countries to offer additional social services.

How do European countries afford free college - Business Insider

Then, it is not free. Other people pay for it, involuntarily.

Now that the lie is dispensed with, anything else?
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Well, if we only let the top 10% of H.S. graduates go to college, we could be more like the rest of the world.
Of course with mostly white and Asian college students, liberal's tiny heads would explode.
No more affirmative action students actually sounds like a good idea.

Well, there you go.....You can satisfy your racial animus and the rest of the country could benefit. A "win-win"?
This is the mindset that has gotten us over 200 trillion in the hole with unfunded liabilities. Nothing is ever free, someone is always paying for it. The left is so silly, they don't even understand that THEY are going to pay for it, the ones who go, and do NOT go to college in much higher tax rates. All they are actually doing is paying for it themselves through taxes FOREVER. So why not pay for it yourself now, and have a finite payment instead of an infinite payment? I know why, just as everyone else on here does.......because SOME people want it NOW, instead of working for it. They will take the permanent hit, and expect the rest of us to agree. Ummmmmmm, no! Demand the colleges lower their costs, or is that beyond the lefts scope of comprehension?
... where he tries to buy votes from young people and pay for it raising taxes "on the rich" and/or running up the debt?
Gee, who could oppose that?

Well, we ARE the party of the "big tent, after all.

BTW, how are tea partiers like you doing in attracting that Hispanic/Latino voters?
Didn't expect ANY right winger to agree with my post....Heck, most of them have never set foot on a college campus anyway. LOL
Be aware that countries that provide "free" tuition also provide comprehensive vocational training for those who do not qualify for or choose university training. So, until this country (US) recognizes that not every job requires a university degree to be viable and equitable vocational training (apprentice-journeyman-master) be instituted and recognized, we will never provide the same "free" opportunities to all.
(PS: I teach at what should be a vocational institution that was absorbed by a state university. I can vouch that not all people are intended to hold a degree but are much better suited to a vocational certification.) Where are your f**king trade unions now?

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