Free college for all? Or massive debt for all?

Betsy DeVos: Student Loan Debt Is Now A 'Crisis'

Right now we have kids going into massive debt for useless degrees. They can't pay back their loans because their education doesn't match the needs of the job market.

Yet the left wants to transfer their mistakes and financial burden to EVERY AMERICAN via taxation so that anyone and everyone can attain the same level of useless education on the tax payers dime.

No talk about restructuring our faulty education system so that it actually trains young adults for a future career. These kids spend tens of thousands of dollars on classes that, while educational, serve no purpose in real world applications and careers.

There are welders making 6 figures with only a few years of technical school training. Training that didnt include a bunch of superfluous bullshit classes.
Meanwhile there are kids with 10's of thousands of dollars of debt, useless degrees and they are waiting tables or working phone centers.

This mess is what the Democrats want to push on everyone. Now we can all pay for someone elses USELESS LIBERAL ARTS degree while they wait tables at Applebees.

One other question for the left. If the people getting these degrees can't even pay them back after school is finished what the hell makes you think it is a viable system to make it "free"?
All these Democratic candidates want free college for everyone. Which one worked for free as a professor?
All these Democratic candidates want free college for everyone. Which one worked for free as a professor?

Here's the thing.

Right now, we have Adjunct Professors on Food Stamps despite (Not because) of the fact that kids are paying exorbitant tuition.

Now, when I went to the University of Illinois at Chicago in the 1980's (Go Flames- said no one ever!), tuition was about $1500 a year for three "quarters" (Trimesters, really) and minimum wage was bout 3.65 an hour. So you could actually pay off your tuition working a minimum wage job for 10 hours a week. I didn't have to, I got scholarships through the Army, but i could have if I had to.

Today, tuition costs $17,000 a year at UIC, and minimum wage is 7.25 an hour. You basically would have to work a forty hour work week to meet just the tuition. This is why student loans have become such a crisis.

So what happened.

Well, first, states stopped funding these universities directly, they instead required them to fund themselves through tuition. So a school like UIC which was placed so that inner city kids could have a shot at a university education, not so much now. Enrollment in UIC was less than 9% African American.

Money isn't going to the professors. Instead it goes to building projects to make the university more prestigious, a kind of academic dick measuring that really doesn't improve the quality of education.

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